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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1913)
T II 10 I) A I L Y N 10 IS KASKAN . latin NfliraBllUU AMES LOSES HER TRAINER 1'iopeity of THK UNIVERSITY OK NICItRASKA, I .in olii C , ItKIN I Kditot In Chief ' I Managing ''"dltot Kiirit li M Snjclei AhhchIiiIc Kclitor .lolin I, Cutiighti AHHoeliitc Kditoi (' Nell Itrown AHHOclate Kdltoi Kllabeth Muhoii Lltcnuy Kd I tor Chandler Trimble i BuhIiichh Manager ARHlHtunt Manager (' (' Iiucliaiian J j DrlHcoll SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 6 Cents Each. TKI.KIMIONKS Ofllro H 1888 Night Phono D-4204 Editor It 1 r 1 K Manager It 1821 Entered at the postolllce at lane oln NobraHka, hh Heoond clasH mall inattei, under the Act of CongrcHH of Marcli :t, 1879 WEDNESDAY. FEItUUARY 11, 1913 THE NEW DANCES 'I he pniamoiint amusement at Ne biaska l'ni etnlt h d.iui lug No basketball gallic p.s unless It Is lollowid Ii a (lance No Intcicol leji.lle (( bale can make Its eu iihi i unb ss it too is Inllnwtd b a il.iiKi '1 Ills I IK on;; i nous ( on in ( I on In I i u bci Ions, soln i though' . uu In olou plenum e Is soli I ilin I i I In ii i i whelming 1 111 ( U ( .1 IK i ' ol the dilute No (lass oigaiiiid lm smial ot pnli t U a I pin post s ,ii ,ili i i i i i' mi N it holds oik i u si iik sti i ,ui (htm e llil t lie iue .ill Jiiniol I'htsst s, siippusi il iii liii .iii.iimil iln polllt Ol ( lilt III l III .III ,111111 i IK ill w .' torn hide IIk social ' H Mi a 1 I dam e '1 o be able to dam ( Is a glailllg so cial asset So keeul lilt Is the mid foi mast i mg Uils ,k ( oinplisliini ui that I 'nl i i sit st udeiils ha e ac t uall Hone into tin busimss ol t( k b i it , tin dam e II w e must put loi th a ( on KtltlttUe eltoits to leaili out amuse menls, it would seem that the social lite of intelligent people would de t lop It automatK nlh Hut still, w t e Identh must dam e The (tialil ol out social life de pends on the (iialit ot oui dames 'Ibis (ualit, the intiodmtion ol the new dame In I'nheisitj social cu c Ich has depi e( lat( d '1 lie lloston and the (ontoitions into which it in ewtablj leadH rob the dame of much of its ha i moil . simphtit ami (liaim In nppeaianc e, the new danci s me giotc K(tie ami almost hideous hi m i foimame tlu aie imluiiit and ( cessle So iolent ami exhausting a fien do these oldies cieate, a man ot nilin.ii Miength and iinlui am e seldom iecoeis liom them in tlllee das The da altel he Is ( el tainl good loi nothing Einotiouall . the instincts and passions are in the s.une uuc ontiollable state, and the stu dent indulging; them loses within a (i shoit time his distinctive lellne ment ami leseive The whole per foimame is Hingulail ulgai. icpul Hive, sensual and nieanlv theatiual Univeisitv students should join with public dance balls in the suppiession of this needlesH excess "Jack" Watson Goes to Iowa City Although a Seemed Fixture at Ames, 'Jack' Wat Hon, the veteran trainer of Aiikh, ban Jimt Hevered his con nection with that liiHtitutlon and next fall becomes phHlcal director and trainer of Iowa He hiiH JtiHt fdgned a1 five enr contract to take charge of Iowa's athletlcH and will take up this new woik after leaving AmeH next June This romcH iih a Htirprlso to a gieal nuniber of tbone who havo known of Mr Watson'H work at Iowa State College and havo looked upon hi in as one of the tradltloriH at Ames aB "Jack" IJeHt 1h at Nebraska The change will affect a great Im provement In the University of Iowa's athletics Mi Watson has been In the phvslcal tialnlng work for the past tvvnitv five veais, having been trainer at AmeH foi nine vears and previous to that time iihvsical director at Ciin nell Iowa has been extreme; fortunate in sinning the sei vices of Mi Wat s,'u but at pnsent Ames is greatly handle apped and will be fenced to look about foi a uc chsoi to their late ti.iim i GERMAN CLUE ELECTS NEW MEMBERS l( I "(leiltsc he n selllge i lein ( i s.lliiliK Ite sic h Donnelsta bend In I I'l I C( I tl lldi Si hi ibliel 'I i slid 1", (i St I as(. I.lllselu gc niisi i ii hi i pi om .m, m wunlevoil Helm I'lolessoi Mnlil lllid I"' I k i maim lb li id hni ausi,. I lulu I I'oki mil in ue Mitlu ii w unb n Tvvahlt I'l Pauline Knhn. I'll lt( ulah D i idsoii 'i I Minnie Si hull, l'i I y IK s Itllssell, I'l 1 lull mil,! ()e,(ell I'l I II" leil .It ss ' (',,,,! p, , ,llm . -, I'dilb Wade I'll Miha an I)i b I I'll Piii da Stutl llei i n Claiki Dickinson NOTICE. Mi H H McM.tstei, ( 'oinniissionei ol the Vssoclated Metal Lath Mann facliiieis ol Yoinigstovvii, Ohio, will give .in illiistiatid lectine tonight at 7 til beloie the united ellgllleeilllg so leties in Mechanical Engineeilng building Room I'm; 'I he subject of bis let tine is 'Phepiootlng Matei ial ' All peisons inteiested in build nig consti tictiou will Mud this ledum entei taming as well as instinctive Arrow Kotch COLLARS TMG nnLMONT STYLO IN TOl'R MGIQUTS GLASGOW ZH In. BrLMONT 2)4 In. MHDORA 2'i In. CIlL'-.Tm? 2 In. 2forP5on. C UFTT, PrAPnnYd ro , M-ker, University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED I I if Temple Theatic I if CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Streets if PA Hall President if F. H. Jobnscn Vice Pres. CONVOCATION. Ti io. opus .! i thin Koote llegio con hi 10 Allegio Vivace. Adagio Molto Allegio comodo Iaic Miller. Moler, violin Lillian Kie he, Velio 1-Mith 1 tut linghon, piano 11 00 SIMMONS THE PRINTER if Dance Programs -fa if Banquet Menus - if Callinq Cards if Book Publications - 317 S 12th St if Rudge & Guenzel Co.'s Store 1 ill 'HI Best Men's Shop in Lincoln Is Headquarters for New Spring Ties New Spring Hats New Spring Shirts New Spring Hose ALL OUR SWEATERS and SWEATER COATS at O0E FIFTH to1 ONE-HALF OFF Mighty Good $1.00 Shirts for 65c Now - - i . i i 7i. i - ,- - We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD Re FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Fountain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c efrtih aJ7tcr Home Made Baked Goods Cookies, Pies, Cakes, Holsum Bread, Fancy Pastries meukJMt! I 1 ' m M TB L - cs!$ &- Cafe Open after the Shows with "Good Things to Eat" 1325-31 N Street if W. W. Hackney, Jr. Asst Cash. if