The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 27, 1913, Image 1

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    XTbe Dail flebraskan
Vol XII. No. 95
Price 5 Cents
Individual Records of Players Charge
With Almost Every Game -
Haakell Leads in Field
Goals Up to Date.
Kroin a glance at the scores of the
Ainey basketball games which wi
p'ayed lust week at Ames, it w-ji. 1
Htcin il'iil the Cornhuskers aie going
to have an easy time on Friday and
Saturday nights The scores howevei.
do not Indicate the wonderful game
w liich the Cyclones put up
The opinion among the Ames news
papern seems to be that the Aggies
out-played Nebraska at every stage of
the game, especially on getting the
1...11 .Intlt., Illn !,,.,.. 1...I ll I.I
ijom uunu i..- iiuui, uui uir) uiiim
not find the basket at the psychologi
cal moment The larger part ot Ne
braska"s baskets were made from the
m.ddle of the floor and weie more a
matter of luck than skillful basket
In the last game ol the seues played
with Ames tin- sioir at tile end ot the Whether the invitation was that ol
lust half was S to T in lavoi o! the ,, uoi,i be "masher 01 meielv oi a
Aggies, and it was only by an almost KH)il Iiatiit m! man who wanted to be
.superhuman eftoil thai the Coinlnisk- mendly to the girls is indeterminate,
eis were able to thiow enough hoise'but the (act remains that the incident
shoes to win the game in the mai
ler of previous iccords the Cyclones
can show just as clean a slate as
Nebraska and lormer games piove
that the Aggies are regular bulldogs
when it comes to getting their An
The individual iccords of the mem
hers of the 'varsity have been more
changeable this year than in any pre
vious Beason At present Ros Has
kell holds first place with it fleld goals
to his credit Ros has probably played i
the steadied game of tiny man on the!
team and has shown himself the su-j
perior of any man he has played
against this year He will be a can-
didate for the captaincy of the litll IT) I
team "Clint" Underwood is second in
the tossing list, having 0 goals to!
ins credit and only 4 scored against ,
Inm during the whole year (Mint
was fifth until the games with Ames
and Drake
An amendment has been made to
the rule for the awarding ot the has
ketball "N " To be eligible for a
letter a man must play in at least one
hair of each of five games or in 80
per cent of the entire number of
games played, f the Cornhuskers play
Kansas for the championship it will
mean that a man must have plaved
in more than nine different games
Stryker is the only man on the squad
xv ho has played in every one of the
The team will take dinner Friday
at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon house and
on Saturday night they xvill feed with
the Acacias.
"m 0NE ",LL
Sleigh Ride In White Cutter Is Prof
ferred by Man In Fur Coat to
University Girls.
Removal of the Unlveisity to the
J State Farm would certainly be dcsir '
i able just uh soon as possible, accord
I ing to several fair young things who,
wore invited for a sleiuh ride vitr
, clay morning by a man who they did
not know Tin incident happened jiiHt
before noon and at the corner of It
ad Fourteenth streets, just two blocks
Horn the university
"Any of you girls want a lift," called
out the driver of the cutter to a bevy
o! university gills going east on H
treet Wednesday near noon, reining
.11 his frisky black horse The girls
locked aims and walked on a little las
ter. then one in a saucy red tain
turned and said, "No, I -I guess not "
I The man was a nice looking inrinmi
,,. huiukn.nn 111,..
He wore a
tur coat with a huge collar and a cap
ol the same material His cuttei was
pure white and was drawn b a
s,)nKilth bIm.k 11Hn. T,, ,()()k(.(1
so inviting that it took many hard
pulls ol conscieiu e to prevent the
ullls ..,.,. , (lu ,I1V ,,
iias been repeated several times since
the sleighing has become good No ap
proaches are ever made to any group
ot which any of the masculine gender
are a part The only fact which
brought his actions to public notice
was his mistake in picking out the
same crowd twice Whom he will fav
or today is an interesting question to
be decided this noon
Notice is hereby given that grades
ieported to the Registrar later than
March 1 will not be considered in reck
oning Phi Beta Kappa standing foi the
class of 1913
Pictures For 1913 Cornhusker To Be
Taken at St. George's
Departing troni lormer custom, the
Cornhusker management has issued an
order to the effect that the different
military companies will "fall in" .it St
(Jeorge's Studio to have "real" pictures
taken Uniforms will be worn
if Today would be 'a good time
to have your picture taken for -
i the 1913 Cornhusker
Basket Ball Game and Informal
Weeded Out Cy Hard Work, About
Ten Huskers Make Stlehm's
Machine Hustle.
