T n E DAILY NEI1RA8KAN r i CLASSIFIED COLUMN l PREDICT STIFF BATTLE CORNHUSEKER FIVE EXPECT FIERCE SCRIMMAGE WITH THE COYOTES BEAR STORIES FROM WESLEYAN According to Reports from Methodist 8chool Nebraska Will Be Hard Pressed Becaune of Strange Floor. WANTICI) A ponitlon an matron or manager of a fraternity house Mrs Htm or, HOOO V St Phone Auto H 110!), Hell 7181)0 2 4 3t FOR UKNT Large front room in modern houne, for lndlen Auto I.)2H(), i:i27 S HI 2 6 According to WoHleyan poHtora tho basketball game Friday night 1h go ing to be a "ConiluiHklng Boo" for tho Coyotes They lime good grounds for their assertion li'cnuHt the game is to bo played on their home door which rosembleB a dry goods box and on which no out of bounds are recog nized ThlH will h n in per the C'orn huskers considerably on account of their being used to largo floor and and depending to a certain extent upon out of bounds plays. Tho 'varsity, however, have been practicing with no out of bounds on tho "gym" lloor. Coach Stlelnn's men are working their hardest In anticipation of tho stiff games which still remain on the schedule. Ewi) one of these games will require the lxHt that the men hae In them On Saturday the 15th the Kansas AgRles will play at Lin coin Last ear tlu AkkI'9 were de feated bj onl) one point Nebraska was three baskets behind In the last few minutes of pla and It mih only by the fastest kind of playing that they managed to win the game On the llith the team will make their trip through I own which will Include games with Ames and Drake, follow Ing this Ames will play two games at Lincoln All these are conference championship games. Tho whole squad 1h showing a de cided improvement over last week's playing. Les II) do especially Is de veloping Into a fast man and C U. Myers, who has up to this time been ineligible Is being tried out at for ward and will be Riven a chance at either Haskell's or Underwood's place on Frida night. This is Mer's first attempt at basketball in this school but he has u very good reputa tion. FOR HALE Cadet uniform, good con dltlon, size about 3r Inquire rag olhce of Kavnn MILITARY BALL HOLDS 8WAY TONIGHT I NREGAL MANNER (Continued from Page Oi the fashion of the Waldorf-Astoria, and will far excell any previous uni versity dance decorations In order to obtain the full benefit of the evening, the grand march will be gin at 8 30 sharp During tho march a Hash light picture will bo taken and, according to the chairman, any one arriving during tho march will bo ob Ilged to remain outside the hall untfl tho first dance. The grand march will bo led by Master of Ceremonies Charles Peery with Miss Mabel Hath and Chairman Leo J Hreen with Miss Romona Troup They will be followed accord ing to rank by the officers and their sponsors, who are hero announced for the first time Unierslt Cadet Hponser Mrs C N How man Fhst Regiment Miss Helen Whelpley First Hattallon Miss Lillian Stiadley Becond Hattallon . .... Miss Crace Went worth Third Hattallon Miss Frleda-chrank Co I Miss Elizabeth Bonnell (o A Miss Mildred Scovillo Co 1) . Miss Jean Grant Co E ..Miss Ramona Troup Co F Miss Mary Roberto Co M.. ..Miss Grayce Bedson Co H . Miss Harriett Britt Co K Miss Mabel Hath Co G . Miss Lillian Young Co C . . Miss Mabel Murtey The patrons and patronesses aro: Adjutant General Philip L Hall, Jr. Lieut and Mrs C N Bowman Dr and Mrs Walter K Jowett Prof and Mrs Erwin II Harbour THE LIN DELL CATERING TO SPECIAL DINNER PARTIES BANQUETS LUNCHEONS RECEPTIONS An Excellent Table de Hote Dinner served from 6 to 9 p. m. 75c Music during Dinner Hour. Also Sunday Lunch Hour Saturday I will be a good time to pick up a snap in our Clothing and Furnish ing Department. The lines are somewhat broken but we have plenty of every thing. You can buy any thini you need for immed iate use cheaper here than elsewhere. Palace Clothing Co. Im mmmmmtm ! THE CAFETERIA Of the University Y. M- C A. THE BEST PLACE FOR STUDENTS Breakfast 7 'to 8 : iO Dinner 1 1 to 1 : 30 Supper 5 : 30 to 7 :- THE TEMPLE -: T HE MOMENT YOU PUT OA CLOTHES made to your measure, you see the vast dif ference between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Be sure to see our line first. College Tailors College View Phone B-O-X-A-48 Home Made Bread Six Loafs for 25c COOKIES PIES CAKES 1. Give us your next order for ranch. We know ice can suit you both in quality and in pi ice. Fraternity and Sorority Pins A 11 Kinds of Badges, Rings, Pins and NOVELTIES Manufactured to your order by the oldest and most reliLble Jewelry Manufacturer in the West. THE GREEN JEWELRY COMPANY 1104 Waluut St., St. Louis, Mo. Oidei duett, and we ae ni moiU'. We manufacture Ihh School, College and FiatetniU Puis. i MftiMan"TasararawaMpjH'jjwi r''A-'-r',v'J-,w.lTl's,k'V-iJ3iTC lmfmmmMMmmmmmimmm -rafftftttm;B " i hilllnfcHi.IMWWWM'lMTrifnn tj ii ! Hnl .HSimm i n ' ' ' .; ."-,y-'- -