TOE DAILY NEBRASKAN rs i i iiiii iiiiiimimmimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiii BASKET BALL BITS iimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimmmiiiHii The Freshmen lmsketlmll nqund meetB the faHt Lincoln High flvo to night In the Armory nt 8.00 o'clock. This 1b the second gmnc that tho Freshmen have plnye.d, nalde from their nightly tiiHHloH with tho Varsity, and the "hopefuls" aro laying plnnB to bring down tho Scarlet and Black In a real exhibition of baBketball. The first half of the gamo will probably be played by college ruleB, and tho rest by high school, or conference, rules. To date Minnesota has shown ex cellent form and unless tho Cornhusk--orflfluad puts up an exceedingly fast game SJrHiday night, the chanceB aro that Minnesota will maintain her supremacy. CLASSIFIED COLUMN FURNISHED ROOM Close In, for men, 1439 S. l-24-4t The Ames Aggies returned from their first trip abroad with a poor records, Washington and Missouri capturing two games each. Drako however, succumbed to tho Farmers' superior basket shooting. Tho Kansas Aggies bid fair to put a crimp In some of the other Missouri Valley teams' asplratlonB for cham pionship honors If they maintain tho brilliant form they have exhibited up to date. Tho K. U. "five" are laying In wait for the Cornhusker quintet for fair. Having lost two gameB last year by a hair and tying the 'Huskers the year before for tho championship of tho valley, they have a hunch 'tis their time for the coveted title. LOST Friday, between Fraternity Hall and Tenth and J, a topaz pin, surrounded by pearls. Reward. Call at 729 So. 10th, or phono Auto L9188. Clara R. DoddB. l-21-3t LOST New brown overcoat at Fresh man law hop. Reward will bo paid for return to Nebraskan office. l-20-3t LOST LadleB' gold watch and fob, with gold monogram (T. D. A. A.) Liberal reward. Return to 1423 Q St. l-22-5t LOST An N watch fob with D. U. on tho cross bar. Return to this of fice. l-22-3t FOUND At the S. E. gate, a silver Nebraska bar pin. Owner call at this office. l-2i-3t A STUDENT FORUM (Contlnuod from Pago 2.) cannot bo graBped at this time, but for the Bake of the good which It will do in the immediate futuro, we would like to pee it given a trial. The Inter-class Debating Hoard will meet this morning at 11 30 In I'rofeB sor Fogg's ofllce, U 20G. Important. HARVEY W. HESS ENGINEERS' CLUB TO MEET 6lty Engineers In Charge of Program Will Give Some Talks. A meeting of the Engineers' Club of Lincoln will be held Friday evening In M. E. 206. The men In the city engineers' ofllce, the majority of whom are U. of N. graduates, will talk on tho following subjects- "Duties of the City Engineer, Paving, Plumbing Inspection. Lighting and Sidewalks. ADDITIONAL CAMPUS NOTES Dr. J. H. Powers will speak at All Souls' church Sunday at 12.15, to stu dents on "Most Valuable Recent Con tributlon of Zoological Science To Human Knowledge." Jay Rinker, '10, recently passed tho examinations of the California State Pharmacy Board and Is now manag ing a pharmacy at Lindsay, Calif. Mr. Rinker was one of the Jlrst class to graduate from the Nebraska School of Pharmacy PROGRAM OF LIT. SOCIETIES Palladian. The Palladian Literary Society will give an "outbiders program" Janu ary 24. Something especially Inter esting. The program begins at 8:15. Union. The Union Literary Society will give an Inaugural program Friday evening, January 24th. The social hour will be followed by a closed busi ness meeting All members are re quested lo be present. Th program will begin promptly at 8 15 Notices were posted on the bulle tin boards of the campus yesteraa afternoon announcing the tryouts for the Kosmet Club Opera. The trycuts will take place Tuesday and Wodnes da evenings, February 4 and 5, in the Temple Theatre and are open to all University students. Owing to a misunderstanding be tween the dean of women and a rep resentathe of the Dally Nebraskan, a number of parties have been an nounced in the last few weeks and Tuehday, in particular, as given by Alpha Phi. These are In part rush ing stunts, a like number of which are being given by eacli sorority and partially were clerical errors. We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD Re FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Fountain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c GeF'tir crir7$7 Every Fellow in the Uni. Wears Socks And we take it for granted that all the boys read this paper We think too that they will be interested in A Special Sale of 2 for 25c Socks fi'r a Pair This Special Offer is for Saturday only Act wisely by Purchas ing a year's supply at 64 Cents a Pair Palace Clothing Co. 1410 O STREET SENIORS CLASS PINS CLASS PINS 1913 ARE NOW HERE-BUY TODAY Why use that old Fountain Pen Get a Good one. Calendars are now in Season. The University Book Store 340 North llth Street Lincoln T HE MOMENT YOU PUT OA CLOTHES made to your measure, you see the vast dif ference between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Be sure to see our line first. College Tailors College View Phone B-O-X-A-48 N Ice Skating 22nd and IYI Baseball Park yjHgtfS'fljMBmRawf.yCTggga 1-fW JTg J m ffxyrtrnpyrnTyryy . w