The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 06, 1913, Image 4

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    'W'fi'r ft
However, New Shipment to Museum
Shows That Present Day Natives
H.ive Acquired Ylnnner Br.ur
Tho collection of tlii' It Inwlcd .'J
man f-kullh In the miineum has a valu
able addition which came in over Sun-
clay J K Wallace brought in Home
Bkullb from Florence and IJellevuo.
They are of the name type an those
which aroused such Interest and con ,
troversy in scientific circles a few,
years ago As they are probably ,
bones of the most ancient type or
man of the new world they are con
sidered an Important shipment. The :
skulls are several times the thickness
of the skull of modern man.
(Continued from Pago Two) .
ruleb. What Is the inducement to do
so9 The lraternity that is honest
enough to keep the rulings of the
council is the ery fraternity that, by
reason of its honesty, is going to bo
the loser to the enrichment of the
unscrupulous one. And as for penal
ization by the council, a demand for
such would be little more than a re
vjuest to a council of law-breakers to
Iunlhh themselves for breaking self
imposed laws.
A b no means neglible objection to
semester pledging is the undesirable
inlerfiatei nit sentiment that will be
created When at the present one
-ueek of (ompetition succeeds in de
veloping distinct feudal feelings that
are not soon quelled, a similar length
ned peiiod will almost necessaiily
Teate an .uiiinosits between Individ
nals and 01 gani.ations that will be
no aid to the much desired unified
Nebraska spiiit, and that will do much
toward (let i acting from the pleasant
ness of school lite Such hostility
(with all due consideration of the
possible natural jealousies involved)
was a noticeable result of last semes
ter's trial and produced a host of new
words in the feminine vocabulary for
connoting the feline characteristics of
opposing sororities.
It is indeed time that those in
nuthoiity should be waking up to the
facts that the fraternities are as anx
ious as the faculty, not only that their
members be initiated, but that they
remain in school to take their degrees,1
and the Maternities in the long run,
will meet scholastic requirements un
hampered l long period rushing re
strictions Oui pn sent rushing har
ness is a subject of wonder to isitors
from Minnesota, Colorado, Kansas,
Missouri and other schools in many of
which men maj be pledged, if desir
nble, in their swaddling clothes
What the fraternities need are fewer
and less complex rushing rules with
less opportunity for law-breaking and
less foolish and threatened penaliza
tion that gives the unscrupulous fra
ternity the advantage.
Not by the Editor.
Stunts To Be Presented By All Uni
versity Organizations on
University Night.
The third annual burlesque of the
student and faculty life of the Uni
versity will be presented for their ap
proval next Saturday night at the
Temple theater The admission will
be by tickets but no charge will be
made for these, the only restriction
being that "every child must have a
ticket " lTniv( rsity night was started
as a custom during the spring of 1911
and ( ach year since the various
school organizations have amused
their friends with satire and caustic
wit at the expense of the faculty and
prominent members of the student
The exact Older of events for Sat
urday night is not known as yet, but
"Turp" Frank who is in charge of
af fail s and master of ceremonies as
sines us that it will surpass and out
rank any pi e ions show both in the
wealth and originalty of features
(Continued from Page 1 )
edltois must continue to receive most
of their support from father.
Salaries tor the editorial staff of
the Cornhusker also came in for much
consideration Inasmuch as the edi
tors ol the Cornhusker were selected
undei an implied understanding that
thes would gel credit for their work,
a committee was appointed to sign
with the I ashless manager a con
tract lor the payment of editois on
some '-oil ol a (ontingenej basis.
Action on the application of the
Augwan to onie under the consti
tuted regulations for student papers
was defeiud until it could be learned
how that sheet expects to come out
lin.inciallj by the end of this semes
ter. The meeting concluded with the re
peal of the Hoard's power to ask of
the Regents that credit be given for
mi) work on any student publication
Freshmen as well as older students
will reecho a hearty welcome, courte
ous treatment, and the best of service
at Green's Iiarber Shop and Hathhouse,
20 N. 11th St Adv.
Preserve Your College Work I !
All individual pictures of coniinls
sdonod officers and first sergeants
must be in the hands of the military
editor of the Cornhusker by Satur
day, March 15.
Today would be a good time
( have your picture taken for
c 1913 Cornhusker.
The I,. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter
is invaluable to college students who
want a record of their college work af
ter graduation.
Wo give special attention to the
needs of students. We have typewrit
ers to rent, as well as to sell. A few
rebuilt machines at a bargain.
L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter
125 North 13th Street
made to your measure, you see the vast dif
ference between merchant tailored and ready
made. Our way costs no more. Be sure
to see our line first.
College Tailors
College View
Phone B-0-X-48W
University School of Music
Established 1894
Thorough instruction by modern methods in all
branches of music, practical and theoretical.
Pianoforte Voice
Pipe Organ Violin
All Wind Instruments
Public School Music
Apply for information to
WILLARD KIMBALL, Director - - - 11th and R Sts.
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Who Will be Seen in Her Latest Success
"THE LOVE AFFAIR" the OLIVER Tonight & Friday
Meier Drug Co.
Is the best, cleanest, and quickest
place to eat in the city.
13th and O St
' ' r-
i ' '
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