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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1913)
T II 10 DAI L Y N 10 It K A H K A N latltj NHiratfkan 1'ioprrly of THE UNIVERSITY OK NKHKASKA, Lincoln (' I, REIN Editor-In Chief Konneth M Snyder John L. Cutrlght C. Nell Drown Elizabeth Mason Chundlor Trimble (' C Buchanan J. L. DriBCOll Managing Editor AHBOclato Editor ARHOclato Editor ABfiociato Editor Lltorary Editor OuaineBH Manager Annletant Manager. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 2 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 6 Cents Each. TELEPHONES Office B-1888. Night Phono B-4204 Editor B-1618 Manager B-1821 Enterod at the poRtofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, aa Becond-claHB mall matterr, under the Act of Congresn of March 3, 1879. SATURDAY. MARCH 1. 1913 SATURDAY, MARCH 1. Tegnor Society Meeting Alpha Phi Annual banquet Kappa Kappa Gamma Formal Par ly, Lincoln Hotel. Alpha Omricon Pi House Party Sigma Tau Annual Banquet Stato Farm Officers' Club Hop. Mu Hie Hall. EngliBh Club Meeting Home of Miss Ensign Komonsky Club Meeting Temple Sigma Nu House Pait Agriculture Club Hop Fr.itei nit Hall. PI Beta Phi - Ham e, J-'olsom Hall Delta Zeta Dance, Fraternity Hall Silver Lynx House P.ut BaBketball Game and Informal, Aim-ory MAY ENTER GOLF COMPETITION Western Intercolegiate Association To Be Formed. Nebraska Asked To 8end a Team. Manager Reed anouncos that ho has received correspondence from the Uni versity of Illinois stating that a West ern Intorcollogiato Golf Association will bo formed. If enough BtudentB can be Interested It la very likely that the University will enter the associa tion, and a team will bo sent to tho match which will be held at Chicago in the early spring INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT Pictures of Bohemians To Pe Exhibit ed To Students Physical Educa tion Department In Charge of Views. An inli tenting collection of photo graphs, taken hint summer at the intei national tournament of the Sokaln at Prague, Bohemia, lias been received and will be placed on exhibition next week The SokolH ate organizations of the Slavonic peoples, both in Europe and America, for tho purpoHO of encourag lng all around physical development At present there are about two hun dred thousand Sokols and several thou sand young women in affiliated organi zations Every live yours a tourna ment or contest is hold which exceeds In splendor even the Olymplus In the contests last summei there were elev en thousand men and twelve thousand young women and girls who partlcipat ed One sei les of photographs comprises many latge plates which show the re markable unison with which such a large bod acted Anothor group is composed ot views of the representa tion of (he Greek ic(oiy of "The Bat tle ot the Marathon, ' which was staged in the open on a magnificent scale by fifteen hundred Sokols and members ot the Woniens' Auxiliaties Besides these large plates theie is a large number of smaller photographs showing the woik and contests of smaller photographs showing the work and contests of smaller groups and many inteiestlng features of the tourn ni'int '1 his splendid collection has een shown in various cities and Uni versities of the United States The exhibition to the general student body v ill be in charge of the department of uijsical (ducat ion and later it will be j'ken to tho library of the Slavonic lep.irtment Ted Marrlner Cleaner. Hatter and Repairer. Auto B1799. 235 No. 11th CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK -- 12th and O Streets P. A. Hall President fa F. H. Johnson Vlce-Pres. -jt fc W. W. Hackney, Jr. Asst Cash. FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1106 O STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 234 THE CAFETERIA Of the University Y. M- C. A. THE BEST PLACE FOR STUDENTS Breakfast 7 "to 8 : JO Dinner 11 to 1 : 30 Supper 5 : 30 to 7 :- THE TEMPLE -: Arrow Kotch COLLARS TUB BELMONT STYLB IN FOUR HEK1HTS OLASOOW 2 In. BELMONT t)i In. MBDORA 2'A In. CHESTER 2 In. 2for?5ctt. dUETT, PC ABOOY A CO., Mnkora University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Your Last Chance! Our Annual 65c Shirt Sale will close this week. It seems as if we have shirted every man in Lincoln and still there are hundreds of High Grade Shirts that you can't afford to overlook. You must act quickly ot you wish to take advantage of our Great Cloth ing Clearance. Remember, you can't duplicate these values in the city. t" $35 and $30 Suits and O'coats - - $19.50 27.50 and $25 Suits and O'coats - 16.50 22.50 and $20 Suit and O'coats - 16.50s Armstrong Clothing Co. Good Clothes Merchants Wejserve the purest and best HOT and COLDRe FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Fountain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c eJhtih ctTTiy Home Made Bread Six Loafs for 25c COOKIES PIES CAKES MS S Give us your next order for Punch. We know we can suit you both in quality and in price Patronize our Advertisers ".