ii i: wnwifajLftiMHiWgga TnE DAILY NEIiRASKAN I li mmwmmMMMM i is Satin Nrhratfkatt Property of THE UNIVERSITY OF NHMIASKA. Lincoln C. h. RKIN Killtor-ln Chief MaiuiKliiK Editor AHHoelute Editor AHH()i-lat Editor AHHoclate lOdltor Literary Editor. . Kenneth M. Snyder .John Ii CntrlKlit ('. Neil Hrown Ellzah(th Miihoh .Chandler Trimble BiihIih'hh Manager C C Huchannn AfiBlBtant MnnaRor J. E. DriHcoll SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2 PER YEAR Payable In Advance 8lngle Coplca, 6 Cents Each. TELEPHONES Offlce n-1888. Night Phono D-4204 Editor IMG18 Manager IM821 Entered at the poatolllcc at Lincoln, NebraBka, aH second cIuhh mall matter, under the Act of Congress of March 3. 1879. SATURDAY, I-'BIHIUAIIY 8. 19U the hooks. The entering freBhman thinks we students study. His par ents think we students study. The general public thinks we students study And upon that opinion they willing pay taxes for our support The legislature of Nebraska, a potent, Immediate and sympathetic element of our support thinks and has a right to think that we students study. And we might as well remember that the aid of all these necessary elements of public opinion is best gained when we for whom this great and growing university was founded, join with the people In making It essentially the workshop of the SCHOLAR. MANY positions offered Arrow Notch COLLARS TUG DRLMONT STYLB IN TOUR HPK1UTS 01.ASQOW ZH In. KCLMONT ZH In. MI2DORA Z In. CMHSTOR 2 In. 2 for Pr cU. C UETT, PEARpnY A. CO., Mnkerc University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Read the "Rag y Department of Agriculture Receives News of Lucrative Chances for Variously Equipped Men. The department of Agricultural en g.neerlng has received the, following rnillinutu fnr mnn ulttrwi hnnomlwir 9 U SCHOLARSHIP. lrln rnrmnn.. ITiilwl f.itna For the purpose, or needed aKltiUion , Kllvul H)KUtal nc,illK house, fur along n line which Is receiving ' nitiin. heat and rations for two fain and less attention at the hands of 11(H Halary $i,200; experimentalist the student body, we suggest that ,n Rrll.uI(lirft ,M1gneering at the Uni what ought to be uppermost In the v,,rHlty ()f unnoH salary of $1,000; mind of every student In these open- farm Kiperlntendent in Indiana. Bal ing days of the new semester Is schol-( ury $2,000; assistant professor of ag nrship. A student In the last analysis r(.itra engineering. University of Is a man who studies. Mecause we Missouri, salary of $l.r00-$2,0(0 In study or are supposed to study, we l(i(it ion to the above this department are distinguished from the rest of ,.lH r,.C(.v,.( n'cinests for men be inanklnd and called students To this tw,,,, March 2, 1912 and December US, distinction no man ought to be eiigi i ; i li whose salaries total $14,875. ble unless he puts In at least fifty on ner cent of his time on his books, am; receives a grade which, barring acci dents In examinations, Is the minimum of scholastic etllciency. This pedantic truism is dug up from a. simple but persistent past becausi people still tell us that the main thin; to do at the university is not to "grind"; that the main thing to get out of the university Is not a high grade Some even go so far as to say tha' the main thing to get out of the mil verslty Is not tin capacity to think Still everything a man wants to do In this university depends on his schol arshlp You can't get on an athletic team to save your life unless you are an SO student You can't even delate for the university unless jour wit H worth the eflictency average of SO i Even for the privilege of applying to push this pen j on have got to produce from the registrar a statement of your scholastic standing Without a reason ably high aveiage the "pull" ou can muster for anj one of thee student activities isn't worth the eltort at con nlvance at which is purchased the support of several more or less (lis Interested persons. Scholarship, so far the etlicient part of the unlversltv Is concerned, is still the main thing to take with j on Remind ourselves at the beginning Of another round of courses that all your collateral activities depend on your record as a student. The most valuable possession of an active stu-, dent Is his report book. It is the foundation for all his froth; his every channel for letting off surplus steam If you can't make u mark that Is the j result of natural wit, and university i standards are happily excluding that i kind of a mark you can at least make a grade that is the product of hard work. Duty, a sense of obligation to the society for whose work we prepare directs our wandering eyes back to & 'RV"fc, 3t ( jPTi BIG GAME HUNTERS' FIRST Choice ml Bin enouah for the binnest game of North America. STEVENS "Hifih Power" Reneatlnor Rifle No. 425. List Prico - - $20.00 .25-.30-30-.32 and .35 calibers Use Item. Autc-Lomllp(r CiirtrUlKes SURE FIRE MO D.K Our "High Powell Hides also fur nished in fniu'v grades. Ask your Doalcr Send for ImmLsoim, new HiUu Catalog J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY, 1 O. Box 5004 CHIC0PZE FALLS, MASSACHUSETTS . n j inma rm ,v J I 4 V V f Xap Aflr 4-LrfTr" m 6mW7A mm ffirl gs Armstron February Clearance WE ARE OI-TERINd EXCEPTIONAL VAL- ues in Ilih (!r;ilc Furnishings in onlcr to make room for our regular spring (Jowls RROKEN LINES OF $1, l.r) and 2 VORKE and Exccllo Shirts, now KW Lioldwcihl French Hsmncl Shirls with Attached .Military Collars, formerly selling ;lt 1 .50 and Sl-'.OO, now Jjpl.15 $1. .") and $'2 French Manuel Shirts, with unattach ed .Military Collars, now $1.2!) ALL TIES, including Fancy imported English Chrochets, now tlc ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD RE FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Fountain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c t7 eTtit ctJ7iy "SPA" Try the Y. M. C. A. Lunch Room Cafeteria Plan City Y. M. C. A. s 13tb and P N. Y. CHOP HOUSE Is the best, cleanest, and quickest place to eat in the city. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 1340 O STREET Home Made Baked Goods Cookies, Pies, Cakes, Holsum Bread, Fancy Pastries Z-S fW Cafe Open after the Shows with "Good Things to Eat" 1325-31 N STREET f rarww