CK I.V 'i)l W . J THE DAILY NEIJRASKAN rRI t THEATRES us A SENIORS CAMPUS NOTES Hngoiialck'B Orchestra, Auto D-2990. OLIVER THEATRE TUE8DAY NIGHT, JAN. 14. CLASS PINS CLASS PINS Miss LucIIp EnvcB, profeBHor of po litical science, will talk on "Biog raphy vh. Fiction" at All Souls' Church, 12th and II Htreots at 12-15. M 1913 V ARE NOW HERE-BUY TODAY Why use that old Fountain Pen Get a Good one. Calendars are now in Season. The University Book Store 340 North llth Street Shoe Sale r9n Beckman Bros. College Shoe Store 1107 O I HE MOMENT YOU PUT ON CLOTHES made to your measure, you see the vast dif ference between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Be sure to see our line first. College Tailors College View Phone B-O-X-A-48 FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1106 O STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 234 WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier1 Drug Co. 13th and O Sto. HAVE The Evans DO YOUR WASHING JoneB' Orchestra, rhono L.-8605. A little hetter. Duncan's Fraternal Print Shop. Adv. FRITZI SCHEFF In the Comic Opera THE LOVE WAGER Lincoln Professor Clark E. Mickey has heen appointed a member of the cominitteo of tho Amerlcah Society for Testing Materials on Standard TestB for Hoad materials. FRI., 8AT. t 8AT. MAT. Jan. 17-18 "GYP8Y LOVE" COMING CALVE. C H. Frey, University florist, 1133 O Bt. Telephone Yule Bros at onco. Dr. It. A. L. Jarvls, of Philadelphia, speaks beforo tho University studontB' guild of tho FlrBt ProBbyterlan church Sunday noon. Ho will also occupy the pulpit of that church In the morning and evening. ORPHEUM ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE 4 Huntlngo 4 Mae Melville & Hlgglns Robt. Dolores Valleclta Charles Olcott Adel Ferguson and Edna Northlano Stella Maye & Addis Margie Tho Three Bremens Bar. Mats at 2:15 Prices 15c, 2Bc. Night, 8:15 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. Call Roy O. Warde, dance orchestra, Auto 7186, L-8152. Ted Marrlner Cleaner, Hatter and Repairer. Auto B1799. 235 No. 11th. Luclle Miller, '10, Ib in tho city, hav havlng been detained hero since va cation on account of illness. Sho Is at the home of her father, Dr. II. B. Miller, at 1610 A street. Only a few U. of N. calendars left -at the Unl. Book Store. Adv. All shoes 15 to F0 discount. Rog ers aud Porklns Co., 1129 O St. Adv. LYRIC THUR8., FRI.. 8AT. Adams, Hartlelgh & Remy Hendy and Dunwold Photo-Plays Romeo and Juliet Pathe's Weekly "Mr. Bolter's Niece" 3 SHOWS DAILY 2, 7 & 9 P. ALL SEATS 10c C. W. Mengel, Civil Eng., '10, who has been connected with tho drain age investigation of tho United States Department of Agriculture, has re- I signed to become englneer-ln-charge In the Land Reclamation Department of the John L. Roper Lumber Com pany of Roper, N. C. George Bros , artistic and Individual programs, menus and stationery. The latest Btyles. 1313 N. Adv. vV' tWIr LET THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN 8HOP KUHL PRINTING CO. 212-215 South 12th St., Auto B-2082, DO YOUR PROGRAM AND 80CIETY PRINTING Vl aU fi MtjyJ FreBhmen as well as older students will receive a hearty welcome, courte ous treatment, and the best of service at Green'B Barber Shop and Bathhouse, 120 N. llth St. Adv. I "SPA" I Try the Y. M. C. A. Lunch Room I Cafeteria Plan I City Y. M. C. A. 13th and P I CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK -fc - 12th and O Streets P. A. Hall President fc F. H. Johnson Vlce-Pres. W. W. Hackney, Jr. Asst Cash. All Juniors and Seniors who want their pictures In the 1913 Cornhusk er will have the same taken at Town send's before February 1st. Three dollars covers the price of the photos and the cut. N Ice Skating 22nd and IYI Baseball Park TRY OUR LUNCHEONETTES They are always the best We serve hot and cold drinks all winter long. Lincoln Candy Kitchen South West Corner 14 and O Street JwTTyFTJSTT &r rJfflki3 it Ibm THE MOST ACCURATE 21 CALIBER Repeating Rifle in the WORLD. Made in two models : ono for .22 Short R. F. car tridgesthe other for .22 Long Rifle R. F. STEVENS "VISIBLE LOADING" RIFLE NO. 70. UST PRICE $8.00 mir - ai Mi Handles S .29 Short and 19 .29 lonir rifle cartridge. Send for handsomelv illustrated Rifle Cata log and "How to Shoot Well". Order Stevens Rifles from your Dealer. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY, P. O. Bex S004, CmCOPEE FALLS. MASS. i; u m Ml M. T .!.$ i.iV- V-W, Krt