THE DAILY NRI1RAS K A N ; fo -4 I , it 1 ; rt-". vt' .-. v .V. T -.' ' " & ';WiwiUHiMWEaqww. ;H - 1- ... -l.. WNtvwwf mt-,1 vt, 1 wojaffMU'-oni Ki-sM'll Philip J Ralph Wood I'mil L. Martin F M Kartleck Kllicl Arnold Until Squires The Daily Nebraskan PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Office Administration Building. Lincoln, Nebrasska Telephones: lun Odin- P-ISKS Editor-HIM 8. MnnnginR Editor II 3844 Muhl Olhce P PJ04. MuhIiu'ks Manager 1)1821. Editorial Staff: Fditor-m-Chief Managing Editor C. L. REIN, KENNETH M. SNYDER Associate Editors J. L. OUTRIGHT, ELIZABETH MASON C. NEIL BROWN Cartoonist David Meeker. Photographer Fred MacDonald Scribes: K O'Hunlon Prod IL WHIb K V Lyman Howard It nittiri;er Homer Phillips I K. KroHt Clarence Spoil- II. L ('unhing Hohcil Davis Loviirt Home Society Reporters ('lain- llaidin V Mill red Seeder Iloi tense Kiuilltnati Business Staff: MnagM (' (' nmhanan Assistant Manager J L Unroll Snhsci Iptlnn T-"' pep i ar in advance. f, lenls pi i ( op Kntcicd at the poMollUe at Lincoln. N'ebiask.i, as second class innttti tiiiI i act of Countess M,(i(h :i lii7!t, IM'KSDAY. MANUI II. l' ! jpR0M p,CTURE A MFMCE CONVOCATION Hall. A' M. j COKNH USK ERS PHOTOGRAPH OF k University Band j CO fl LLION SHOWS TA i BOOED DANCES Pi .lis. . lb.. Tut In i Cnuml if ' m i. sinpii(.ii u.-Mi-iies "Ao BLLN well SECRETED "Qu.utti 1 1 om Hig.ilcita." Veidi if W.i It. "Vimuii halm iiile.m if P'orrinent Society People Would if Ut'ieiwise Have Standing Low ered With Miss LATIN CLUB ihEEriNG EnS'fln I i ii n i hi tal-n (ii , ti ii it i -Cities of Interest" to Be Discussed s, lillM ,.,, ,,.,, u . 1)k(n T0"ight l.-lusrelv . Hit, Com. husk, , ,.,. '1'he Latin club sill m. et Tues,;i .,.,,,, . ,i . i i e.iiiHcii t (ii, ,ri'i .i li- ( (iiiililt'in Snlui evening at 17UX South Tmh( sixth ,, , ,, ,, ii. e who -aw the pi(tu ,t :tt i , ( street. The prpgiuin vs. 1 1 1 tie "Cities1 . "HH' n tini i i l.iic t i .iiii i- v . i of," and in Indes th- tollou ,, ,, , . ', I' iliu 1 1 ili il tln'i . a i i it w; s i ing manlier. ' .... ' Hi.iK-j' it irnghr .. ineii'iiii ,i Milan . , I ; .-1 1 1 , . i ah in .ir.iin t a i-- (in 1 "c M ellea i . M.lV l.'-elll.ijn , . . Naplt ' i ; , Kdlth Pa 1 1 ish , ,,, ,, , ., ''" l'K ' '" ,J'1" ' H"i n'lt'ii,, i I'lt'teiu c ., ,. Hael Sliue , , " ' . ' I. II, III , . ,! I ., . ..., I ,, . . .. .A .... I. '-..ii,, i, , i '" '" ' 1.1.(1111 ,il IIM Mill . ,. I', dilh 1 lanii'i il ' , I 1 I . ' ul. .Ml. . ..,.1.1 .. 1. . 1 I . . I - ..... . 1 , ' ". .Il' UN . I I I ( 1 I ' J I - I 11 lilt Illlls ;ij , I't'OMtJ'Hlvil t'l 111.1 inn pninriplii. i to ,n.iw in lli i 'ii1' nor euiiid In- ne( ,in siii. WAR SCAR t". A HOAX t.n ,n,., n,, ,, n,.. c,. ,,,),, k(l ,,,,, ,, ' i hat n ins ittii l ii-ii,ini i in i i M Rumely Enginr Cousrs Visions o( the si.diii'iu ii ili.