THE DAILY NEI1RA8KAN BLUE PRINT OUT FRIDAY; THEATRES UNIVERSITY BULLETIN No tickets for Military bait ordered reserved will bo hold nftor Snturday The Y. M. C. A cabinet will meet tonight at Co'clock, at tho Temple. All members of the cabinet should be present. Will all varsity football men make arrangements at once with Mrs. Tuck er, at tho St George Studio, for In dividual pictures for Cornhusker. foot ball suits will be at the studio (' G. HKCK. The finance committee of the Y. M. C A. would greatly appreciate it It tho students whose subscriptions come due on or before January IbI would co-operate with the committee by dropping in at tho secretary's of fice at their earliest convenience. There will bo a meeting of the In terelass debating board In Professor Fogg's office, U 206, Thursday even ing at 11 o'clock, for the purpose of choosing the question for the Inter class debates. All members be pres ent. HARVEY W. HESS, Chairman Junior Committee. RIFLE SHOOTS ARE HELD Contests With Missouri and Minnesota Are Held at Long Distance Scores Below btanaard . As a result of the initial Bhoot of the Rifle team last night, tho follow ing scoreB were made: Against Minnesota, total 778. Against MlBsouri, total 795. Two teamB of five men each, shot, each man shooting from the standing and from positions. The results were said to be below standard. The next Bhoot wll take place next week. Hagenslck's Orchestra, Auto B-2990. JoneB' Orchestra, rhone Lr860B. The Acacia fraternity announces the pledging of RuBsell W. Gentzler, of Gothenburg, Neb. Only a few U. of N. calendars left -at the Unl. Book Store. Adv. A little better. Print Shop. Duncan's Fraternal Adv. George BroB., artistic and Individual programs, menus and stationery. The latest styles. 1313 N. Adv. Pre-Removal Sale One-Third Off on Overcoats and Fancy Suits FULK CLOTHING COMPANY 1234 O STREET Engineering Publication Will Be Sale On Day Announced In Spite of Many Difficul ties Encountered. On The hands Uluo Print has boon In tho of the pi inter for some time and will bo out, as prelously an nounced, on Friday, Jan 17 That this is possible is due largely to the busi ness manager, K J Kraus Not with standing the many difficulties encoun tered, the publication will be out on time George N Carter is editor-in-chief, and Glen Walker, II H Wright and I, C Llchty, are associate editors of the engineering publication Carter and his asociates have assembled a series of articles of uniform excellence This number of tho nine Print will contain more than 100 pages. Some of the articles are as follows: "Patents and Patent Office Draw ings," by C. A. Bennet. '12. "Continuous Girder Design," by H. B. PearBe, '12, and Carl Rohwer, '12. "Some Relations of the Engineer to Society,' by Col. H. H. Prout, vice president of the Union Switch and Sig nal Co. "The Blrdwood Power Project," by J. C. Hogue, '10. Professor O. J. FerguBon contribut ed two articles: "One's Future Work" and "Vacations." Clarenc Mayer has an article on constructlon-coBt data, and E. R. Wiggins contributes "The Tractor, A Field for Investigation." The subscription price of the Blue Print Is $1.00 per year. Fifty cents In addition to the twenty-five centB al ready paid by those who have sub scribed will be all that is necessary to secure the first number. The remain ing twenty-five cents is payable when the second Issue Is received, which will be late In the next semester. SPECIAL MUSICAL PROGRAM German Club Has Arranged for sic At Meeting on Wednesday. Mu- On Wednesday evening, Jan. 15, 1913, from 7 to 8, the "Verein Oer manla" will hold a meeting In the Music Hall of the Temple. MIbb Marjorle Shanafelt, harpist, and Mr. Carrol Beach, the violinist, who has recently returned from Ger many, have kindly consented to render a musical program that will be well worth hearing. Not only German students are Invit ed, but everyone who Is Interested, whether In tho university or not. Shirts Our Manhattan sale tho big gest furnishing goodB event of the winter! Don't mlBB It' Rich new fabrics In shirts that fit and wear and do not fade. All styles and sizes until Satur day night at these prlceB: 11.50 Shirts $1 15 2.00 8hlrts 1 40 2.50 8hlrts 1 85 3.00 8hlrts 2 15 3.50 8hlrts 2 65 In 8uits and O'Coats, we are closing out the broken lines left from our general clearance Bale, now Va, Off All Blzes, prices and gradea of our high quality stock scores of lines where but one or two of a kind remain, now at JuBt V4 of tho original price. Take time to come and look It will certainly pay you! MAGEE & DEEMER 8IMMON8 THE PRINTER Dance Programs -fa fc Banquet Menus -fa -- Calling Cards -- Book Publications -fc if 317 8. 12th 8t. WANTED - 50 Cornhuskers a day to have their pictures taken at TOWNSEND'S OLIVER THEATRE Frl. Sat. A. 8at. Mat. Jan. 17-18 "GYPSY LOVE" The Lehar Comic Opera Company of 80 Enlarged Orchestra Night $2 to 50c. Mat. Orch. $1 MONDAY NIQHT, JAN 20. Mme. Emma SALVE Prices $2 to 50c. ORPHEUM ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE GEORGE FELIX BARRY GIRL8 ANNIE KENT THE MU8IKALGIRLS ISHIKAWA BROTHERS LAWRENICE JOHNSON DEWITT YOUNG AND 8I8TER DAVID KDID Bar. Mats at 2:15 Prices 15c, 28c Night, 8:15 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c LYRIC MON., TUE8., WED. THOSE THREE GIRLS Abdallah, Farelll & Flavlo PHOTO PLAY8 "The Wives of Jamestown "The Three Black Bags" "Telephone Girl and the Lady" "Radiography In Practice" "The Life of Ants" 3 8HOW8 DAILY 2, 7 &. 9 P. M. ALL 8EAT8 10c KOCIAN Famous Bohemian Violinist Oliver Theater Thursday, Jan. 16th 8eats, $1.50, $1.00, 75c and 50c at Oliver Box Office. fifrT'M'Vtr LET THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN SHOP KUHL PRINTING CO. 212-215 8outh 12th 8t., Auto B-2082, DO YOUR PROGRAM AND 80CIETY PRINTING