Xlhe H)ath IFlebrashan Vol. XII. No. 104 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1913 Price 5 Cents o BEST EVER PRODUCED SCHOOL ORGANIZATIONS UNDER DIRECTION OF Y. M. C. A. DE VELOPED FINISHED SHOW. ENTIRE OLIVER IS CROWDED Thought to Be the Largest Number of Students Ever Gathered To gether In History of University. Before an overly large crowd that more than filled the three floors of the Oliver, tho amateur theatricals of , University Night .again showed them; solves a bigger drawing card than ver. The various acts were carried out without &ny serious cases of for- ' Betfulnees, tipping scenery, or stage fright, and each proved well worth the undertaking. After the band, Glee club and Man dolin club had rendered selections that drew totth many rounds of ap plause, the Literary societies gave a moat realistic representation of the initiation of our country cousins into the ways of the college lads and lassies. The Agricultural club gave a picture of the Industry and erudition that characterizes tho inside of a country store and took a good shot at the college lecturing as the student often sees it, when they presented the farmers with a professional talk that not only "was supposed to put the farm ers to sleep but actually was given in such a very realistic manner as to work upon the patience of the audi ence, as it quite frequently does upon those who are forced to listen to such neveral times a day instead of once a year. The Foresters gave a good idea of how practical the language sounds, and the practical workings of professional learning look to tholalty by show ing the mental and linguistic efforts of Beveral colIeeDJcotesaors and, the manual efforts of a gang of union men required in raising a pole from n horizontal to a perpendicular posi tion. In connection with the" Forester's act, Mr. Rldgeley Chaplin drew forth the appreciation of the audience in an impersonation of Chancellor Avery that in faolal expression, poise and in flection likeness was realistic to per fection. The only exception to an al most absolute likeness was found In the fact that perhaps the logic of his speech was not quite equal to that of the chancellor, even though on a subject that may have made it sound more so to some people. The Military .department gave a ty pical and comical picture of camp life. Perhaps tho act deserving the most favorable mention was that of tho Inter-fraternity songsters in which was showu more ability and less natural amateur awkwardness than in any other. Miss Ruth Malone's singing was the most finished work of the evening and was of course far above the accompanying amateur work. The work -of Mr.rAmmorman in the rolo-of the Yldisha comedian was well worthy (Contlnuod on Pago 4.) JAYHAWKS DROP FIRST OF SERIES Playing to a crowd smaller than the usual, the Cornhusker quintet last night took from tho Jayhawker five the first of the series of games for tho championship of the Missouri Valley. Tho game was the fastest which has been played hero this season, and there were moments when tho little band of rooters got thrills enough to cause near heart failure. Tho tenement-dwellers excelled the Southerners in passing and goal-shooting, while the Kansas men were able to keep their roughness within tho referees' rul ings. For the Huskers, Carrier and Haskell wore the stars, and Sproul for the visitors was tho stellar artist Seymour, the referee, was Inclined to tavor a strict interpretation of tho rules, and refused to let tho Huskers stray from the straight and narrow path, all of which made the crowd thirst for blood and gore. Stlehm's men appeared on the floor promptly at 8 o'clock and were tollowed In a few minutes by tho Southerners. While they warmed up, the Immense crowd began to fill the Beats by ones and twoB. Referee Sey mour blow his whistle at 8:30 and the game started with a whirl which carried the ball back and forth to tho Kansas goal. They failed to locato the basket from the start, missing on two good chances. The referee called a foul on Haskell which operation he found so easy that he continued Bald btunt throughout the game. Kansas miBsed a goal as they did a moment Inter on a free throw caused by a foul on Underwood. HIGH SCHOOLSPLAY SOON YOUNG HU8KIE8 FROM ALL OVER 8TATE UNITE IN PUTTING ON BIG ATHLETIC ATTRACTION 350 TEAMS WILL COMPETE Some of the Fastest Games Ever 8ecn at Nebraska Predicted by Boost ers of Various Teams. With every detail completed, ev erything Is In readiness for the ar rival of the 349 high school athlotes, representing forty-five different high schools in the third annual high school basketball tournament. Tho tourna ment starts Thursday afternoon of this week and is without doubt tho largest over hold on the local floor. The teams are oxpected to arrive Wednesday for the tournament and will be accommodated