- t,,i'n -.,, . , p i 1 Inswric etion in Mexico i, ,,i m, il ih, book ... ,,,, ,,, lv ision of ,i i .m uluf mn hi ,i I' i I'" -'''I' ih.- pi ii ,11 , ' M.i Ik. in ii pi I- ng i si i i ,,i ' ii t I'd tli" I1"- 'ii' i.. i 1 1 ' ' "I t h ( hi nliu lu'i noililing I.tU' iioin th 1. t!,iif; "' "' " "' H"' i' i t In ii ' o'i loi 1 (las, I i i in i i u . Ii. ainpi" from the smnli. ,,m i iiu ih SOIIIIll Ol ,1 Ml, II l I II ll ,(, n! Mil lollouill l) lili i ,i ii imli.idlliK in ill' .hsiaiu.- C.t.idialh ih- tin ri.u loii.l " ' " ' '' '"'I'll, i ..In. h h.,s I,,,,, . r .uwl li. u.iiinm. i.i.ii. I in ii. .mi ' ' "" ": l""i- " Hi- sum. sh pi,iiiiiltv-- ' ' "' ,,,: ' '" nhuski i ii. is niNsi.n iiiiiMrM yrv imi .iimind tin- "U"U ''' 1IM".m,'iI iiom the Cninhusk ilis, --Vtle (mills to M.'XHO was thr ' "' ' ' 'I' IU collegi null ,iAir p.i.t up th.- stic.-t vlth auni. .- i ni.iiiii.nii. .1 Inn- .mil tin .liininie MiCill .it tin- wheil ijinr lllin' mi. in mn. l i, iiiissimk Ihmii 'he plowing ,i Uuuieh nil pull engine, I sh.'ll Me l.dii.u will .ippi e i.ii. tin who.s'- v t I siipph lit g.tsidlne i iiused il ill. Ki-,iii who lus 1 1 1 i . hook r?i Arrow Notch COLLARS THG nGLMONT STYLB IN TOUR HEIGHTS GLASGOW 2H In. BELMONT 2H In. MEOORA 2", In. CMPSTER 2 In. 2 for ?5 ct. Ci UETT, PE ABODY & CO., Mlar9 University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Veiiii'i 11 pi est 111 ;: ;;;,: 1 9 1 3 yearbook lost t he i i Icln ,il Win ' I ill i i ' in ii ll OXFORDS FOR WOMEN WHO CARE $5.00 and $4.00 Values, $2.50 and $2.95 1 P STAIRS BUDD 1415 O STREET '- '-C 'A A KE& i BWC (Ut-AK iJEV"- ? A Regular All- University Affair UNIVERSITY NIGHT WAS THE "HIT" OF THE SEASON. WHEN the rainy season 'JUTS" Lin coln, many men will be raincoatless. Fest you be in I hat class visit regular raincoat Store and be ready. . full line of slip-ons, raylans. and Lktber dines -Coats combining the merits of a rain coat and a light overcoat, in prices ranging from $5 to $25. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO, Good Clothes Merchants Home Made Bread Six Loafs for 25c CO( )EJES PIES CV 1 KES M i Give us your next order for Punch. We know we can suit you both in quality and m pfice We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD Re FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Fountain Pens. $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c eJhist a7$dyty 2ZZ3 rZ VWir v .-j-w imr. l j w fl I II The Evans DO )()l A1 ll.l.S.(, WHITMAN'S CLASSY ANDY' ' ,' Meier Drug,?' Co. 13 HI AM C Sl't"'- . . ..,,.',, 'y. imfc'ffiBsr- ' "" """ ir iff tie -v A '. . " 1,. , 1 j i.-j 1' 1 . '.;..! u '.' n i -' . ." 1 1 s i -- u 1 "I TUT