T II 10 DAILY NKIIKA8KAN I Sit t I tt 7VT i K tt O, t ft tt I hiHtnictors, for the student by do Ully iNVUiClU KaUKr(,,lfl tno point of view of IiIh instruc tor, a position tlio parent ncvor at taliiH Tho student should, therefore, acquire an independent aim apart from the liopeK of fond parents and apart from (lie hobbies of over specialized Managing Editor Kenneth M. Snyder ndviseis He mnHter of yom own des Associate Editor John I. Cutright tinv. and he nhle to defend vonr do C NHlHrown mn0 hliznbeth Mason (.handler Trimble ' s,1(','iit with an independent aim will lie in j! manner quite difteienl from the reading machine he now m lie will read a lit I - less and lie will Property of THE UNIVERSITY OK NEBRASKA, Lincoln C . REIN Editor in Chief Associate Editor Aaflociate Editor . Literary Editor Business Manager Assistant Manager .' (' Buchanan .. . J L Drlscoll SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2 PER YEAR Payable In Advance 8lngle Copies, 5 Cents Each. TELEPHONES Omco B-1888 Night Phone B-4204 Editor U 1 r 1 S Entered nt the poslotllce at Lincoln NebraHln. hh second class mail matter, under the Ac! of Congn-Ms of Maich :i 1879. S TUKI)AY, FEMRl' RV see a little moie He will lecite a lit tie les-c and discuss a little more He will studv a little lets and think a little moie Ho will nnijoi ;i little less and Manager It 1821 speciali.e n little inoi e He will leain a iiiti" less ami inlei a lit l moie lie will ; i - 1 1 1 i i c ;i little less and practice a little 1111)1 e W hat's llltu e, e i II 111 Ills i ecr ,ii ion, the student with a definite aim and plan will .ilwrivs In busv His er pleasnie will become a pa I t ol tlie eiit'i.il M in I,,,, i,, i making limist It what lie wants to lie Mis spare time I'M SHALL THE STUDENT LIVE? The alleged ineffectiveness () , () lege graduates m business is laigelv will in-vii hang Ih.ivv on his hands line to the fact (hat onlv a lew stu What other f.-llow . ;ue doing will dents take a consti net i e pail in plan never iinuble him nd in-'cad ol leav ning their college course Under a mis nig nllege with a mortal board lie taken notion that the imiv ei sitv is onlv will go out with a peronalltv a place to prepaie lor lite and that this preparation must be done entiieiv un der the direction ol oilier people, the student jh sent to college and pushed through He is sent to college In his parents who decide to m hnn lot a Loch's Orchestra, Phone L7t'.LMi NIERMILT gigantic enter pi ise in Xeu Yolk ("it is neat lllg completion The wonderful terminal certain profession In the,, ..,! to ll,l,g ol the New Yoi k Cent , al Hail realize their hopes. .., ut.er ,go,a.,e ,., ls ., ,liumph ol engineering The ot what preparation to, a technical pin ,,,. hilH , a ,., ,.,.,., ,o lOBBlon means, fathers and motlieis en join upon the student the taking of cer what it means to excavate nearlv "in acres to an avenme dentil ot f." teet tain courses Then when the youth , aIul bulll a maKnln(M,n, ew station reaches the university, his advisers. ; w hoilt (llHtwrl)lnK (.xisfinK lram(. or who often know too much about what stoppmK a ,,, Thlrt tNU) mllt.s ()1 ho ouRht to take to prepare him for a ' ir;i(.k ...,, . 1(M, ... ... . ;,s ,m .. technical course, command him to take i ,1W, , .... . . ,, ; steel has been used in erecting the j new station with Hh viaducts and mxiliaries as was required in the con 1 -(ruction of the existing subway in- I New York City and Hrookl.vn The iew station coveis an area ot seventv acres, which makes it over seven tunes as large as the Boston South Station i it has a total of sixty-eight Hacks as against thirty two in the Boston and St Louise stations and lour separate levels Inst the gallei y. below this the great concourses with toit.v one tracks tor expiess trains, then the third level with tvvent.v seven Hacks lor suburban Mains and below all these subvvavs loi the handling ol the baggage There .ue no stairwavs, as