V t Ibe H)ail IFlebrasfcan Vol. XII. No. 73 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, JAN. 17, 1913 Price 5 Cents BATTLE ROYAL TONIGHT EX-UNI TEAM MEETS STIEHNV4 SQUAD IN FINISH CONTEST. VICTORS IN MANY BIG GAMES Cornhuskers in Trim to Show Them Live Variety of Basket Ball We8leyan Making Big , Strides. Tonight the renowned Ex-Uni's In vade the Cornhusker camp for a bat tle royal. With a month and a half of practice including a near dozei contests, they have a decided edge on the 'varsity quintet. The entire squad are seasoned players and without a doubt will ex hibit a better brand of basket ball than the student body are prone to believe. Wednesday eveniilg the Council Blurts' "Y" five went down to defeat before the Ex-Uni's in which contest Nagl scored nine field goals. However the Cornhuskers in the past week have been pushed by Coach Stiehm to the utmost of their capacity and everyone can rest assured that tho bunch will acquit themselves creditably. The probable lineup will be as follows: Nebraska. Ex.Uni. Haskell rf Nagl Underwood If Waugh Stryker c...(Capt.) Anthoa Hawkins rg Jones Carrier (Capt) . . lg Amberson Substitutes: Nebraska Hyde, Meier, Keofesv Howe, Kavan. Wesleyan a Dangerous Rival. Wesleyan the next opponent of Ne braska administered a drubbing to University of Omaha, that was a rev elation to Coyote followers, by win ning, 2 to 22. The Coyotes pul up an exceedingly fast and snappy game, completely be wildering the Omahana with their passing and dribbling. Vlfquain guard and Kester forward, for Wes leyan, each threw eight field goals. With tho CoyoteH In such form they bid fair to give the Cornhuskers a run for the honors Saturday evening when they clash in the Armory. -fa Edwin F. Mead, head of the - y- American Peace society, will -fa fa address the students this morn- fa fc ing at a convocation in Mem- -fa morlal hall. All 11 o'clock -fa classes are excused. - VARSITY vs. EX-UNI TONIGHT Have You Noticed The Owls? Perched upon lofty projections of thosoutliBide of the library buildings are two wise old stone owls. Perhaps not fifty students In the university have ever noticed them. Nevertheless .they are there and seem to have had a purpose in taking this elevated position. No doubt they were originally live birds who halted for a brief rest on tho cornice of the library, and became petrified in the unaccus tomed frigidity of Nebraska's changeable climate Now they remain immovable upon their aerial perches and rep resent the spirit of wlsdow Inherent in the University in general and the library in particular. As birds of the night they are patron deities of ye burners of the midnight oil who keep their lamps constantly burning before the shrine of knowledge. Each day In the library may be seen scores or diligent students hard at work cramming for the examinations so soon to be hero. Thoy do not realize that the rare old birds above are tolepathically Instilling knowledge into their weary craniums to assist them to sur mount the obstacles in their paths. Even the confirmed Bluffer should become Interested in these learned fowls, and long Tor owlish char acteristics, in order that he may pass the milestone of his college career which he reaches nt this time. Buster. JARYIS' TALK IS INTERESTING Head of Student Work of National Presbyterian Church Gives Live Talk at Convocation. "LKe and Its Opportunities," was the topic of a very Interesting addrosB particularly to tho studontB, delivered at convocation thlB morning by tho Rev. Dr. R. A. L. Jarvla of Phlladel phia. Dr. Jarvis is on tour of tho col leges and universities of tho country in the interest of student work. Whllo in the city he has spoken before tho public schools and tho churches. In his address this morning he said in part: "There have never been better op portunities presented to us as there are at present and I trust you are availing yourself of them. Opportun ities are not worth while If we don't use them. Today while opportuni ties knocks arlBO to the call. Life is an opportunity to be something. But getting an education is not every thing it will not make you a suc cess unless you have character. "1 hope most of you have decided upon a career. There are many doors closed on you such as in medicine ,or law, as these professions are over crowded, yet these is an opening In these professions for any of deter mination, for they need men big enough fo rthe job. You ought not to decide to be a lawyer today, a doc tor tomorrow and so on, but be some thing and be It all tho time. All Juniors and Sentors who want their pictures in the 1913 Cornhusk er will have the same taken at Town send's before February 1st. Three dollars covers the price of the photos and the cut. SOCIETIES GIVE J : PROGRAMS Union and Palladlans Plan Elaborate List of Offerings for This Evening. Tho Union Literary socloty wll give the following program tonight: Cornet solo Lewis Pierce. Current Events of the Week Ralph Hunkins. Vocal Solo Elizabeth Gordon. Reading Dorothy Dunkin. Vocal Solo Guy Burman. "Tho program will bo followed by the usual social hour. The Palladian Literary socloty will present tho following program: Piano Duet Florence Dunn, Myrtlo Judd. "Alumni Notes" Josephine Lam mers. "Local Items" Irma Gibson. "Elizabeth's Young Man." Miss Orr (Maiden Aunt) Lulu Neal. Elizabeth Blanche Richards Miss Laumlng, (a Neighbor) Mable Pope Jake (The Hired Man) Frank Carlson Piano Solo Grace aWttleB The programs will begin promptly at 8:15. GRADE SCHOOLS SEE GALLERY The pupils of tho various grade schools of Lincoln have been vlBltlng tho Art gallery of tho University. Yes terday tho Fourth grade of tho Pres- cott school, and the First, Second and Fourth grades of the McKlnloy wore taken through the gallery and the dif ferent paintings wero explained to them. LAW BUILDING READY EXAMINATIONS WILL BE GIVEN IN AS MANY PARTS OF NEW LY FURISHED QUARTER8. CONVENIENT IN EVERY WAY Every Facility Helpful In 8tudy of Law Seems to Have Been Tought of by the Designing Architect. Tho now law building Is at present so near completion that Dean Hastings of the law school had announcod that tho examinations of tho current Homes ter will be held In such parts of the building ab are available at tho latter part of the month. With tho excep tion of tho Inside fittings of doors, win dows, desks and stairs tho structure 1b ready for habitation and now presentB an appoaranco that draws forth tho appreciation of ltB commodlousnesB and adequacy in structure and design. The building hns been planned throughout to facilitate the study of law. Occupying the north half of the first floor Is tho largest lecture room in tho building to be used by the fresh man law classes. The professor's desk will be on a raise dlas on one side of the room while the students' desks will be ranged in a seml-clrclo around the dlas on series of steps ar ranged after tho fashion of an amphi theater, the first step being about an inch high and tho uppermost a foot above tho ono below. The reBt of tho first floor Is occupied by offices nnd smaller rooms. On tho second floor are found two more lecture rooms for tho upper clasBos arranged In amphl-theater stylo with desk platforms straight Instead of soml-circularly. Besides the regu lar offices of the professors a complete court room with Judge's deBk and Jury box and a small jury room adjoining completes the occupation of the sec ond floor. The entire third floor Is taken up by the library In ono immense room occupying tho whole floor. The lack (Continued on Pago 6.) -fa Applications for positions on.-- jAr the Editorial and Business -fc staffs of The Daily Nebraskan -- will be received by Prof. Ayles- r worth, secretary of the Student --fa Publication Board any time be- -Ar fore Saturday noon, January 18, fa 1913. Applications are to be - fc made on blanks obtainable ---.either at the secretary's office, -fr -A- U. 103 or at the Nebraskan of- i 'Ice.