SUWWi KjtJLJWMm'tMvrimtm HMMUtai') iSHiuWiW TI7E DAILY NEBRASKAN Satlu NrbraBkan Property of THE UNIVEK9ITY OK NEBRASKA, Lincoln C I, HICIN ICcIltorlii Chief MnnriKlnK Editor Kenneth M Snyder AHHoolnte Editor John L ('iitrlnht AnHorlate Editor (' Noll Brown AHHOclute Editor Kll7iiheth MiiHon Literary Editor Chandler Trimble DubIiichh Manager ABRlHtant Manager Circulation Manager (' C Buchanan J L Drlacoll ..I S Bo wen SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. TELEPHONES Ofllco B-1888. Night Phono B-4204 Editor B 1518 ManaRc-r B 1821 Entered at the poHtofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, an Hocond-rlaflfl mall matter, nnder the Act of CongrcBH of March 3, 1879 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1913 POLICY. A paper like the Dally Nebraskan readily divides Itself Into four main parts- an advertising section; a news section, an editorial section, and a forum. In relation to each one of these parts specifically can be best explained the policy of this sheet for the ensuing semester. The advertising section supports this paper Ad ertising, thetefoie, is necessarllv a large part of the Daih Nebraskan As mix b space must be ghen to oui advertisers as in the judgment of the business manager is needed to keep us alive Joining hands with the business men who sup )oi t us we can demand that what adei Using goes In should catch the ee and get the trade In the news section we shall infoim our leaders about University happen lugs of gem tal interest We shall tell the tinth. we do not expect to run a ellow sheet But we do insist that whatever Is published should be so phrased that it not only appeals to the reason but also hold the atten tion and captivates the Imagination Abstractly stated -this is far from a tlieor etlcal standard Specimens of the right kind of writing are on e hibltion at this office Students who do the light kind of writing we can mention b name Space in these columns is alwavs open to those who can popularize the truth In journal Ism the truth shouldn't soak in The truth should burn in Edltoi i.ill , we expect to sav what v e think We expect to s.iv not what we think things ate but what we think tilings ought to be We expect to sav what we think subject to two limitations the one, placed upon us from above, the other imposed upon us bv our const it n e The Dailv No biaskan is a ct nsored sheet, cen sored because imm.itme and econoni icall dependent students lesponsi ble for its publication aie not alwas responBlblo for what thoy nay. Furthermore, we do not accept the common Interpretation of the Ameri can free speech doctrine "Every man has a right to an opinion of his own." This may be the American doctrine But it is not the true doctrine. The irue doctrine Is, NO MAN HAS A RIGHT TO AN OPINION OF HIS OWN UNLESS HE CAN DEFEND IT BY INFERENCES BASED ON THE FACTS For these reasons, within tho "sphere of anarchy" alloted ub by ex Istlng powers wo shall expreBB our opinions and have them to defend. The time is ripe for a vlgoroua editorial policy The University facen three crises- one, testing whether or not the University shall remain as It is on its present campus or become a I different University at the Stale) l..i "ti ti uirrtwl tnutlnir wlintlwir nr I I III III, l rUWlll, H LMIlip, .III...-. ' not University existence shall bo life with a spirit in it, or a barren, soulless emplov merit, and a third, tCRtlng whether or not collateral activities athletics, society and tho like. Bhall become the principal occupation of our students and study, a purely in cldental matter If these crises are not clear to every Btudent, if Borne think we are fighting a sham battle over fake Ibbucs, it is either because they have not personally ran against these problems, or else their Univer sit literature has not analized for them the substances of things going on Every one of these Issues, we venture to predict, is going to be Bet tied within the next ten ears If the Hail Nebraskan is ever to take a conscious constructive part in the m.iking of University history, it can not begin any earlier We start now We do not expect to support every novenient which for the moment possesses the enthusiasm of a major tv The decision of a majorltj is al v.ivs light But their movements are )ften mistaken Good menements hall receive our suppoit Bad move I'ents we shall freel.v condemn In hoit , we expect to do some "knock ing " We do not expect ou to agree with us We shall be disappointed if you not disagree with us. We require sugestions We invite opposition We solicit attack f you oppose out views, if j on oppose the views of others, If jou have iinj constiuctive policies of jour own, give them to us In writing, and we will publish them In the For urn Because it measures the activitj of public opinion, an ele ment we aie anxious to build up -of all p.uts of the paper we like the I forum best And we show our ap- ion oy giving it end emphasis to. Qirard 2 in. Milton 2M Arrow COLLARS 15c oncli, 2 for 25c Cluett, Pcnbody & Company, Makers University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Flounce Rush, (Jeorgiana Donsson and Mi.-, II Dunhair, all of Omaha and Fssie Janus of Hamburg, la, spent the week end at the PI Beta Phi house Red Shoes, $2.95 Last weak 700 pairs of $5.00 Nu-Buck Shoes hit my Shoe Rooms. Blue, Brown, Red, Champagne, klack and White. Up Stairs. BUDD. 1413 O Street French-Flannel Shirts! Something you actually need stylish and serviceable FRENCH - FLANNEL SHIRTS, with or without Military Collars, light and medium weights, just the thing for school wear this spring and for your summer outing. Regular $1.50 and $2.00 Shirts MA, T1 OQ with detachaBle Military Collar HOW p.v Regular $1.50 French Flannels with attached collar Regular $2.00 Shirts now $1.15 now $1.25 ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS l ....Get Your.... Second Semester Supplies from HARRY PORTER The University Stationer 1123 "0" Street We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD Re FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Fountain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c Gejhtih r. ki Mte. m CMJVKX i:iiMi:i iim-iix: M M r -i-rj n i