inclined planes or lamps with veiv easv grades take lintr plat es The new station lias ivvelve sepniate entrances and the ar inn ', incut oi the ticket, baggage and oilier olhces has been made with studied care lor file convenience ol the passengeis The concourse tor in bound trains holds K.oou persons and tor outbound lo.ooii, while the waiting room will accommodate fi.OOO more, so that oO.iiou persons can be taken care of without crowding Passengers come in at one side ol the station and go out at the other With the opening ot tins magnificent new terminus Kebru ary li, the public again realized what the inline Yanderbilt means - Leslie's Weeklv Frolich's Orchestra, l'lione L-73C3. Arrow Notch COLLARS TUB BELMONT STYLG IN FOUR HRtaHTS flLASOOW ZH In. BCLMONT 2i In. AtGDORA 2 In. CMHSTPR 2 In. 2 for P5 cn. C UETT, PEABODY A CO., Miken University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED The Greatest Shirt Sale Ever Held in Lincoln I Beginning Monday, February 24th certain othor courses The parents proscription and tho advisers' pre scription seldom if ever agree. And from tho conflict no one suffers more than tho student himself He never sits in judgment on his own abilities He seldom even develops or expresses a preference for a certain calling He certainly does not alwavs decide what he is going to take He does not de c ide whnt he is going to take to pit pare himsclt for- Ins profession nd either his habits ol studv an- never formed or others form them lor him All this ground is fought over between parents and advisers 'The result is that while a man is m school he nevei gets practice in living a teal civih.ed llle. 111 college he nev el leaills to ad just Ills own acts lo lus own ends The college has piepaicd hnn loi a mechanical c xisience, has made his biain the sioiehouse of certain facts and their moie obvious inferences, but it has not taught him how to live Sometime between his liesliinan and senior year Tvei.) student ought to set ill for himself ceitain 'ducafional aims and standards m addition to, collateral to or supplemental to those aims ami standards which the university fixes lor him 'The university standards in a general way are admirably designed to fulfil tlje general needs of pubhc education Hut they rarely satisfy the specific ideal which a live student wants to make of himself Conflicts between the degree lie wants to gel from the university and the ideal edu Freshmen, us wen us older students cated man he wants to make of himself ' will receive a hearty welcome, courte- We say this with all confidence, and if you do not take advantage of it you will be disappointed. You may come to this sale with the highest expectations, and we will satisfy them. You will find our tables heaped with such brands as 'EXCELLO,'' "YORKE" and 'FERGUSON & McKINNEY"in pleats, soft fronts and negliges with French cuffs and military col lars.You may have these shirts in Russian-Cords, Madres, French-Flannel, Silk Mixed and Percales-any size-andjhe uducs are$3, $2.50, $2, $1.50 and $1. IW- 900 Dozen-aathered from our own stock and direct from Manufac turers69cYour Choice-69c. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS We serve thepureat and best HOT and COLD Re-FRESHMENTSXthe'city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Fountain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors r Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c gr iiTrim.-r:iiiH'Mi--'-rrim''W-TiMl c7cF'tih aJjtar Home Made Bread Six Loafs for 25c COOKIES PIES CAKES tj. Gwe us your next order for Punch. We know we can suit you both in quality and in price are easier settled when the arbitra tion is between himself and his in structors than between his parents and oub treatment, and the best of service at Green's Barber Shop and Bathhouse, 20 N. 11th St. Adv. HAVE The Evans DO YOUR WASHING I "SPA" Try the Y. M. C. A. LunctY Rooa Cafeteria Plan City Y. M. C. A. 13tb and P