X TnE DAILY NEIiRASKAN m HEINE MAKES THE BEST SCORE Junior In College of Agriculture Wins First Place In Fruit Judging Contest at Auditorium. NEBRASKA FINISHES AFTER AMES In the annual fruit Judging contest of the State Horticultural Society held yesterday at the Auditorium, V J. Heine, a junior In the college of agri culture and a member of the Nebras ka team, won first place In the in dividual score. He competed with ex perts from Ames and Kansas besides his teammates, and in bringing down the honor odded one more laurel to those won by Agricultural College teams this semester. In the team contests, the three schools entered finished In the follow ing order, the two hundred and fifty dollar trophy going to the winner of the first ploce Ames, with a score of 394.8; Nebraska with a score of 383.4 and Kansas with a Bcoro of 380. The close scores made Indicate the stand ing of the schools, with no detriment put upon the two that finished last. The members of the Nebraska team were- V. J. Heine, II. W. Rlchey, C. B. Patrick, II. C. Merrick, and A II. Beckoff. CAMPUS NOTES Telephono Yule Bros at onco. Miss Maud Clark will preside at (ho College Gills' metlngFrlday noon. from 12 00 to 12 lf Hagenslck's Orchestra, Auto B 2990. .1 II Boggs, a Junior In the College of Agriculture, has been 111 for several days, but Is now rapidly recovering. Jones' Orchestra, rhone Lr8605. Thomas Lahners, a Sophomore me dic, who has been ill at the Lincoln Sanitarium, is Improving rapidly. C. H. Froy, University florist. 1133 O at &- 1 We can week ! help you this Representative G. L. Woods of Dix on county was a campus visitor this week. He is the father of EBther and Caroline Weeds, two former gradu ats of Nebraska. George Bros., artistic and Individual programs, menus and stationery. The latest BtyleB. 1313 N. Adv. Ted Marrlner Cleaner, Hatter and Repairer. Auto B1799. 235 No. 11th. Dean O. V. P. Stout has gone to Washington, D. C , to help organize a society of Deans of Engineering of land grant colleges. He will not be back until next week. Bert Barber, '12, viBited the Phi Delta Theta house Wednesday. Bert Is now doing experimental work In agriculture for the Argentine Republic. FreBhmen as well as older students will receive a hearty welcome, courte ous treatment, and the best of service at Green's Barber Shop and Bathhouse, 120 N. 11th St. Adv. V-Neek .Sweater Coats, of pure wool in nil colors warm and serviceable $3.50 Sweaters $2.25 3.00 Sweaters 1.95 2.50 Sweaters 1.65 IMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHI 1 WE CORRECT ALL DEFECT OF VISION E and if you need the services of a doctor we will frankly tell you so. 5 There's no guess work in our methods. You can rely on our work, and j 5 you should faithfully carry out our directions. S Est'b 1871 HALLETT, Registered Optometrijt 1143 0 iTillllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllilllllllliilllllillllii Shirts Our entire remain ing stock of M. & D., Empire & Calumet brands (except whites), about 60 do.., splen did, non-fading garments, that sold at $1.50 and $2, now 95c And Clothing! When you want to economize on your clothes, look not for low prices alone, but for high quality as well. You'll find both in our Kensington ajid Kenmor Suits and Overcoats. All broken lines continue this week at One-Fourt Off MAGEE & DEEMER THEATRES OLIVER THEATRE Sat., Mat. and Night. Jan. 25th ABORN OPERA COMPANY In Its Spectacular Production 'THE BOHEMIAN GIRL" Great Cast Immense Chorua Mat. $1.00 to 25c Night, $1.50 to 60c Jan. 29 "MUT AND JEFF" Jan. 30 "THE DIVORCE QUESTION." ORPHEUM ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE ETHEL GREEN GEORGE H. WATT 8chlchtl'a HARRY BREEN BICKNELL AND GIBNEY EUGENE PAGE ETHEL VANE Bar. Mats at 2:15 Prlcea 15c, 2flo. Night, 8:15 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. LYRIC THUR8., FRI., 8AT. THE RUTH FRANCI8 PLAYER8 MAY AND LILLIE BURN8 PHOTO PLAYS "Leonle" 'The Family Jar" "Pathe's Weekly" "His Wife's Relations" 3 8HOW8 DAILY 2, 7 &. 9 P. M. ALL 8EAT8 10c 44 CDAf Try th Y. M. C. A. Lonch Room Cafeteria Plan City Y. M. C. A. 13lb and P The pharmacy students are planning a pre examination celebration for to night. About fifty tickets have been sold to ,i tafly pull to be held In the pharmacy looms in Nebraska Hall. ------ One Night Only Thuisday, January 23rd THE BEN GREET PLAYERS Seats on Sale Tuesday, Jan. 21. at the Box Office Prices. $1 50 to 50c Cleaning Pressing Repairing NEATLY DONE Y. M. C. A. TAILORS In the Basement Quartet in The Aborn Opera Company's Production of Balfes Masterpiece "THE BOHEMIAN GIRL" at the Oliver, Sat. Mat. & Night Jan. 25