V mmsmtatwm W& THE DAILY NEHRASKAN SHOULD GET SNAPPED SOON Juniors and Seniors Asked to Make Appointments for Cornhusk- er Pictures. Considerable inquiry 1h l)elng miulo Mn regard to the Junior and Senior photographs to ho plncfrd In the Corn trasker. The Uiree dollars paid for at dozen photographB to TownBend ln qla $1.&0 the cost of one dozen photographB, and $1.50, which Town zscnd turns over to the Cornhuakor management to defray the cost of .making a cut. The photographs furnished by Town aend under this contract are the Btimo Ihat are usually sold for $3 00 a dozen and are only to Junior and Seniors cat this price. Those who have old photographs are not required to have now onoa iakon but may turn In a copy with '91.50 to cover the cost of the cuts to tthe editor of the CornhuBker. Juniors and SenlorB aro urged to arrange for sittings at once an all photographs should bo In by February 1- Caps and gowns aro now at Townsend'e for the use of thoso who desire to be photographed In them. GREEKS WIN HONORS. CLASSIFIED COLUMN WANTED Mending and ropalrlng of all klndB, alBo Bowing or dressmak ing for BtudentB. All work guarantoed. 502 North 15th St. l-15-3t LOST A mottled Watorman Bafoty fountain pen laBt weok. Return to thlB office. l-163t. LOST TueBday, Waterman Ideal fountain pen. Sterling silver cover ing. Return to Rag Office. Reed B. Dawson. FOUND Near 15th and S BtroetB, a bunch of keyB. Owner can have tho same by paying for this ad. M4-3t. FOR RENT Danco hall, second floor Urownell blk, 25x90 feet; no better floor In city; elevator Borvlco, cloak rooms, toilet roouiB, good piano; no public dance allowed In hall; limited to fraternity, sorority, club and private dancoH; dates reserved; $8 a night. Both phoneB. John Taylor, Brow nell blk. "Have Higher Per Cent of "Passecf Than Non-Frat Students. It will bo gratifying news to thous ands of alumni and former BtudentB of the University of KanBas to learn that the scholarship standing of tho .members of tho active chapters of tthe university's fraternities aim ., oritles distinctly outranks that of the non-Greek Btudenta. The causo for rejoicing lies not in the mere fact that the fraternity and sorority mem bers are better BtudentB than tho "barbarians," but because for years these Greek letter societies have boon more or leas viciouBly asBalled on the false assumption that they make for Idleness and stimulate social distrac tions tothe extent of interfering with student work. The report of the reg istrar of the University of Kansas shows that the 224 members of tho fraternities passed in 89 45 per cent of the college work carried, aB com pared with the 88 35 per cent of the 1101 lion fraternity men Daily Kan-sasan. OMAHA AND LINCOLN CLASH. Sasket Ball Quintets of Rival Schools Meet Saturday Evening. Those who aro iuterested in seeing the Lincoln High School basket ball five in action will have an opportun ity to do so Saturday evening when they meet their ancient rlvala from Omaha. In order lo appease In part their de sire for revenge due to Omaha's triumph in the fall, they are working their beBt to got In form. To date Lincoln has won throe games. York and South Omaha being their two most formidable opponents The game is to be held at the city Y. M. C. A. at 8 o'clock. CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Streets P. A. Hall President F. H. Johnson Vlce-Pres. W. W. Hackney, Jr. Asst Cash. Cleaning Pressing Repairing NEATLY DONE Y. M. C. A. TAILORS In the Basement y&A&'ffaSL(t' -Ak I THE MOST ACCURATE 22 CALIBER Repeating Rifle in the WORLD. Maifo in two models: one for .22 Short H. F. car tridges tho other for .22 Lontr Iliilo 11. F. STEVENS "VISIBLE LOADING" RIFLE NO. 70. " Handles 15 ,gg Short and 19 a a loon rifle cartrirtn-o.. Send for lmndsoi....i Illustrated Itillo Pfo log and "How to Shoot Well. Order Stevens Rifles from your Dealer. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY, P. O. Box S004, CH1COPEE FALLS, MASS. LIST PRICE $8.00 r pit U'JT HAVE SENIORS CLASS PINS CLASS PINS 1913 ARE NOW HERE-BUY TODAY Why use that old Fountain Pen Get a Good one. Calendars are now in Season. The University Book Store 340 North llth Street Lincoln College Pennants While They Last, 35 Cents Each. We have a large assortment of Felt Pennants on hand of all the State Universities and Colleges. J. C. ORCUTT & CO. 134 South 13th Street HE MOMENT YOU PUT ON CLOTHES made to your measure, you see the vast dif ference between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Be sure to see our line first. I i i College Tailors College View Phone B-O-X-A-48 FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1106 O STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 234 fi WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier rug Co. 22nd and M Baseball Park Ice Skating The Evans DO YOUR WASHING N 1 3th and O St