The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 06, 1913, Image 2

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T II 10 DAI L Y N 10 H K A S K A N
2ft I 7VT rv U i tt it 1 shaking the Htnblllty of such argu
i3Utiy XNVUl uBKuU',u,iH by sliowlng that the old sys-
" tern is equally efficacious in produc-
TIIK UNIVliHSITY Ol' NKHItASKA. ' P H,1(,h conditions that the frater
Minoln I nities arc a very active factor In stl
miilating scholastic activity among
their neophytes lor the sake of the
f .mi I ., r ii 1 1 v' - (linl tlwi ncrritlum III
Managing Kditor Kenneth M. Snyder ,,'.',, ,, ,
Associate Kditor John L Cutright ""'l by tne short rushing season is
Associate Kditor ('. Nell Drown soon limlnted hy the well known mi
"Associate Kditor Kllzabeth MaBon peasant realities that characterize
(' j HK1N
Kditor In-Chief
Literary Kditor.
Chandler Trim hie
the tli st Near ol fraternity life that
business Manager .' C Buchanan the leng lushing season gives the
Assistant Manager I. L. Drlscoll rHh((1 ., ol,K,M- u,m. j which to dote
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2 PER YEAR limm )1h ()wn ,prtH,iC,. and to make
Payable In Advance his c uiggerated self respect become
OingiC OpiCH, a VCllin iv-n.
n iooo Ml.rl. f Plinno Tl-4204
-u-iooo. nib'"' "u"v "
moie deep-rooted -that the fraternl
ties will no more seek the studious,
iuv.u ii i"". "0 .. I.....1 I,.,.. II,.. .iff. ,1,1,, !,,., u.. .,( mill
Kditor n 1518 Manager izr '...-, "" " . i" "
, -- " . ,, well appealing men under the new
Entered at the postotnee at Lincoln, ... . ,. . , .. , ,.
Nebraska, as second class mall matter, syHle-, than under the old- that the
undor the Act of Congress of March 3, treshnuin will be no more anxious to
The first trial cr semester pledging
as a matter of experience at Nebraska
came to a close with the recent de
layed pledging among tin- local soror
Hies. Since that time it has been a
matter of wondering speculation In
the Hellenic world as to whether the
projectors ol the new s.vstem are et
so satisfied not onl with the thcor.v
but with what the have seen of Un
practical denunciation ol the system
that they Intend to impose it lurtln-i
upon the sororities. ; was done this
ear, and to institute it among th"
fraternities, as planned m -.i.ii' with
the beginning of next i ,u
Whatever may hae hoi n the sinU
inent of the Creeks previous to tin
trial ol seinestt r pledging last seines
ter, It is no exaggeration to say that
pass I is required hours to be pledged
than he is under the present system
to h initiated and that, all things
considered, a long period before pledg
will pioduce no more benefits to
either partv than the old s.vstem -with
a disiegard of such tacts, the
fiatei allies oppose semester pledging
on oilier grc uiids that it will be small
impro-, eiiient, if any at all, oer en
UaiHi pledging
l-'ra einities oppose the pioposed
sslein bec.illse tile bllldells and (lilll
(iiltii imposed upon the fiatei nitic s
both in their individual and coipo
i. lie .ap. nines an- of such magnitu
miK us import.ini e as c-ninpaied with
tin I'ght lilt llliate beiielit-, rec el ed
as io wariant .in nieasui's that mav
be tal n to cn aile t hem
It cannot be disputed t ;t i - ni
lialeillllN expense will Ik llKHilsnl
nuinilc Id b reason ol the constant
financial diain, imposed i the de
mand for ( xtended and elaboiate en
that at the nresent time almost the en
SOroritV 'eliainmeui ol uie i mice ;uiu simiu
lated by the keen competition that is
factor in rushing The
tire active fraternity
population is absolutely and posit h eh
..innu.wl In uumtiulur llll'dl'lm' !1K It I'V il HCCCSSarN
ists under the present rules and that individual Greek, likewise, will be mi
a very largo majority of them are
dor constant obligations to spend time
i r I .. ..1,1 .... I .. 1 .,.,(.,..(., In ,
similarly opposed to any system that 1"11 " ,l" "" -n.i.w..--
inent and aid to tlie new men. lime
requires a moro extended rushing sea
son than has been customary in pre
vious years. That the sororities are
