The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 07, 1913, Image 1

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    XTbe Hatl flebrashan
Vol. XII. No. 83
Price 5 Cents
Political Strife Opens
by Announcement of
Many Candidates
With the class elections less than
two weeks off and the reports of the
first semester examinations being
given out political aspirations are be
coming' much in evidence over the
campus. Heretofore, a peculiar reti
cence, possibly because of the uncer
tainty as to the examination returns,
hab ben noticeable on tho part of
those whose ambitions have run along
political lines and has made It diffi
cult in connrm numerous rumors that
have been started. At the present time
some six candidates have consented to
announce themselves for political
faors of their classmates.
In the senior class two candllates
have entered the Held simultaneously,
Arthur Geoige anl W W Wenstrand
Georgr is a graduate of Lincoln high
school though living in Cumro, and is
enrolled in tho college of agriculture.
He is a member of the agricultural
club, PaUadlan, and of the dairy judg
ing team of the present year. He won
his class numeral on the Junior foot
ball team last year and has played on
the interclass team each year while
In school.
Wenstrand is a graduate of Wahoo
high school. He is captain of Com
pany F and was appointed chairman
of the Senior Olympic committee last
semester. He is a member of the
Alpha Tau Omega fraternity.
Among the Juniors a rumor that four
candidates would appear has dwin
dled till but one is left in the field.
Harvey Hess of Hebron was on the
sophomore debating team last year
and is this year a member of the var
Big Event of Year for Soldier Society
Men Occurs This Evening
Sponsors Announced.
The first social event of note after
examination will be the Military ball
at the Lincoln tonight. This is a strict
ly an evening dress affair, the officers
wearing their full regalia of military
uniform, sword, and puttees.
Thote whom fortune has not fav
ored with a military commission must
content themselves with the ordinary
evening clothes.
The success of the dance is as
sured as eight live tickets have
been sold by the committee
'I lie programs aie claimed to be
leal fussv and will be one of the sev-'
eial surprising featuns of the even-'
mg Dining one of the dances :i ne.iu
tiful effect new to unlver
sit sociflv will h(. featuied I
The h.ill has been decorated after'
sity squad, Australian ballot commit
tee and is chairman of the interclass
debating board. He Is a pledge of Phi
Alpha Tau, the honorary debating fra
ternity George Raceley of Pendar,
who is well known as a prominont
track man ,is yet undecided but hae
some Intention of asking for the class
leadership Franklin gltryker and
Harold Miller have refused to assent
to the rumor that they were In tho
Among the second year men, Russell
Isreal of Omaha and Arthur Jackson
of Lincoln are seeking the head honor.
Isreal Is well known as a member of
the reserve freshman football team of
last year and of the championship
sophomore class of this year. Ho is
on the glee club and belongs to the
Alpha Theta Chi fraternity.
Jackson Is In the glee club and tho
band, is secretary of the Democratic
club, and Is a member of the Sigma
Phi Epsllon fraternity.
Among the freshman politics have
been so quiet that it was only with
difllculty that one candidate could be
induce to confess his ambitions.
Clarence Spier, who halls from SL
Joseph, Mo., will undertake to pull
down the presidency of the youngsters.
Spier was last semester identified with
tho Nebraska staff and is a pledge of
the Delta Upsilon fraternity.
The elections will be held February
18 and ballots will be cast at that
time, not only for class presidents,
but also for the Ivy Day orator and
the Cornhusker positions of next year.
Announcement is hereby made that
the general election for selecting the
presidents of the four respective
classes, the editor in-chief, the man
aging editor and the business man
ager of the Cornhusker and the Ivy
Day orator will be held on Tuesday,
February 18 in Memorial hall. The
polls will be open it 00 to 12 00 and
1 30 to 5 30. Regularly classified stu
dents In the undergraduate colleges
are entitled to vote.
Each candidate must make written
application to have his name inserted
on the ballot and file same In this
office at least four clays prior to the
flection clay. The time for filing will
c lose on Friday, February 1 1 at 5 00
p in No name may be written on the
lach candidate is permitted to have
mil' representative at the pollH There
shall be no soliciting of votes l
means ot cauls or otherwise at the
polls or in the building in which Hie
lection is being held dining flection
E M RHTLEDCE. Registrar
Considerable Interest Arousea by
Open House to Be Held Sat
urday Night.