at tho various hoteh., who have made special rates for the occasion. It has been the cus tom In formei years for the different fraternities to entertain tho youthful athletes but since the numbers have After a period of passing on both sides, enlivened by fouls on the part so Increased that this is impossible. of Hawkins and Weaver which netted each side one point, Carrier threw the first field goal. The CornhUBkers fell Into their stride and showed the visitors some wonderful passing and ended by Underwood caging the ball. This was followed almost immediately by one from Sproul. Haskell made a free throw and followed it with a field goal. A series of long quick and accurate passes on both sides Interspersed with several trials for the baskets was ended by Underwood who made a clean throw from fleld. Stryker here gave the fans an exhibition of pretty work but his shots were hoodooed, the ball even running around the rim several times before falling out. The KaoBans netted a point on a foul by Haskell and brought the score up to 10-4 lb favor of Nebraska. The remainder of the half was played at top speed and ended with the score of 18-11 In tho Huskers favor. Hyde took the place of Hawklas just before time was called. After a ten minute rest the teams again faced eaoh other with no further change in the lineup. The first event was a foul on Nebraska. Hyde and his gentle style of playing seemed to worry the Jayhawkers considerably just about this time. The two teams alternated in throwing goals and caus ing fouls fpr some few mJauJjeBvvhon.Carrleicttloo80 witlrthe prettiest gOfcV of the entire game and brought the score up to 26-15 wKfe the northerners in the lead. Stryker had some more hard luck and was unable to cage the sphere in several attempts. Underwood brought In another two points juat after Haskell. Hyde and Sproul drew a double foul which added a point' w has also been nlunned to have & to the score on both Bides and made It 30-19. Carrier again hit the lime J reception committee of about fifty to light by taking the ball off all by himself and putting It through the hoop, j UHBiHl the visitors while they are The championship team will be awarded with a large silver cup, which Is on exhibition in the window of the donnors, Tucker and Shean. The cup was won last jear by tho fast Omaha aggregation and it is likely that they will put up a btrong fight for it again this year. The team winning second place in the meet Is to receive & large silk banner. The members of the two winning teams are to receive Individ ual medals for their valiant services. The officials for the meet kve been chosen from a list of men who know the game. They are an experienced lot of men who have seen service on many floors. The list contains the following: Sam Carrier, Hird Stryker, Earl Hawkins, 'C. A? Meier, ('has Meyers, Ben Beck, C. ('. Underwood, Augie Schmidt, M. O. Hanzlik, Art Hiltner, Sam Waugh, O. FruiiK. Howard took Hyde's place after the referee gave Kansas a free throw lor an alleged tripping by Hyde. Haskell and Underwood brought the score to 35-20. Boehm took the place of Weaver at center. Howard took the ball down the field for a goal which made up for the free throw of Kansas at his ex pense. Smith went in for Hite, and shortly thereafter Meyer for Stryker. K. U. made one more field goal and Haskell brought the score up to 40-20 where It was shown when the whistle blew for time. Today's game will be played at Lawrence and on its outcome will de pend a third game to be played at Manhattan if It is necessary to play off a tie. The Jayhawkers will see a wonder game tonight If the two teams play up to their last night's standard. The following was the lineup: NEBRASKA: KANSAS: Underwood R. F, Hltq Haskell L. F Sproul Stryker C. Weaver Hawkins R. G. Oreenlees, (Capt.) Carrier (Capt.) L. Q Dunmlre Subs: Hyde for Hawkins; Howard for Hyde; Meyers for Strykers. Kan sas Smith for Hlte; Boehm for Weaver. Field Ooals Haskell 6, Carrier 4, Underwood 4, Stryker 1, Howard 1, Sproul 3, Weaver 2, Hite 1, Oreenless 1. Free Throws Haskell 8, Sproul 9, Hite 2. guests of the University. Art May Is chairman of the committee and the fol lowing men have been selected to as sist him. Wiley, E. Frank. Bacho rltch, Swauson W. Howard, Rodman, Spier, Owen, Roberts, Israel, Halligan, Llndstrum, Reavls, Towle, Dick West over, It. Smith, Gordon Beck, Ross, Mulligan, Becker, S. Bryan, Philip, Blttnger Shields, Racely, Allen, Long, Cotton, Wirt, Zumwlnkel, Coffee, Cut right W. Randall, Geo. Armstrong O. Williams, H. Potter, Goner, Epper son, Rein, Reese, Rutherford, RIddell, M. Reed, G. Goodman. GERMAN DRAMATIC CLUB NOTICE. The German Dramatic club banquet will be at the Lincoln hotel, Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock. It is important that very one be there promptly at that time. V -