;7'3?5 MttOAPMMM T il 10 DAILY N K HRA8 K A N I'ropiMty of THE UNIVl'JKHITY OK NKHRASKA, Lincoln (J. L. REIN EdItor-ln-Chlef Managing Editor Kennnth M. Snyder AflBoclato Editor John L. Cutrlght AHBoclato Editor C. Noll Drown Ausoclato Editor.. Elizabeth Mason Literary Editor. . Chandler" Trimble BuslnoBH Manager ABslBtant Manager. ' (' Huchanan . J L. Drlscoll SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2 PER YEAR Payable In Advanco Single Copies, 3 Cents Each. TELEPHONES Omco IM888. Night Phono B-4204 Editor IMB18 Manoger H-1821 Entered at the postofuVe at Lincoln, Nebranka, nn Heeond cIiihh mail matter, under the Act of CongreHs of March 3, 1879. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, HU3 CONVOCATION. Templo Theatre II o'clock Violin Recital by Prof. August Molzer if Elsie Ackermann at the l'iano fr Hymn to Spring Koeian if Melody THchnlkonsky if HumoruBke Koeian if Chant Sans Parol.- Tschai if konBky if Caprlco Vienuoi.s Kreisler if Turantelle Wu-niaw hUi THE STUDENT COUNCIL. In hiHt Tluirnday'H forum, among many dlBtinct things he Hiiggented in the Biune article, Will Kavan con cluded with recommending the stu dent council an a substitute for the Innocents. In view of the things it would be possible Tor tho student council to do, and in view of the thingB it has been possible for the Innocents to do, we see no need Tor tho substitution. In theory, the work of tho Innocent Society has been to organize student support of student activities; to arouse by shopworn methods University spirit, and to os tensibly co-operate with any effort made to promote the general good of the student body In practice the du ties of tho Innocent Society have been wholly ministerial, thej have elected thomselves cheer-leaders oi the foot ball games, they hae set dates for the football rally, and they have got ten the usual prolessors and others to address the multitude They hae also compromised with the lreshman on the green cap issue, and they have selected the usual Omaha lawyer for (oastimiBter at the Cornhusker ban quet. So far as discharging this kind of duty is concerned, the burden of proof is on the supporters of the stu dent council to show that these jobs can be better done by a more repre sentative nnd democratically selected group than the Innocents Kavan protests that there is now no wny to get a new thing before tho student body for decision He forgets that there Is very little for the stu dent body ns such to decide The educational and administrative policies of tho Institution, both exter nal and internal, are fully prescribed by University authorities Spontane ous movements, athletics, social life, I and the like, In tho numerous Univer sity organizations now existing It seems almost deception to mako tho students believe that there is any thing vital for them to decide From tho standpoint of what the University really is, it is vastly more Important that student should form opinions and express opinions than that they should decide questions. The! decision they reach on matters eBsen-1 dally trivial is not Important Grave matteis are rarely submitted to them i for decision What we need is an , intelligent, responsive public opinion i among students We need a dally! paper that will publish every man's views We need a convocation that' will give a man a chance to talk not when he is assigned a piece, but when he has something to say Once, these means succeed in developing a real strong public opinion the means we already have for deciding educa tional and collateral questions, it is safe to predict, will act on that opin ion quite as effectively as a student couiK il We urge students not to o ei l)iu den a top-hea supply of extra scholastu activities with a Mil ' dent council , WE NEED INTELLIGENT OPIN IONS NOT DECISIONS I'leslimen as well as oldei students vill receive a hearty welcome, courte iiih treatment, and the best of servlct it Green's Harbor Shop and Bathhouse 20 N. 11th St. Adv. Ensign Omnibus and Transfer Co. Never close! Day or night S 'rvice and reliability our aim If in need of a cab call ENSIGN Give your call for baggage No waiting or worrying then. Phone B 2303 Office 221 So. llthSt I Your Last Chance! Our Annual 65c Shirt Sale will close this week. It seems as if we have shirted every man in Lincoln and still there are hundreds of High Grade Shirts that you can't afford to overlook. You must act quickly if you wish to take advantage of our Great Cloth ing Clearance. Remember, you can't duplicate these values in the city. $35 and $30 Suits and O'coats - - $19.50 27.50 and $25 Suits and O'coats - 16.50 22.50 and $20 Suits and O'coats - 16.50 Armstrong Clothing Co, Good Clothes Merchants We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD Re FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Fountain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c ' tZeJhLt CHT'jfclQ ' m m f' EEE2AKEtLAE9 i TRY OUR LUNCHEONETTES They are always the best We serve hot and cold dunks all winter long. Lincoln Candy Kitchen South West Corner 14 and O Street Home Made Bread Six Loafs for 25c COOKIES PIES CAKES tA 0)$ Give us your next order for Purch. We know we can suit you both in quality and in p rice THE LIN DELL CATERING TO SPECIAL DINNER PARTIES BANQUETS LUNCHEONS RECEPTIONS An Excellent Table de Hote Dinner served from 6 to 9 p. m. 75c Music during Dinner Hour. Also Sunday Lunch Hour THE CAFETERIA Of the University Y. M- C. A. THE BEST PLACE FOR STUDENTS Breakfast 7 to 8 : 30 Dinner 1 1 to 1 : 30 Supper 5 : 30 to 7 :- THE TEMPLE -: HAVE The Evans DO YOUR WASHING "SPA" I Try the Y. M. C. A. Lunch Room I Cafeteria Plan I City Y. M. C. A. 13tb aid P I