THE DAILY NEBRASKAN WHY THE FIVE HEADS? CLASSIFIED COLUMN FOR RENT Largo front room In modern house; for ladles. Auto L-9286, 1327 S St. 2-6 8clentl8t Puzzled Over Newest Freak of Nature In the Kitten Species. A kitten with five heads has ar rived HtraiKht from the Frelo PresB bulldiiiK t puzzle tlie heads of tho curloiiH ones who visit the museum. This obnonnality not only has five heads but accord to I3ob Graham who Is preserving it in the same way that tho "Medics" picklo the stiffs it has four more lens than the ordinary hack yard HoiiKstor has, four more for every additional head. It seems not at all unlikely that the noise of the press had something to do with this freak of nature. It is up to tho zoologist to decide that. BIG VOTE OUT. (Continued from Pago 1.) University removal was put up to a referendum of the university body by giving each voter a chance to ex press his presference for or against the proposition. Rut a small fourth of the school voted either way, the bal lot standing !U1 against to 291 for re moval. The general sentiment of tho school seemed to be a sort of Idea that It was useless to vote either way as the decision would have but little effect on the action of the legislature, and a willingness to accept some Bort of a compromise between the two ex tremes. Had other candidates been up in the junior and freshman classes and a larger vote cast, moro stress could be laid on the results of the ballot. HOARD Excellent board In a student dining room by the week, meal or by ticket. 331 No. 13th St. 2-12 5t LOST A small leather purse conaln lng sum of money. Finder please re turn to Rag office. Howard. 2-13-3t FOUND In Chemistry laboratory, gold, inscribed "Nebraska State Nor mal School, Peru." Owner may have same by calling at this offlco and pay ing for this add. LOST A gold watch fob betweon the campus and Twelfth and Q; Initial E. D. Return to this office. 2-19-2t CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Streets -fc P. A. Hall President -fc fr F. H. Johnson Vice-Pres. -fc it W. W. Hackney, Jr. Asst Cash. AH GO ON Sale Now In Progress 30 Per Cent Discount Felt, Leather, Silver, Silk and Silver Novelties . . . The University Book Store TRY OUR LUNCHEONETTES They arc always the best We serve hot and cold drinks all winter long. Lincoln Candy Kitchen South West Corner 14 and O Street FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1106 O STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 234 Subscribe for the "Rag JUNIOR PLAY "NATHAN HALE" Reserve Your Seats Now and Avoid the Rush Tickets may be purchased from the following men: Harold Diers Clarence Clark Hugh Agor Guy Williams A. H. Dinsmore Chas. Epperson Guy Kiddoo Clark Dickinson Merrill Reed Harry Rush E. E. Frost F. E. Bates Frank Kruse, or Direct from Oliver Box Office The seats are going fast and the best ones will soon be gone if you don't hurry Friday, Feb. 21-01iver Theatre i ri 'J .,.