THE DAILY NEIJRASKAN THEATRES CAMPUS NOTES "Those Ensign Cabs" They watch and wait for Its coming V ALUMNI SECRETARIES MEET AT OHIO STATE First Annual Convention Takes Place This Week Make Plans for More United Work The first animal convention o Al umoi Secretaries met at Ohio State University last Friday Many dele gates were preBent, the representative from Nebraska was Hoy 1' Sawyer. An Informal smoker was held in order that the delegates might get acquaint ed. Today discussions will be held various University questions among .which are the question of stu dent employment from one University to another, and the question of class reunions. In tho future it will be pos sible for a student from one Univer sity to obtain employment in another University by corresponding with the Alumni Secretary of that State. The various secretaries will keep tab on the athletes of the different colleges so It will be practically impossible to transfer athletes from one college to another. A clearing house for alumni publications will be established. A banquet' was held February 15 at Auburn, by the Nemaha County Uni versity Alumni Association. Secretary George W. Kline of the Nebraska Alumni Association spoke. At Washington, Feb lf. Charter Day, a conference of Alumni Associa tion secretaries was held, at which many prominent men were present. DISPOSITION STILL DOUBTFUL Coroner and County Attorney Will Not Divulge Plans Concerning Yates Accident. Miss Katherine Yates, the victim of lust Wednesday's automobile acci dent,'' Was' burled yesterday afternoon in Morgantown, W. Va., where she was sent Immediately after the serv ice held In Lincoln. Miss Yates was interred in the party gown In which she was to have attended the cotil lion last Saturday evening. In reference to the accidont tho cor oner states that the accident was the result' of the negligence of Ed Jones, the driver of the car, but no verdict was rendered, and the evidence as found officially will be preserved for possible necessary reference. The county attorney refuses to make a statement as to any action intended in connection with the affair. : CLASSIFIED COLUMN NOT A FORTUNE BUT Any man at tending college desirous of earning money honesty and easily write A. M. Graham, Oberlln, Ohio. 2-22-3t PARTY SLIPPERS, $2.50 - All colors. Better you see my Shoes for Spring, Stunning-Spy. I don't blame street merchants for getting $5.00 and $6.00 the pair. My limit $2.50 and $2.95. Telephone Yule Bros at once. K. Akagi, '10, is now with the Ten nessee Power Company, at present in stalling transformers at Nashville Jones' Orchestra, rhone L-8606. Mabel Sterne visited in Grand Isl and last week. Loeb'B Orchestra, Phone L7620. Mrs. G. M. Lambertson will Bpoak at the vesper service in the Y. W. C. A. rooms Tueflday at 5 o'clock Ilagensick's Orchestra, Auto B-2990. Gretchen Williamson of Omaha and Clara Schneider of Fremont came down for tho Junior-Senior Prom. The Yale Corporation announces that the university faces a deficit tills year. Ex. Mildred Bevins, who is teaching in Beatrice, spent the week-end at her home in this city. C. H. Frey, University florist, 1133 0 Bt. Mrs. John Simms of Chicago has i been visiting at the Pi Beta Phi house j for the last two weeks. Ted Marrlner Cleaner, Hatter and Repairer. Auto B1799. 235 No. 11th. Lois Janvier of New Orleans, na tional president of the Pi Beta Phi sorority, was entertained at the chap ter houso Saturday. Artistic dance programs and menus for particular people. George Bros.. Printers, 1313 N street. Lois Logan and Susan Gillette of i Norfalk, Lula Bates of Springfield, Ruth Heacock of Falls City, and Flor ence Rush of Omaha, were back for the Junior-Senior Prom. C. G. Beck and M. P. Renfro spent the week end at their home in Peru. Jack Farley is visiting at tho Kappa Sigma house. The Phi Kappa Psl basketball team in an exciting game with the Phi Del ta Thetas Saturday morning, won by a score of 24 to 22. Students who have ordered Dr. Hall's -Book on sexual hygiene can get them at the Y. M. C. A. office. Others desiring this book may leave their order at the office. As it silently speeds to It call. The sorority fair maids are all hunting At the pleasure In store for them all. For the carriage ride to the hop at night Is a token of a jolly good fellow, Tho Ensign cab Is her delight, As It ridos like a foathor pillow Now well know all the scholars The prompt attention they receive It don't take a million dollars To attend a ball in comfort and ease. Phone B-2303 Office 221 So. 11th Adv. SPALDING'S Sporting Goods Are Hard to Beat So are our ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES H. Reusch, 118 So. 1 2th St. N. Y. CHOP HOUSE It the best, cleanest, and quickest place to eat in the city. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 1340 O STREET Subscribe or the Rag. Cleaning Pressing Repairing NEATLY DONE Y. M. C. A. TAILORS In the Basement University School of Music Established 1894 Thorough instruction by modern methods in all branches of music, practical and theoretical. Pianoforte Voice Pipe Organ Violin All Wind Instruments Public School Music Apply for information co WILLARD KIMBALL, Director - - - 11th and R Sis. WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co. Oliver Theatre Fill., 8AT. AND SAT. MATINEE Feb. 28 March 1. A Farce With Music THE COUNTE88 COQUETTE All 8tar Cact Nlflht $1.50 to 50c. Mat. $1.00 to 25c. Wednesday Evening March 5 WILLIAM FANER8AAM And All 8tar Cast in "JULIUS CAE8AR." ORPHEUM A Perfect Vaudeville Bill JE88IE BU8LEY CARRIE REYNOLD8 MLLE. LUCILLE 8EELEY AND WEST MEEHAN'S CANINES TU8CANO BORTHER8 FRANK GORDON AND ROSE KINLEY Bar. Mats at 2:15 Prices 15c, 25c. Night, 8:15 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c LYRIC MON., TUE8 WED. MILLET'S MODELS QRUBER AND KEW PHOTO PLAYS Panic Days in. Wall 8treet "Annie Rowley's Fortune." "His Date With Gwendolyn." "The Great Centipede." "The Yosemite Valley." "Picturesque Tasmania." "Views of Ireland." 3 SHOW8 DAILY 2, 7 A 9 P. M. Matinees, Children 5c, Adults 10c Nights All Seats 15c OLIVER THEATRE Tuesday Night, Feb. 25th MISS VERA AUGUSTA UPTON SOPRANO SOLOIST with the NEBRASKA STATE BAND FOURTH CONCERT SEATS NOW ON SALE The: 1 CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK if . 12th and O Streets P. A. Hall President F. H. Johnson Vice-Pres. if W. W. Hackney, Jr. Asst Cash. -. BUDD UP STAIRS 1415 O STREET 13th and O St. . -v1 .1 & in-