The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 12, 1913, Image 1
Ttbe Dailv IRebrashan Vol XII. No. 86 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 12, 1913 Price 5 Cents KOSMET CAST ANNOUNCED--PROMINENT PEOPLE PLACE THEY'LL GET YOU TRACK MENJN EVIDENCE SCANTILY CLAD ATHLETE8 OF THE CINDER PATH APPEAR DAILY IN WORKOUT8. ENTER KANSAS CITY MEET Thirty Men Out for Quarter-Mile from Which Four Will Be Selected to Represent Nebraska in Both Events. There arc no more sure harbingers of spring than the Bcanlily clad track men. They are now much in evidence On the warm days the track in used, at other times the gymnasium. Next week the firHt trouts will be held for the KanHaH City and St. Louis meets The competition will be on Wednesday, February 15. The Kan sas City meet will be held March 1, the St Louis meet occurs on March 8 The only event in which Nebraska will compete will be the mile relay , for Missouri Valley colleges '-'lIl,1 strum is showing up well in the quar- ter mile and if he makes the relay team will undoubtedly enter the pole- vault. There aie about tlnitj men pruc Using the quaiter.mile I'lom these, four will be picked to go to the two meets. Among the best out at pres ent are Anderson, Heaver, Lindstrum, Zumwinkle, Reese, Kubellk, South wick and (Mark. Medals will be given to winners of relay us well us a large silver cup. NEW MEN ON CORNHUSKER Three More Men Appointed to Joke Staff Pictures Must Be Taken Before February 15. Work on tho Cornhusker 1b pro gressing rapidly. Last night at a meeting of the staff three new mem bers were appointed to the Joko com mittee, raising this commltteo to a membership of six. This year tho Joke section will contain real jokes-1 and many of them Several good stories about profes sors and studonis have already been obtained. The first color work is now being completed. This work is expensive three color work, and has seldom be fore been put into a Cornhusker. Two hundred Biiaps have been obtained, but more are needed. Anyone having any snaps incident to students or uni versity life are requested to bring them to the Cornhusker ofllco. At first the final date for individual Junior and senior pictures was sot for February 1, but it has been extended to February 22 after which it will bo too late to have pictures taken as on this date the forms will close. Those who delay with this until too late will be represented by a cartoon, so It Is urged that everyone have their pict ures taken on time. Editor-in-chief Ralph Sweeley states that no delays will be occasioned and the unnual will come out during the latter part of May. Songsters to Produce Musical Comedy Are 8elected In Open Competition. Tho cast for the Kosmet Klub's annual production has Anally been se lected Owing to the large number of contestants the Judges have had dif ficulty in coming to definite decision on the person fitted to the part. In the partB which require both singing and acting, the competition was slight, in fact, difficulty whh experienced in tilling them suitably. In the parts re quiring only acting or only singing the competition was decidedly keen, there being about 80 contestants for 20 :arts The Klub wishes to thank all who took the time and trouble to enter the competition and to say to those to whom parts were not allotted that the appointments were not made upon dramatic ability alone, but upon the combination of dramatic ability, pliy- sj(.ai and temperamental fitness for the part in question The play chosen 1H a .,()Ci,ty comedy of a farclal na-' t ur. with suitable music introduced :,'.:,;:,l;1"";;; llN tlll, (.ji:iiacteis Each l the pl.i is a definite (haracter, al though some tune only singing parts The music is of a ei high order and is catchy and tuneful The club feels that with the combination of music, play and the cast chosen, this second annual production will surpass in everv way the efforts of last year. I The following people have been bc-. lected for this years' cast Grace Reavis, Julius Harpham, Elsa Haar iiinii, Morton Steinhart, Delia Ladd, James Allison, Ramona Troup, Mar garet Mcllenry, Catherine Atwood, William Kirk, iBabell CoonB, Henry J. Shultz, Julia Soloman, Percy Jaynes, Grace Holman, Chalmers Gellatley, Marjory Kimball, Robert Drake, Polly Poland, J. V Mead, R. S. Buddenberg, Svbll Nelson. Lois Piper, Max Wood - ward, Roy F Allen, Ruth Malone, Thomas Strlbllng, Adele Davis, Ned AlllBon, Wllla Spier, Gordon Deck, h ncmo1h Mttrjon iroece GILBERT CONDUCTS BALLOT University Book Store is Vote on University Removal. As a result of an argument started on the campus as to the Bontlment of the student body on the subject of removal, Mr. Gilbert of the Uni versity Book Store has Instituted a plan for ascertaining the Btudent opinion on the subject. Bedecked In loud and attractive colors, a ballot box makes itself tho subject of atten tion at the very entrance to the book atoro, and has so far succeeded in inducing several hundred students to cast ballots on one side or the other of the question. The process of voting consists of singnlng the name of the voter and tho word "yes" or "no" In accordance with his opinion on tho subject and (Continued on Page 3.) WILL JONES EXCEED THE SPFED LIMIT? NEVER AGAIN Freshman Gets in Tolls While Riding Fraternity Brothers Pays His Own Fine. Police court yesterday morning pre sented an unusually exciting and at tractive appearance when two of the University's staidest and soberest stu dents lined up before the Judge and were asked what they had to Bay for themselves Edward Jones, a froBhman In the Arts and Science college and a prominent pledge of tho Phi Kappa I'si fraternity, explained to his "honor" how it was that his automobile was exceeding the speed limits Saturday afternoon. Coe Huchanan, n well known law er ,md fraternity brother of tho accused defended him. Ills principal argument consisted in proving to the judge's satisfaction that the auto in question was not capable ol nurturing the speed regulutions. Mr Jones wus dismissed after a brief admonition to i)t. more careful In the future, prom, arrangements made Nebraska's Best Ever Social Func tion Will be Elaborate in Every Detail. TICKETS ARE GOING FAST Programs, favors stunts, flowers, decorations. music, chapeiones all these and many, many moie features of the Junior-Senior Prom are at last worked out In detail. The launching of a new tradition and the making of University social history takes work and the committee has been doing It. At last plans are completed. Julius Harpham who has charge of that part of the arrangements announces that the auditorium floor will have no su- , perior In Lincoln Miss Helen Sawyer and Raymond Smith were Interviewed by the society 'editor of the Daily Nebraska as to the scheme of decorations but details remain mysteriously concealed He found, however, that plans has been submitted by the expert decorator ' of J L Rrandels & Sons of Omaha, Place ofiaiu' ')V tvo ,ocal artists. I he con tract was let entirely on a merit basis and was recehed by Miller & Paine Mr Fred Groth will be In charge. The big hall will be decked out In tho most elaborate plumage It has ever worn. The music will bo con ducted by Orvllle L. Jones who will have the largest and best orchestru that has ever furnished silver strains for Nebraska's merry dancers eight een pieces in all. And then there are the favors. Yes, everyone is guessing as to what tho favors will be. Representatives from three wholesale jewelry firms have been beforo tho committee and all the orders are in. The eighth will be the favor dance and at last the secret will be out. Masters of Ceremonies Carrier, and Drlscoll announce that the grand march will start at 7:30. The tickets THIRTY-FIVE BOO8TER8 FORM COMMITTEE IN CHARGE OF "RAG" TAG DAY TOMORROW. RICH RED 'RAG' TAGS, ONE DOLLAR Entrance Given to Ten O'clock Classes to Get Subscriptions Chancellor Will Ex cuse Workers. Preparations Tor Rag Tag Day move on. The Chancellor Iiiib made ar rangements with professors in charge of ! and 10 o'clock classes to allow members of the Roosters Committee to speak to these classes and obtain as many subscriptions as the time will permit Furthermore, any student on the Rooster Committee who cuts at tendance in the service of the cause will be excused without prejudice from the office of the Chancellor. Thuisday, Febiuary l.'l, is the official date to put the Rag In the hands ol every student On this date, no ;';;;;, should allow his tudies or any- g else to interteie wlln llie on ward march of education b publicity It an all be done in one day, if we woik hind and woik together, with the loss of little or no time to our les sons The effectiveness of the Daily Nebraska!) rcquiics that it lie lead and paid for by every student No ef fort will be spared by patriotic stu dents to put "her home " To carry the good work on, The Student Publication Roard has ap pointed thirty-five active, able, Influen tial canvasBers. TIiIb staff will com mission any and all volunteers who have any time whatever to spend for this noble service. The more students we can get to help in the work of mak ing the Nebraskan read, the better will be the Rag as laid down to our readers. The dnagnet for subscriptions Is meshed to catch all No one can es cape it TAGS entirely new, nothing like them before, a distinctive holiday feature, exceptional in neatness and design they'll stamp the new and old subscriber In every nook, cranny and corner of the campus If the absence of the Tag does not mark out the non subscriber, he Is sure to subscribe In the Ibrary or in University Hall at tables for the purpose conducted by The Silver Serpent and Black Masque girls The Dally Nebraskan Ib espe cially designed, especially for tho benefit of tho Btudents, and the man agement alms to afford all tho chance to bo a cog In tho machine for tho Nebraskan's perpetuation and Im provement. are in great demand and Chairman Sweeley and Dawson state that all those who have engaged tickets must pay for tho same by next Friday as they will not be held longer than that date. Tho anticipations of those in charge have been gratified In that the sale of alumni tickets has already sur passed that of all former proms. iCj