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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1913)
THE DAILY NEIIRA8KAN h t- K y , In rv 10 v ' Saily NbraBkan Property of THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln. FREDERK3 C. McCONNELL, Edltor-ln-Chlef. Managing fcdltor Merrill V. Reod ABBOclato Editor. .Kenneth M Snyder Associate Editor Cloyd j. Stewnrt Llterury Editor Chandler Trimble Business Mummer C. C. Buchanan AaBlBtunt Manager J. L. DrlBcoll Circulation Manager . .J. 8. llowcn SCRIBES C. L. Yochum, J. L. Cutright, II. G. Hewitt, W. F. Goodman, Winifred See gar, C. N. Brown, F. N. WollB, A. R. O'Hanlon, L. W. Homo, F. A. Turnure, J. R. Wood, I. K. FroHt, Leon Samuel Bon, Clarence Spier, Bessie Ma boh Ruth Squires. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 6 Cents Each. TELEPHONES Offlce B-1888. Night Phono B-4204 Editor B-1821. Manager B-1821 . Entered at the postolllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-daBB mall matter, under the Act of CongreBB of March 3, J879. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 11. 1913 THANKS, CLASS '06. The University in Indebted to the class of 1!)0C. for the extensive and substantial Improvements that It litis made on the stout1 seat near the li brary. The new girt is a very at tractive addition to the campus and when spring ccmes and "bench work" begins in earnest, the students will doubtlessly demonstrate their appre ciation of the gift by making it a haven for a social hour now and then As a copy of the Nebraskan is to be sent to all the alumni of '06, we tako this opportunity, on behalf of the Htudents, to express thanks and ap preciation to those former Nebraskans who have thus Bhown their interest in tho University in Buch generous material fashion. THE WEEK'S REVIEW Being a Brief Resume of the Events of the Past Week As Gleaned From Nebraskan Files. Two hundred high school players were among tho guests. Tho board of regents announce that they are In favor of campus removal to the State Farm. The thlrfy-thlrd Nebraska legisla ture meets In Joint session to wit ness the retirement of Governor Ches ter II Aldrlch and tho Inauguration of Hon. John H. Morehead. Both of thse officials recommend a liberal at titude toward the University, but differ on the question of University removal. Secretary Raymond Reltel of the Y. M C A is taken ill in Chicago and Is forced to resign his position with the Association. UNIVERSITY BULLETIN Owing to the illness In .the family of Professor Frandsen, the meeting of, the Scandinavian Club, which has' been announced as meeting at his' home next Monday evening, Jan nth, will instead be held in the music room i of ihe Temple. i Call for Accounts. The treasurers of s'udent organiza tions iiuiBt present their accounts with their bank books and cancelled vouch er checks to the auditor not later than Saturday, Jan. 18. 191H. L. B TUCKERMAN. Jr OflUe B 119 OHice hours Moirdaj and Wednesday, 9. 00 A M ; Friday and Saturday, 10:00 A. M. Monday. Wednesday and Friday, :! 00 P M Students return from a two week's vacation from college work. Their re turn is greeted by the first snow storm of tho winter. Chancellor Avery and members of the board of regents return from a visitation trip to middle west uni versities and report that Nebraska Is sadly irr need, of financial aid if it is to keep pace with tho leading colleges of the west. Tho Sophomore class football team aro given mackinaws in recognition of their winning the school champion ship. Townsend is awarded the contract for taking pictures for tho Corii- husker. v Tho varsity basketball squad resume operations by turning out for prac tice. February twenty-second is the date announced for tho big Nebraska cotillion which Is to bo hold at tjio Auditorium by tho Junior and Senior classes. Coach Stiohm and tho 1913 football lotetr men aro tho guests of tho Om aha Alumni Association at a brilliant banquet given at tho University Club. New Boxing Class. : A special course lrr boxing will be conducted at the University gymna sium by Jack Best arrd E. C. McKee, provided a sutliclerrt number register. Phi class will irreet twice a week in i he armory- the days to be decided upon after consultation with those registering A meeting of all Inter ested is called for at 7.00 P. M , Thursday, Jan. lGlh, in the locker room of the gymnasium. Twenty les v,ons will bo given arrd a charge of $! 00 made for same. For further, information see tiro instructors. - R. G. CLAPP. DECIDE NOT TO "DINNER-DANCE" (Continued from Page 1.) COUNT APPRECIATES NEBRASKA. (Continued from Pago O1 his address at "nearly a thousand people" when there were fully twice that number presorrt and hundreds turned away for want of seating fa cilities. Count Luetzow Iras always taken an active interest in Nebraska Univer sity, and the Bohemian department Is the recipient of moro than ono valu able gift from him. 4TVj ruin i inu yi h- ' r m & UNCOlH-hllK j WE WILL DIE STAMPING FOR YOU GIVE US A CHANCE 1281 N. 4th See our Sample A NI"W ARROW COLLAR 2forZSc C luett. IVnlxxly & Co.. Mukcm University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED UNIVERSITY REMOVAL i Is The Immediate Question of the Hour THE gFESTlON OK ECONOMY IS ANSWERED BY OCR r.NTREOEl)ENTEI) NECKWEAR SAM'. OIK ENTIRE ASSORTMENT OF FOl'R-IN-II.W'DS IN ENOUSIl CROCHETS, ACCORDEON AND FANCY KNITS, IMPORTED PERSIANS AND AM, SILK TIES- RANKINO IN PRICK FROM 1:C TO $2 on NOW ONE-HALF FORMER SELLING PRICE. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS Hall J. Harpharrr. IC. Frank. W Kavan. I Chaperorres Miss Ruth Bidden-1 baugh, Miss Br eta Diehl, Thad Saund-! ers. t'ompllrnentary tickets will be with-j held from those members of the com mittee who do rrot appear at tire meetings oi the prom committee. We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD Re-FRESHMENTSinthecity Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Fountain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c Geltih cuT'lU Home Made Baked Goods Cookies, Pies, Cakes, Hoisum Bread, Fancy Pastries cft(eJMnL oVj) a A1 Caff Open after the Shows with I "Good Things to Eat" 1325-31 N STREET '$ V 1