T II E DAILY N E HRARKAN to Wednesday Night at Oliver Theatre University Night at the Oliver Mrs. E. B. Conant Mrs. Conant will sing with tlie State Band Wednesday Eve, Jan, I 5 This Week. Nebraska State Band Concert Wm. T. Quick, Conductor 40 Musicians Mrs. Conant, Soloist OLIVER THEATRE, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JAN. 15 Balcony and Gallery 25c, Lower Floor 50c SELECT AUDIENCE AT "666" Theatre Party Given By Hoffman and Raber of Engineering College To Professors and Wives a Big Affair. RECOGNIZED BY GALLERY GODS FOR HUN T Fiom Sept 1, llii:?, our large new home. with .sleeping poi ( Ik s, suitable tor sororitj or lia temitv 11 ',7 Q St 1 licit FOR SALK Knglish pit white bull dog, 18 months old Would make a good house dog, iii( idcntallv , a good fighter IiKHilie 2.!7 No 1Mb stieet IN of .) I) ll(inni,iii ami R I-" Rab- Auto L Kdf.H lit It or ontei tallied a laige pait ot tiiends at a tin atie pai t at the Olivei on Thlllsdav evening Then wele about Jilteen ( ouplos most ot whom weie piolessois ol the I'llivelsltV and theii wivis mong them weie Dean and Mi ll.ssev. Dean a.nl Mis 1 a v is, I ALEX I S LECTURES ON SCHOOLS. ;md Mis Aveiv j - The nil l this dignilied bodv Takes Place of Professor Frandsen on caused quite as much amusement to the lain- delegation ol students in, Scandinavian Club Program, the "bo" . s the tiinu entanglements I The Scandinavian (lllb held Its of Olluei i'i In t i in the evening. nionthl.v meeting last night at the '1 einple INolessoi Fiandsen who was to have given a lectin e was unable to CLASSIFIED COLUMN FOUND Ne.u l.'.th and S stietts, a bunch ot kevs Ovvnei tan have the same b paving tot this ad 1 1 1 .It Pre-Removal Sale One-Third Off on Overcoats and Fane Suits FULK CLOTHING COMPANY 1234 O STREET lMl II ill n (ri ii.it Oil 1 1 ! 1 1 i 1 I t t 1 lll. ' ognition and sat duiing the peitoim ailfi' Ulldei the (iillcal eves ot their class students It is hoped that their liilailous behav ioi did not set anv bad example to the gallerv gods, but onl.v served to prove that even piotessois are human The entiancc of Coach Stielun a little later bi ought forth another round of cheers and Jumbo was forced to wave a gieetlng to those above. A little better. Duncun'a Fraternal Trlnt Shop. Adv. bo piesent The piogiam was tilled b INofessor Alexis who gave a steiio pticon leituie on the S( andinav mil institutions ol leaiinng and other sub jects ol intei est to the students It was decided to devote a halt bom of each piogiaip to a tiee discussion of Scandinavian ( uncut events The lecture-by INofessor Frandsen will be put on one of the future pro grams All Scandinavian students are cordially invited to attend the meetings. T J HE MOMENT YOU PUT ON CLOTHES made to your measure, you see the vast dif ference between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Be sure to see our line first. College Tailors College View Phone B-O-X-A-48 WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co. 1 3th and O Sti HA VE The Evans DO YOUR WASHING Patronize our Advertisers J