The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 05, 1913, Image 1
r-T, .uMmarun) tun -:. Ibe S)ath IRebraekan Vol. XII. No. 99 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1913 Price 5 Cents tuwnuiU JAYHAWKS ARF. SLOW KANSAS MANAGEMENT HOLDS BACK ARRANGEMENTS FOR CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES DATE PROBABLY NEXT WEEK Win Be the Best Game of Basketball Ever Seen on Armory Floor as Both Teams are Extreme ly Fast. The championship scries of basket ball games with the University of Kansas will be plajed off in the course ol two weeks according to Coach Stichm. At present all negotiations are being held up by Kansas officials who have failed to telegraph the Ne braska management and arrange for the dates of the series. When they do send in their preference of dates, three games will be scheduled and by mutual agreement ol the two schools the team winning two out of the thiee will be ghen the coveted chain pionship. Prom the Mle ot game which the Cornluiskers hae been putting up in their last he or six contests it would seem that they were the fa vorites in the race for first place in the alley but the Jayhawkers have an equally good record and have shown up especialh well in their last lew games. Up till the last week in February. Washington college at Saint Louis held the upper hand in the southern division with Missouri in second place. The Jayhawkers realizing what they were up against, took a brace and on the trip which they took into Missouri they defeated Washing ton in two ery close games and man aged to split even with t lie Tigers, thereby clinching the pennant in the southern division. In spite of the Kansan's good rec ord the Cornhuskers should have lit tle or no fear of them The machine like work ot Stiebm's proteges has been almost perfect in every contest i which has been staged and their won derful floor work has completely be wildered every team which they have encountered with the exception of the imincible Gophers. Every individual on the squad, of seven, is a finished basketball player so that the loss of one or two men during" the game does not curtail in the least the team work. Clint Underwood ranks first in in dividual records, having 8 goals to hiq credit against which his oppo nents have tossed only 4 which gives him a surplus of 3-i. Haskell is sec ond with a surplus of 31 and Carrier and Stryker third and fourth with 22 and 17 'goals, respectively. Only seven men will be eligible for letters this year. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW what are vol c,oic, to do Miner most DEFICITS? WIhmv arc those hundreds ot dollars coining from which the prom and play committees of the two upper classes threw away two weeks ao in useless extrava gance ARE THEY OOI( TO RE 1 1 I RMD AS HA YE SO .l.l XY EAST CLASS DEIITS Are they to stand on the record of both classes as a hujic unerased blotch? That is what those members of the class who had no say on the spending of this money would like to know. That is what the student both of the I'niversitN of Nebraska DE 1 I DS be made clear to them. Lieutenant ISowman of the Military department tells us that at West Point, I he oul-;oiii; classes see to it that even t he personal debts of their members a re set t le 1 in full, much less the debts of the class itself. Tor this reason any West I'oint man can obtain unlimited credit upon his mere ident ily. Mow much credit will the students and organizations of Nebraska posses if they leave very many debts like lliese to mark their path? II : II Ol ED LIKE TO A Oil AGREE TO EXTENSION BOARD OF REQENT8 DECIDES THAT EFFORT TO THWART WILL OF LEGISLATURE 18 U8ELE88. WILL UNITE FOR SCHOOL'S GOOD Regents Will Use Part of Appropria tion for Permanent Expansion at 8tate Farm as Has Been Case In Past. .1 UNIVERSITY STUNT NIGHT UNIVERSITY NAME NOT TO BE COMES NEXT SATURDAY USED BY PRIVATE ENTERPRISE Resolutions adopted by Board of Regents. "The governor in his message to the legislature disapproved of the plan to remove tho university to the Farm campus and recommended the devel opment of the present campus. Tho house by a decisive vote has defeated the r inoval bill and passed the cam pus extension bill. Under the con stitution the house is the branch of the legislature in which all revenue measures originate The removal bill Is a icvenue measure, and the action ol the house lepresents the final de cision of the body that Is entrusted with the power to initiate revenue legislation The Hoaid of Regents in its ofllcial report to the legislature submitted both plans, though expressing a pre ference for removal it a special build- ( Continued on I'age i ) Juniors and seniors who have not yet selected their proofs for the 1913 CornhUBker must see Mr. Townsen( at once. Admission Will Be Free But Tickets Must Be Obtained Before the Event Will Not Be Crowd ed This Year. i University night will be held at the Temple theater on next Saturday night. This is an annual stunt night , in which are represented organiza tions of the school, and is given pri inarily for the benefit of the students Tickets for this entertainment can only be obtained at the lobby of the Temple, some time this week These tickets are free but are required for admission as there will not be room for any but University students. The doors will be open early so the first there will ,"et the best seats This year the following organiza tions will be represented, Engineers, C.lee Club, Mandolin Club, the vari ous fraternities, Agriculture Club, the Literary societies, Forest Club and the military department. WILL HAVE GOLF TEAM Nebraska Will Be Represented In Intercollegiate Tournament All Interested See Stlehm. An Intercollegiate Qolf Association has been formed which includes the Universities of Minnesota, Illinois, Michigan, Iowa and Nebraska. The association intends holding several tournaments in the early spring and summer. A team will be sent from Nebraska and all those interested should see Coach Stiehm not latei than April the first. Bill Directed Against University I School of Music Is Introduced Before Legislature. I A bill to prevent the use of the name I of the University in advertising any 1 private matter was yesterday recom- 1 mended for passage in the house. This is primarily for the purpose of causing the University School ot Music, located opposite the campus to abandon the name under which it was incorporated. Representative ! llasik introduced the bill and showed a petition supposedly signed by thirty music teachers, but declared by Mr. I Williard Kimball, of the University School of Music, to be made up of I bank clerks, merchants, students and others unqualified to teach music j The bill was admitted in the house to originate from strife between two rival music schools, the University School of Music and the Lincoln Mus ical College, which is run by It. T. Rhine, a former employe of Mr. Kim ball. Mr. Rhine claims that the name of the University School of Music is misleading to many prospective stu dents of that school, expecting that they are going to be enrolled In the University of Nebraska, but the cata logue of the school contains nothing that could be taken as saying that the school is connected with the Uni versity. Some twenty years ago Mr. Kim ball, acording to his statements, was asked by the regents of the Unlver- (Continued on Page 4.) CO-EDS WIN IN DEBATE Western College Girls Exhibit De bating Skill Californlans Estab lish Record Again Oregons. In the far west the co-eds, as well as the men, have an opportunity to exhibit their skill in debating. In Oregon, California and Washington there are women's intercollegiate de bating, leagues At the recent preli minary tryouts in California, ten pos sible debaters were ( hosen The immi gration question was used for the try out, .is this will be the subject for debate both with Whitman and Ore gon The California women have a record now, of two debates won, and one lost during the three years that they hae met Oregon. Notice. Mrs Avery was to be t home to Miss Burner, national Y. W. C. A. sec retary, today. Tho party is post poned until Friday at 2:30 o'clock. Meeting of tho sophomore class In the Armory at 11:30 Thursday. Elec tion of minor officers. EARL JACKSON. Naturlich! Naturlich!! Naturlich geht Jedermann -- it Freltag ins Temple Theater. if Kommen Sie und bringen Sie if Ihre Preunde mit. - . i h m i -1 i ' v S! H V ' r 'A ---., !,-'.; F'l B V!