Great Interest is being manifested in
engineer's night This is a new cus
tom but it will probably becone an
annual fin ctlou
There are but few occasions when
vlsi.ers can nee the labcratoiies of
the engineering colli ge in lull oper
ation, as on regular days the Instruc
tors and students are too busy to en
tertain visitors, but Saturday night
the Bhop men will throw open their
doors to the public and stand ready to
answer all questions which tho wide
eyed layman, may put.
The afTalr has been well advertised,
the big posters drawn and blue print
ed by the cqmmlttee appearing in the
shop windows abou town, and on the
Patrons of the "movies" are even
confronted b the announcement be
tween films Members of the Com
mercial club, legislators, and high
school students will form a consider
able part of the crowd on the cam
pus Several alumni have signified
their Intention of returning for the
open house
The shop men have blossomed forth
In the new corduroys and these signB
of their profession will be much In
evidence Saturday night. All the or
ders are not In yet, however, and
there will be many more of theBO
trousers about the campus when- the
rest o( the engineers get their orders
in. The time has been extended and
orders are still being taken at Magee
& Deemer's.
The program of the Palladlan Lit
erary society Friday night will be
given by the new membets. it s as
Piano solo Ida Craig.
Male Quartette Young, Kunkle,
Samuelson, Ward.
Little Things Lulu Neal.
Play "Lend Me Five Shillings"
Captain Phobbs . . Robert Simmons
Mr Moreland Orville Ward
Captain Spruce Leslie Kunkle
Sam Franz Paustlan
Mrs. Major Phobbs. .. .Florence Dunn
Mrs Captain Phobbs. .. .Mary Rokahr
The Union Literary Boclety gives
an officer's program
Duet, C E Mills, II. S Kinney.
Instrumental solo Doris Slater.
Play, "A Bunch of Roses "
Mi Pet love . . .CO Ley da
Mis PetUne .. .Villa Vail
Geoige Hargrove .Ford Pates
Herbert Mason . H R Kinney
1( lvlna Pilkinton Alvina Illomenkamp
Hilda Cleaves .. Doris Slater
Hi. )n. the butler C K Miller, tin maid . Norma Kldd
Not Only Are Papers Identical but In
Each the Answer la Wrong,
Are Not to Made Public
for Obvloua Reasons.
Rumor has It that nine Btudents
have left the university. Some say
theso students are tho victims of
troubles at homo. Others surmise that
their supply of tho wherewithal has
given out And still others contend
that an urgent demand for early
spring help on the farm 1b the reason
for their sudden departure.
The rumor, however, steadily In
sists that the men were dismissed
from the university The cause of
their dismissal we can trace no far
ther back than the recent examina
tion It id said that when a certain pro
feBHor read certain examination
papers of certain students in his
course, lie discovered that nine of
the said papers were not substan
tially but ielentlcall the same Ho
found that each paper contained tho
same answers figure for figure, pro
cess for process, word for word. Tho
answers began In the same way. They
were developed In tho same way.
And they concluded with tho same
answer. which was a wrong answer.
While It has not been learned whether
the professor actually saw anybody
cheat, ho did conclude that in the
work of theso students there was
both error and wickedness.
Further facts, Including tho names
of tho select nine are not made pub
lic. It Ib probably considered thai
their dismissal Is sufficient punish
ment without the Infliction of the se
verer penalty, public announcement
of the culprits. Barely an examina
tion occurs but what some student un
der the pressure of a brlBk demand
Tor learning, will sacrifice reputation,
honor and opportunity to get for his
Immediate use the coveted fact. Not
until the facts about "cribbing" and
the facts about "crlbbers" are made
fully known to the university public,
can this pernicious evil be Burpressed.
Whence, the publication of theso
meagre facts here
tAt Open to all for -fa
A- -A-
ic SATURDAY 9 A. M. j
(Continued on Page -1 )