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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1913)
T II K DAILY N K II RA8KAN K CAMPUS NOTES Loeb'B Orchestra, Phono L7620. Frolleh's Orchestra, l'horie I, 73G3. S L Drown of Kansas City, is a campus isltor this week Telephone Yule BroB at onco. Otto Wirsig, 1 11 n. of Tnlor, Nob, Is seriously ill at the Lincoln sanitorium Jones' Orchestra riiono 1,-8005. Mandoline Dennlson, '12, of David City, visited the Alpha Chi Omega Monday and TuoHday. Hagenslck's Orchestra, Auto D 2990. "Kveijbod) is pushing mv line of goods " "What is jour line?" "Daby Carriages" Drake Dolphin ment Co, has written to the Depart inent of Agri( ultural Engineering re questing that lie be placed In touch with a graduate in agriculture or agi i cultural onginectlng He wants a good man to put into theii agricultural do partition! to answer inquiries relative to farm subjects Interested parties can get full Information ftom I'lofos sor L V Chase A shoe shining stand under student control is being built in the lower door of the UnUersitj otllce building at Princeton Hates cheaper than the students can get elsewhere are to he ghen Three sophomores and a fresh man are managing the business TALK ON "BLUEBIRD" THEATRES CLASSIFIED COLUMN Miss Lawrence, Miss Holcolm, Miss Curtis gae vety interesting and en thusiastic talks on the Estes Park, Cascade and Geneva conferences In the Tuesdaj mooting of the Y V C A Thej each urged the girls to make special effort to attend the next conference vvhhh Is to be hold at lOstos Park A solo was very beau- C H. Frey, University florist. 1133 tifully rendered by Miss Longman O Bt. The University of Iowa has ob tallied the use of a ntoing picture machine for the puipose of ader tising the university m the state Ted Marriner Cleaner, Hatter and Repairer. Auto B1799. 235 No. 11th. TO KENT Hootn l'oi two students A special ino.-t mg of the Kngm H,M1 r . . f n . ..... ..... Ing Soeietv will bo llild Wednesday l( ,. fM v.. i.,i. , eeniiig II Ii Me.Mastors of the As- . soci.ited Lath Manuf.K tuiers (;()U) rrrK lU'TTON with initial K Will addless the sou.iv oil "Some ,.Klm., RetUIll to this Otbce Phases of riiepioof ( 'oust i in t ion," I . w hi (1 '' K 'it based on n Milts of die tests made by i tin Cleel.iii(l Duilding (lepaitment I Il()l() Excellent bo, ml in a student i dining room bj the week, meal oi FOH RENT Largo front room in modoi n house, for ladies Auto LIiJM'i, ?,21 K St 2 G Artistic dance piogiams and melius for p.nticu'ai peo)le George liios, Printers, l.'.l ! N strei I Mr C W' HoMiton, engineer in charge of the Universal Pottland (- by tic ket 331 No 13th St 2 12 fit Read the "Rag" We Have a Few of the Following Books New and Second-hand: Dunbai's Monej and Hanking Kelsej's. Orid, Mood's, corpo ration, Elj's Economics, Weight's Juvenal, Lord's Liy, (ileason's Stoi of Cjius, Manlej'H English Prose. Johnson's Money and Cur reucj, oungs Manual of Astron inij , Docker's. Choose. Making Twonson and Fianklinfleld. Testing of Magnetic Currents Geb haidt's. Steam Power Plant, Engin -or ing, Smith's Treatise oil Alge bra The University Book Store 340 North 1 1th Street Lincoln Two Prominent Members of Cast Ad dress Convocation In Very In teresting Manner. It Is erj seldom that the gallerlrs of Memorial hull are filled for convo cation programs, but such was the crowd that greeted Mr Charles llamp don and Miss Alice Duller of the Dluo blrd company now plajlng in this city. Doth gave very Interesting talks on Maeterlinck's play that was much ap preciated by the students Miss Duller In her talk gave the tory of the play, showing the beau tiful story of two children in quest of a bluebird for a sick child. It lfl the quest for happiness that is tho main theme, said Miss Duller, and this happiness is sjnibollzed in the beauti ful bluebird Du( Maeterlinck's deep moaning of the plaj Is not easily solved It Is