'1 hough they have been secluded
and hidden undei a coat ol mystery
j Tot some time "Skinny" Hiltners band
of demons have finally been discovered
Kvery night they may bo Been cavort
ing about on the pine floor of the
chapel When the first call for can
didates was issued a horde of men
came out that would have appalled
anyone of less courage than the long
geaied man tiom Africa
i sort of elimination process was
Mine through by which many were
weeded out either by a hick or ability
or by plain discouragement At last
only about ten men were left They
have had the honor of scrimmaging
against the 'varsity every night since
Tliete have been some Ht tenuous prac
tices going on ol late in which the
freshies have shown their real worth
The phenomenal success of the var
sltv this season has been due hugely
to the good practice afforded them by
the Hist yeat men They are the un
disputed masteis of the second team
There is eveiv leason to think that
next year then- will be maleiial tot a
team that will suipass even the en
viable tecoid made by the present
team, and that it will easily smash the
record of all previous years
Shields is probably the star of the
team Ed Hugg of last years Lincoln
High team is a guard ol exceptional'
ability whose basket-throwing is as
good as that of any Gardener ofj
Chicago, who is playing forward, is
a good running mate for the other
two men Crocker, Mlliken, Coffee,
and Thompson, aie good men
Goes As Co-Ed To Prom. After
Tenth Dance Police Want
Wisconsin does not penult her stu
dents to masquerade at a dance .James
Maverick, a senior, had the nerve to
appear at the annual "Short Hoi n
I'rom in the dress of a coed, was de
tected in the disguise, and now must
answer to the student court for his
actions The makeup was perfect, and
he is said to have danced about ten
dances with unsuspecting masculine
friends. What had started as an Inno
cent lark ended m a seiious charge in
court against the young man
Senior class meeting today at 11:30
Memorial Hall. Election of officers,
announcement of committee and re
port of Senior Prom committee.
Few Pictures of Upperclassmen Still
Untaken and Delaying En
graving Department by
The Cornhusker will bo out on the
fifteenth of May Such la the official
announcement from the buBlnoHH man
ager, W C Knvan A largo portion
of the work on the annnual has al
ready been completed and the book
has been outlined in full and a
"dummy" made of the material The
small additional work yet to be done
Is necessary to keep the book up-to-date
so as to Include a full description
of all important events up to the very
day the book goes to piess
A" liateinilv and oi ganiat ion pic
tmes must be in b tote the llrst ol
ptil Theie aie a lew more Individ
ual pi tines that should be taken this
week, and the delinquent upperclass
men aie asked to tend to this at oik e
Students with "snappy "snapshots they
wish to hand m should sec lOditor
Sweeley in the Coi nliusker office, base
ment ol Administration building The
Cadet companies aie tailing In before
the camera on an average of one a
day These reminders or the military
department contain pictures of the
company sponsor as well
Flashlight of Prom.
The Cornhusker management has, at
consideiable expense, secured exclu
sive rights to the flashlight picture of
the united .Junior-Senior Prom The
pic tine pioved to be unusually good,
and will be featured in the year-book
The University School of Music has
contracted with Manager Kavan for
the (list seveial pages of the advertis
ing section ol the Cornhusker, and the
woik of thai school will be featured
in a department of its own LaBt year
there was much objection to the ar
rangement that included the Music
School in the regular pages of the an
nual, while it was not a part of the
University itself. This year they have
paid the usual advertising rates and
no objections can be raised.
Friday night, at nine-thirty, after the
basketball game with Ames, the staff
of the 1913 Cornhusker will hold an
informal dancing party at the Silver
Lynx House. Various members of the
staff will make short talks during a
lunch and it will be turned Into a
general get-together meeting. About
eighteen couples are expected to at
tend. This party Is not intended to
supplant the yearly formal, but mere
ly to supplement It.