sincere In their opposition to the m-w
plan, both in its theory and practict
will not only be necessary in the
actual rushing, but constant specula
tion as to the prospects on either
side, the extra work required for the
is apparent from the disgusted tones loil '".slung season, the more pre
and emphatically antagonistic lan
guage' with which the average sototitv
tenticus pieparation for competitive
rushing events and the constant Nvorry
....,i ;.. ii.i .,..,,,.,.,.., ..n ,. oiii.iwl
girl will express her disapproval of """" '"" '"-'""'
ruMimg win ne no lnsignincaiH iac
lor in bringing down the scholarship
last semester's melee Such individual
expression took collective torm in the
withdrawal ol one soroiitv, and the
threatened withdrawal ol several
others fiom the inter soi only conn
ell as a result ol the unbearable on
ditions pioduced bv the new s.vstem
That the fraternities aie equallv
antagonistic is evident lioih the tact
that a more or less extended and in
tense inside discussion has expressed ,,lni ,lu'ir mention to scholastic de
mands thereafter; under the new sys
tem, the latter will become for a
itself in a premature rumored inten
tion of several fraternities to evade
the in w riucs hy retiring from the Inter-fraternity
council. That the fra
ternities do not want the new system
and intend to do all possible to dls-r
courage its Institution in the present
form, any casual discussion with a
Creek will disclose. ,
We serve the purest and
best HOT and COLD Re
FRESHMENTS in the city
Huyler's Chocolates
$1.00 Fountain Pens
$1.00 Safety Razors
Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c
standards 01 active mernbe-H and mak
mg the lirst semester of each year a
tune for the devotion to fraternity
demands lather than to study re
il.ll einents
Underthe present systems, a week or
two at the beginning settles affairs
foi the year and individuals may
great many a minor issue to be sacri
ficed lor a semester to fraternal am
bit Ions
Such a picture, it may be said, is
an exaggeration; the fraternities and
rushees will simply go on as usual
in their quiet manner, each, with the
Thm onm,li;ir iwi,in. ,.,., . exception of mutual inspection and
limited extent, fulfill the purposes ln.' occasional entertainments, letting the
tended by its advocates cannot be do-' other u,onc- Hut they w n ' l ! An '
nled. The supporters of the plan con! insight into the Pre8et convictions
tend that by keeping the freshman ' of Maternities will disclose the fact
disentangled from fraternity interests! lhat no 'eternity is going to take
during his first semester, ho will notltho cllu,lc of "loosing out," so to
speak, for tho sake of playing fair. It I
is safe to say that oven at so early i
a time as tho present few fraternities'
have a sincere intention of keeping!
be idolized and lauded into such
egotistical beliefs as the short rush
ing oeason inspire and will led to
devote his time moro thoroughly to
scholastic pursuits. Refraining from
(Continued on Page 4.)
W wrwTiT-w-i'irncMr flM
We Have Inaugurated
A Campaign which will place the
Peerless Suits of the Clothing World
on the backs of the men of Lincoln
Hart Schaffner & Marx and Hirsh
Wickwire. If you have ever worn one
ot these suits you will admit that for
style, finish and wear it was the
We invite your inspection of the
Best Spring Showing of Clothes we
have ever madethe best you will see
in Lincoln-and let us help you select
that Easter Suit
Armstrong Clothing Co.
Good Clothes Merchants
2026 O St.
Puritan Ice Cream Co,
H. C. HATHAWAY, Propr.
Our products consist of i e creams, ices, sheibeits, punch and
all those special delicacies known to the ice cream trade.
They are made in a modern, sanitary factory, every department
of which is under the nersonal sunervision of the proprietor
People who have tried our products award them the place of
highest merit.
Note. Our retail department will furnish complete party service.
The Puritan Ice Cream Company
H. C. HATHAWAY, Propr.
Phone: B-6152 2026 "0" STREET
"The Company of Guaranteed Service"