THE DAILY NEBRASKAN h- i ' ovor ub fifty years ago and gathered in a crost along tho westorn coast with its richly productlvo gold mlnea. For a tlmo wo woro In tho hollow of tho soa as It woro, botwoon the groat head waters of wealth In tho oast and tho wavo of tho woBt and It seems that lntorost In intellectual dovolopmont, In that keon minded, comprohonslvo thinking domandod by groat enter prlzos of all sorts haB, in a like man ner, Hwopt thinly ovor us. That facul ty for grasping, and holding by Bheor intolllgenco, conceptions of Justlco, govornment, and financial organization can only bo developed by tho most rigorous and protracted montal train ing. Such training demands freedom from tho immediato economic necessity of 'making a living,' at loast until Uiat po rlod of training Is complete. Tho Btato, recognizing that ruth, has en doavorod to make such freedom within tho reasonable reach of a certain num ber of her young men and women by tho maintenance of a public university. Tho groator or Iobb efficiency of Chat lnstitulon varies, obviously, in propor tion as tho wealth or poverty of the citizens of tho stato permits of better or worso equipment for their instruc tion. Wo feel, do wo not, as students of tho larger and more complex affairs of tho towns and cities fo our growing stuto of Nebraska that tho futuro citi zens of our stato ought, in all con science to have tho place and tho op portunity to study and master thoso unifying principles of government, finance and society, that ma"ke for tho growth and development of cities and states and nation; and for that study they should have, wo bolievo (and hope they will have) an institution worthy of tho dignity and scope of its purpose. Make it n point today or Saturday to stop and investigate tho splendid mid-winter offerings for college men at Magee & Deemer Stylish, this season's suits and overcoats, hoth L Systems and Kensingtons that sold at $14.50 up to $35; remaining numbers from broken lines (many of them blue serges) now selling at one-fourth off. Manhattan shirts, the best made, until Saturday night at big reductions don't delay! UNIVERSITY BULLETIN There will bo no regular meeting of the English club thlB month. 11:00 CLASSES EXCUSED. Edwin F. Mead, head of tho Ameri can Peaco society, will address the students this morning at a convocation In Memorial hall. All 11 o'clock classes nro oxcusod. Soventy-four tickets, Inclusive of all complimentaries, have been validated for the Freshmens Law hop, Janu ary 17, 1913. No more tickets will bo validated for this hop. L. B. TUCKERMAN, Jr. Auditor of Student Organization. CONDRA AND ODELL AT FARM Will Speak at Open Meeting of Grange Saturday Night. Dr. George E. Condra, who is in chargo of tho NobraBka conservation work ,and Mr. Frank Q. Odoll, aocro tary of tho Rural Life commission, will speak at a mooting of tho local grange at tho State Farm Saturday night. The talk of Dr. Condra will be on the "Na tural Features of NobraBka1 illus trated. Mr. Odoll will Bpeak on "Eu ropean Co-operative Rural Credit." Tho meeting will bp held In room 306, Agri cultural hall, at 8 o'clock Saturday and will be open to the public. All members of the Union Literary society are especially urgod to be pres ent at the meeting tonight which promises to be exceptionally flno. The Lincoln Peru club will give a dinner at 6:30 on Friday evening, Jan uary 17 at tho Llndoll hotel. Plates may be rosoerved by Peru people for thomselvoB and friends by calling Auto. L-7695. LEGISLATURE VISITS FARM. Ben Greets Coming The city Y. M. C. A. entertainment course committee announces the com ing of tho Bon Greet players In "She Stoops to Conquer," tho classical old English comedy by Oliver Goldsmith. This play to bo given at the Oliver on Thursday, January 23, will be t rare treat for University people. Lawmakers Take Inspection Trip to Ag. Grounds. Tho Btato legislature was Invited to tho Form Thursday afternoon to view tho campus and inspect the buildings. Practically tho wholo body attended and expressed thomBolvoa aB highly pleased with tho location and buildings. MIbb Dale Lapp, Delta Delta Delta, has again returned to school. She has been absent for some time on ac count of the illneBB of her Bister. Miss Robo Krauae, Alpha Omicron PI, has been unable to attend glasses this week on account of a severe at tack of tonsolltls. TRY OUR LUNCHEONETTES They are always the best We serve hot and cold drinks all winter long. Lincoln Candy Kitchen South West Corner 14 and O Street AS AN INVESTMENT there is nothing better or safer than a Diamond. In the last twelve years Diamonds have advanced One Hundred Per Cent. Spring Goods Are Beginning to Arrive SEE THEM AT ZttteZzMutu WANTED- 50 Cornhuskers a day to have their pictures taken at TOWNSEND'S T HE MOMENT YOU PUT ON CLOTHES made to your measure, you see the vast dif ference between merchant tailored and ready made, Our way costs no more. Be sure to see our line first. ft N College Tailors EiUblUbed 1871, UU1 UGWC1G1 U43 0 "1913 Pint are in." i College View Phone B-O-X-A-48 ' "3 '- - .... t . J-t '.