a more model n fairy tale and therefore more cheerful, and puiticulurlj appeals to tho children, but grown folks liavo not boon shown to lose Inter est In It. Miss Dutler believes that it would some day be an opera if it was not for the fact that the author, Maeterlinck, abhors music i "Dut the thing," said Miss Duller, "that makes It interesting to the audi once as well as the actors Is the ex qulto beaulj of the piece in subject i as well as in the effects Dut to really enjoy It we must bo like Petei Pan .llli! belic e ill tail ies " I "This pla," said Mi Hampden in speaking of the mechanical side of the pl.i, "has been tinned down by , many producers in Euiope as well as in this countrj, owing to the dltllculty I of producing the effect for characters so sjmbolie as Dread and Water and other things that Maeterlinck makes animate " I Me told of the ast number of me chanical ofTeels that are required,' which makes It the most modern play in mechanical effects that Is In ex istence I "Dut," ho said "I will not toll you of the tricks resorted to for you would loose tho illusion that it tiles to give. I Go to the play and forgot the median-' leal side of it and lose yourself in tho' Btorj and I think j on will find tho Dluebiid ' OLIVER THEATRE Today, 2:30 lonlght. H.15 Maeterlinck's Fairy Fantasy 'HIE BLUE BIRD I'rices, r()c to 2$ 00 Thursday Niht, February 13 KITTY GORDON IN UK enciiantki-ss 'rices, 50c to $2 ()() ORPHEUM LYDIA BARRY THE MARVELOUS MILLER8 CAESAR RIVOLI OBRIEN, HAVEL & CO. WARREN KEANE and GRACE WHITE E CROMWELLS MLLE. LORETTE & BUDD PHOTO PLAYS ORPHEUM ORCHESTRA Bar. Mats at 2: 15-Price. 15c, 25c. Night, 8:15 15C) 25c, 35c and 50c. v. LYRIC MON., TUES, WED SWAIN'S COCKATOOS CLARK . DEVEREAUX pHOTO PLAVS "THE SENATOR'S DISHONOR" "THE PHANTOM SHIP." "TRAP TO CATCH A PURGLAR" "FRENCH ARMY MANEUVERS" 3 SHOWS DAILY 2, 7 & 9 P. M. ALL SEATS 10c WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co. '3th and O Si GILBERT CONDUCTS BALLOT (Continued from Page Oi HAVE The Evans VO YOUR WASHING Home Made Bread Six Loafs for 25c COOKIES PIES CAKES MA S Give us your next order for Punch. We know we can suit you both in quality and in price. The Engineering Society . . . Kept open house Saturday evening, and say, it was some show. We keep opt n every week day from 8 A. M until 6 P M., to sliow jiuuus unci meinocis our Watchmaking, Engraving, Repairing, Optical Work, Designing Manu factoring. . , . 1913 Pins with Safely Catches HALLETTS, Uni Jeweler Eotablmhed 1.S71 Wtf O Street crossing out the name of the otor In a online of the Student directory that it, kept handy for the purpose. The object of registering in the (11 reetor is to prevent any attempt at "stuffing" tho ballot Mr Gilbert is kept busy instructing his customers In the piocoss and he has so far sue coodod In getting sorim two-thirds of all students entering the store to' vote. Tho balloting system was started by Mr Gilbert as the result of an argu ment which it was decided was to be settled by moans of the hallo! The votes will bo counted by three judges to bo chosen later The mid winter mooting of the fa culty club will be held in the faculty room of the Temple Wednesday, Feb ruary 11', at 4 p m Supper will be served at C 30 to which the members or the faculty are invited Instead of the usual basket lunch supper will bo served In the dining room at 25c per plate. " . SPALDING'S Sportingjj Goods Are Hard to Beat So are our ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES H. Reusch, l 8 So. 2th St. uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimimmummmm,,,! b. I Ensign Cabs! E Tlitvlehghtful pleasure of riding 5 c" tVP m,,kt's thi'"1 your favorites. 5 E bo d'-rent from the rest. All full size carriages. S E , ,,er w!hi Is an Ensign Cab for thc Protection of her gown. B-2303 221 So. 11th anninmiiuuni,,,,,,, I,,, , ,1,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, y y