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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1913)
KxftiS&X&EftffEQSnRltSVtlttMMMiiMNVCta MftjBi T II E DAILY NEIIRA S K A N DEBATING LEAGUE CONTESTS CONTINUE REGULARLY Number of Professors and Lincoln Lawyers Act as Judges Over the State. Tlic following (lcl)atcH took place last wnliiK undei the auHpiceB of the High School Doha tint; League Kant-Central -Sterling-Teachers Col lege, High School at Sterling Northern- O'Nelll-AlnBworth at O'Neill Valentine-Atkinson at Valentino North Central - Norfolk-Madison at Norfolk Southern Kdgar-Superlor at Edgar. Southeastern Auburn-Falls City at Auburn South western McCook-Uolbrook at McCook Trenton-Stratton at Trenton West-Central Sargont-Ord at Sargent Mema-Rroken How at Hroken Bow Of the foregoing contests, together with one to be held UiIb evening at Diller. three will be Judged by profes sors and KtudentH from tho Univer sity The debate at Diller between Diller and Fairbury will bo decided by Judge A, S Tibbets of Lincoln, Principal V I, MayH of Lincoln High School and C L Rein of tho Law Col lege The Auburn-Falls City conteBt will be judged by Professor A S. randy, Principal C V. Taylor of tho Teachers College High School and Guy Kiddoo of tho Law School Ralph Gar rett and Harold l'rince will help de cide the contest at McCook between McCook and Holbrook Professor V C Hrenke of the mathematics depart ment, Orin Stepanek, asBistant of the rhetoric department, and Harry Hurtia of the Teachers' College will be the judges of the Sterling-Teachers' Col lege at Sterling. a BIG GAME HUNTERS' FIRST Choice tn Bin cnouah for the biggest game of North America. STEVENS High Power" Renaxitincr Rifle No. 425. List Price - $20.00 .Z5-.30-30-.32 and .35 calibers Uo Rem. Auto-Loading Cartridges SUREFIRE NO BALKS MO JAMS Our "High Power"- Riiica also fur nished in fancy grades. Art your DaJr. Sond fbr handsome, new nine Cauiojr I. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY, P. O. Box 5004 CHICOPEE FALLS, MASSACHUSETTS tj J K"- tAt Today would bo a good time it to havo your picture taken for a the 1913 Cornhusker. - Did you receive one of the prizes last week in the reat sale? GET A PRIZE THIS WEEK AT The UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE 340 N. 11th Street RETURN FOR THE BANQUET Out-of-Town Alpha Phis Come Back for Banquet Saturday Night. Hutu Haller, Louise Stogner, Edna Sweeloy, Grace Ryan and Ruth Thomp son of Omaha, Flizabeth Parkinson of Council Muffs. (Iladys Sitnpkins of Kairbury, Marie Douglas of IMatts mouth. Francos Nolan of Alliance and Mrs Howard McMonies of Lyons, are here for the lpha l'hi banquet tonight CLASSIFIED COLUMN SPALDING'S Sporting Goods Are Hard to Beat So are our ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES H. Reusch, 8 So. 2th i HE MOMENT YOU PUT OA CLOTHES made to your measure, you see the vast dif ference between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Be sure to see our line first. I College Tailors College View Phone B-0-X-48W Ensign Omnibus and Transfer Co. Never close! Day or night Service and reliability our aim If in need of a cab call ENSIGN Give your call for baggage No waiting or worrying then. Phone B 2303 Office. 221 So. 11th St Home Made Baked Goods Cookies, Pies, Cakes, Holsum Bread, Fancy Pastries C" Cafe Open after the Shows with "Good Things to Eat" 1325-31 N STREET I! "N" HOOK with data valuable only to owner Finder please return to this office. LOST A fraternity pin. Crescent and sciiniter with owner's name on back. Finder call Auto 1J-2G83 Cleaning Pressing Repairing NEATLY DONE Y. M. C. A. TAILORS In the Basement THE NEW MODEL, NUMBER FIVE L. C. Smith & Bros TYPEWRITERS Ball Bearing Long Wearing HAVE YOU EXAMINED ONE? More L. C. Smith Typewriters used by the University of Nebraska than all other makes combined. Just the result of a careful and thorough test. Call and see one of the new models. If you do not find time to call, drop a canMor the booklet. During the past few months we have secured as part payment on new L. C. Smqh typewriters sold, a large number of other makes, many good as new. These will be sold for One-fourth to One-half original cost. Certainly some real bargains. Our stock of rental machines is very complete, any standard make. Nebraska Typewriter Co., Distributors 1&S&JSSS& w I L w.yMni' IP piHl II 1,1 I up