l-- T II E DAILY N E II RASKAN Saily Nrbrajakan Property of THE UNIVISKHITY OK NKI1KASKA, Lincoln FRKHKIUC C McCONNKLL, Krtltor In Chief AianiiKliiK Editor .Men 111 V Reed AsHoelate Kdilor Kenneth M Snyder AHHodnt' 1-Mltor Clod I- Stewart Uterury lOdllor Cliandler Tilmble C Huchanan .1 L DrlHcoll .1 S Howerr BubIiiohh ManaKei . AhhIhIuuL Milliliter Clrculuticn Manager SCUIHKS C. L. Yochuni, .1 I, CutrlKht. II CJ Hewitt, W. K Goodman. Winifred See gar, C N Hi os ti. K N WcIIh, A It. O'Hanlon, I V Home, K. A. Turnurc. J. It. Wood, I K KiohJ, Leon. Samuel roii, Clarence Spier, HesHie Mnson Itlllll ScilllM'H SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 6 Cents Each. ( PKLKPHONKS Offlco n-1888 NiRlit Phono H-4204 Editor H 1821 Manager H 181M Entered at the postolllce at Lincoln. NobraBka, nn Hecond claHH mall matter, under the Act of ConKreus of March 3, 1879 S;itunl;i, ,I:ui. IS, U'.. UNIVERSITY BULLETIN The SludenlH DelintlriK club rrieeta tonight at out .50 in U 106 Everybody Mlns Kll.alx tli Lawrence will pre Hide at the college girlH' meeting in the Y W C A rooms Friday from 12 to 12 ir XUNIS DEFEATED, 46 TO (Continued from Page 1 ) 13. Tlio popular " Belmont " notch Collar mndo In self striped Mndrni. 2 for 25c ARROW COLLARS Cluctt, Pcabody Sc Co., Mnkcr University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Howard, rg Carrier. If (Capt ) 0 20 0 HI 6 40 X-ITNI Hutchinson, rf Waugh. if Nagl rf Aiilhes. c (Capt ) Jones, rg AinberHon, lg . . Haskell, lg KG FT Pts o :? :i l l o 6 ') 0 o 1 0 1 0 0 .! 0 1 0 . . . 0 0 THE WEEK'S REVIEW Being a Brief Resume of the Events of the Past Week as Gleaned From Nebraskan Files. Nebraska wins the firht basket ball contest of the season b defeating Cotnor Univeisity. 2H to 18 The commit lee in charge of the Ne braska Cotillion decide to eliminate the lunch feature and substitute fa vors instead. Count Luetzow after returning from n visit to the University praslse the institution in his recent book of travel. Annual art exhibit closes after a ery successful run in Library hall Miss Kffie Longman, a lellow in the Rhetoric department dies after a slion illness at her home In Bethany. Dr. It C. Thwaits, secretary of the Wisconsin Historical society ad droHHos the students at convocation Phi Alpha Tau, the honorary public Hpeaking fraternity adopts resolutions in favor of University removal The Student Publication Hoard goeu on record as favoring the pa ing of salaries to the editorial department of the Nebraskan. Elmer Almqulst, a Nebraska Fresn man is appointed to West Point. Merle A moid succeeds Raymond Reitzel as secretary of the Y M C A 8 5 13 Summary Goals from fouls Under wood, 0 out of 2, Hawkins, 1 out of 2, Ilwle, .i out of . It Haskell. 2 out of 1. Hutchinson. :5 out of 10, Waugh,' 1 out of .!, Nagl, 1 out of 15 Referee Waugh Seoiei Schmidt TO STUDY TOWARD END (Continued from Page O Pi ofessional or volunteer social sci vice the department of polltkal sc ii nee und sociology. Village criticism -the department of Kngli.sh language and literature Government or state scr ice alonj. botanical, gological geographical and zoological lines the departments of botany, geology, geography and .oology, respectively Other group 'i;;-. are In process ol preparation, and 11 may be possible to announce pome of them before registration week. So iar as possible, the University will attempt to place the gradual a of these vocational groupings, just as it now places th graduates of its ariouus technical colleges Some or the groupings, however, do not lead to paid employment but to entrance into busine. s frr ore'V lelt. Those l esponslble for each group pay lht wl'h it uikIms oi; 1 hat anyone e'esir ing einployniei-r to follow completion hi that groii,) should consult with the "adviser" for tiia' group before icg'.e tering for it. WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co. 1 3th and O Sis HA VE The Evans DO YOUR WASHING FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1106 O STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 234 HOUSE COATS & BATH ROBES Loose, comfortable lounging garment for House-Wear Garments which you always desire, but generally classify as luxuries, are brought within easy reach by our January reduction sales. HOUSE COATS AND BATH ROBES Worth up to $6.50 Now $3.45 Worth up to $8.50 Now $5.45 Worth up to $12.50 New $7.45 Worth up to $18.00 Now $9.45 ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD Re FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Fountain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c W ehih cunTix Home Made Baked Goods Cookies, Pies, Cakes, Holsum Bread, Fancy Pastries ICifcp ( I lflJt(Ynl V lvZsfo rn p Cafe Open after the Shows with "Good Things to Eat" 1325-31 N STREET 1