T HE DAILY NEIJRASKAN Mrs. Gardener, nee Allie Furlong, of Fremont, who wns here for the Chi THEATRES CAMPUS NOTES SPALDING'S Sporting Goods Are Hard to Beat So are our ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES I'OmeKn Formal and Hnnquet, Is now Alpha XI Delta anoiinrcH the pledg-, v,B,tl,1' ll(,r P", al University inR of Elsie Peterson of Cedar Rapids.' ,MacM' Telephone Yule Bros at once. i The Homo Economics class in rook inR visited tho flour mills today. Jones' Orchestra, rhono L-8605. Mary Piper of Lyons is visiting at the Chi Omega house. Frolich'H Orchestra, riione L-7363. Gortrude Jeaggi of Columbus, has been visiting at the Delta Zeta house Logo's Orchestra, Phone L7620. Klouiso Harper and Grace Gannon have been visiting at the Alpha O house for a few days Hagensick's Orchestra, Auto B-2990. The Glrta' Club will hold a kensing ton Saturday afternoon from 2:30 to r In faculty hall. C. H. Frey, University florist. 1133 O bL Sigma Phi Epsilon defeated Sigma Chi by the score of 12 to 4 in a game of basketball Tuesday evening Ted Marrlner Cleaner, Halter and I Repairer. Auto B1799. 235 No. 11th. Hessio and When Lewis of Superior, will spend the week end with friends in Lincoln. Artistic dance programs and menus for particular people. George Tiros.. Printers. 1313 N street. C. Neil Hrown is steadily improving. He will be brought in from the hos pital the latter part of the week if he still shows improvement. Richard Paine, Walter Klopp of Om aha, Walter Loomis of Denver, and Glenn Barnes of Falrbury, are visiting friends at the Heta Theta Pi house. During Miss Land's absence for chap ter inspection in the west, Miss Kath erine Little of Lyons, Nebraska will, chaperone the Chi Omega house. Any girls of the chorus who will help with tho chorus at Miss Burner's meet-, ings noxt week, please meet in the Y. W. C. A. rooms Thursday at 1:00 o'clock. I Professor A. A. Keed has been away from the University for over a week on account of illness. He iH now im proving and hopes to he at his office within a few days. The Mechanical Engineers chal lenged the Electrical Engineers to play baseball rather than basketball, as stated in yesterday's "Rag." The game is to bo played some afternoon dur ing "Engineer's Week." All fraternity and Borority pictures for the 1913 Cornhusker must be tak en by Saturday, March 15th. This is tho last date possible and no exten sion of time can be granted. ERNEST H. GRAVES, Fraternity Editor. Prof E II Harbour will make n sneakinir tour in the tnti Mu nvt fow w?ckn His trip includes Omaha where he will speak before the Ne braska Cement Users' Association, and Foirbury with an address concerning Park Heautlflcation RESOLUTIONS. Forasmuch as the student body of the University of Ne braska feels great regret at the Iobs of one of Its best loved members, Katherine Yates, and Forasmuch as the Univer sity has suffered a great and keenly-felt loss in the death of one of her most brilliant and active students, therefore be it ReBolved, that in apprecia tion of her work, and in tok en of our esteem and regard for her, that we, the members of the Girls' Club, extend to her family our deepest sym pathy, and pay this small tri bute to her memory RESOLUTIONS. Forasmuch as the faculty and student body of the Uni versity of Nebraska feel great regret at the loss of one of their bestrloved members, Miss IC file Longman, and Forasmuch as the Univer sity has suffered a great and keenly-felt loss in the death of one of her most brilliant students and Instructors, therefore be it Resolved, that in apprecia tion of her work and in tok en of our esteem and regard for her, that we, the mem bers of tho Girls' Club, ex tend to her family our deep est sympathy, and pay this small tribute to her mem ory. J CLASSIFIED COLUMN NOT A FORTUNE HUT- Any man at tending college desirous of earning money honest and easily write A. M. Graham, Obeilin, Ohio. 2-22-3t "N" BOOK with data valuable only to owner. Finder pleas' return to this office. LOST A fraternity pin. Crescent and I seimiter with owner's name on back.) Finder call Auto 13-2683. I r3Wlr",WI' kLET THE DAILY NEBRASKAN SHOP KUHL PRINTING CO. 212-215 South 12th St., Auto B-2082, DO YOUR PROGRAM AND SOCIETY PRINTING jyrAtfb- WtyWwW(g 118 So. 12th St. N. Y. CHOP HOUSE Is the best, cleanest, and quickest place to eat in the city. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 1340 O STREET Cleaning Pressing Repairing NEATLY DONE Y. M. C. A. TAILORS In tl.e Basement SIMMONS THE PRINTER if Dance Programs -ir if Banquet Menus if Calling Cards if Book Publications if if 317 S. 12th St. Read the "Rag" H. Reusch, ENTERTAINMENT BY Colored Children of Public Schools For the Benefit of First A. M. E. Church Temple Theatre, Friday, Feb. 28th 8:30 P. M. Reserved Seats on sale at Harley's Drug Store Prices: 35c, 25c Drills, Singing and Dancing University School of Music Established 1894 Thorough instruction by modern methods in all branches of music, practical and theoretical. Pianoforte Voice Pipe Organ Violin All Wind Instruments Public School Music Apply for information io WILLARD KIMBALL, Director- - - - 11th and R Sts. WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co. 13th and O Sts. Oliver Theatre Wednesday Evening March 5 WILLIAM FANERSAAM And All Star Cast in "JULIUS CAESAR." FRI., 8AT. AND 3AT. MATINEE Feb. 28 March 1. A Farce With Music THE COUNTE88 COQUETTE All 8tar Cact Night $1.50 to 50c. Mat $1.00 to 25c. ORPHEUM A Perfect Vaudeville Bill JE88IE EU8LEY CARRIE REYNOLDS MLLE. LUCILLE 8EELEY AND WEST MEEHAN'8 CANINE8 TU8CANO BORTHER8 FRANK 60RDON AND ROSE KINLEY Bar. Mats at 2:15 Prices 16c, 26c. Night, 8:15 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. LYRIC THUR6., FRI., SAT. THE SALAMBOS BURNISON & TAYLOR PHOTO PLAYS "The Will of the People" THE MESSAGE OF THE PALM8 PATHE'S WEEKLY "AN UP-TO-DATE LOCHINVAR" THERE WERE HOBOES THREE I 3 SHOWS DAILY 2. 7 &. 9 p7M . Matinees, Children 5c, Adults 10c Nights All Seats 15c :The CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK if 12th and O Streets -fr if P. A. Hall President if if F. H. Johnson Vice-Pres. - if W. W. Hackney, Jr. Asat Cash.