The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 10, 1913, Image 6
i-Hf"" DAILY NEBRA8KAN s MAST SPEAKS TO FORESTERS Colorado Expert Talks About Refor estation HaB Made Study of Nebraska Conditions. A h)C( lal hitIph of lrtiinH 1h being kIvcii for I lie forcHtry HturtentH by W. II MiiHt of th (lunlHon National forcHt of Colorado The lectun'H wore lxim TuoHdny and will bn continued until Saturday All of the tnlkn arc about planting or reforestation Anybody ln toreHted Ih welcome Mr MiihI Ihih been in the For oh t Service for twelve yearn and hiiB mado a npeclal Htudy of reforeHtatlon For Hoven yearn prevloim to ti Ih tranHfer to Colorado he wan Htationed at the Ilalfioy National Forent where he made a careful Htudy of the prospectH of the NebraHka forest COMMENCEMENT CHANGED Charter Day Falling on Saturday, Causes a Change In Dates. Because of the fact that February IB, Charter Day, falls on Saturday this year, tho usual date Tor the, mld-yoar commencement Is to ho changed. Fri day, the 14th, Ih to bo recognized as Charter Day and the commencement exorcises will be held that evening. About twenty-five will receive degrooH at that time Nothing definite has as yet been decided as to the speaker for the evening, nor have plans been, made for the reception, which cus tomarily follows the exercise. The annual Sigma XI addroHH is al ways given the evening before tho mid-winter commencement. It will come on Thursday evening this year ProfeHsor CassiuH J Helper, I'h 1) , Adrian professor of mathematics in ' Columbia university, will deliver the address, "Concerning the Figure and Dimensions of the Universe of Space " CLASSIFIED COLUMN THIS party who took a Moore's foun tain pen, InltlalH K. H. on gold band, from book In Library cloak room re turn to Nebrnskan office to avoid trouble. 3t Party who was seen taking Moore's Non-leakablo pen from book In library Tuesday afternoon will return name to Hag ofllce to avoid trouble. 1-8 3t FOR KENT Danco hall, second floor llrownell blk, 2.rxK) feet; no better floor In city; elevator service, cloak rooms, toilet rooms, good piano; no public dance allowed in hall; limited to fraternity, sorority, club and private dances; dates reserved; $8 a night. Hoth phones. John Taylor, Brow nell blk. At the Orpheum this week Arrow Kotch COLLARS the nni.MONTSTYLG in roi'i; mpiohts Gl.ASflOW 2" In. UPl.MONT 2i In. MEDORA 2'Un. CUKSTHR 2 In. 2 for TI cv C ItFTT. PF Aony A CO., M-Uoro OyB AND ADDIS Stella Maye and Margie Addis have a singing and talking comedy act that pleaHes exceptionally because It Is so well put together. The same reason I applies to the glrl'B appearance. Their, figures are not the least pleasing thing about them. They are constantly i changing their songs, keeping them up to the minute all the time They have splendid judgment and invariably e-, lect dashing hits of melody that strike the center spot of popular approval. They are good comediennes and their NEW 1913 CLASS PINS "tSXr&uw Stait the new year right by getting a pair of Mallett's niade-to-order rest glasses Established 1871 HALLETT, Uni Jeweler 1143 O 7- Shoe Sale Beckman Bros. College Shoe Store 1107 O n; sl'' I Look Over this List of SPECIALS For Saturday $5.00 For $10.00 Heavy Sweater Coats 69c For $1.00 tfrude Xeliee Shirts. $1.00 For $1.50 tfraclo Silk Mufflers $1.60 For $:.()() frral,. P,,,. (';lps 45c For Too Wool Knit Cloves. 65c For Flannel Niht Cowns worth $1.00 65c For $1.00 Fur Inlaid Caps $1.00 For $1..")() rade Pajamas Palace Clothing Company 1419 O Street College Pennants 2 -y While They Last, 35 Cents Each. We have a large assortment of Felt Pennants on hand of all the State Universities and Colleges. J. C. ORCUTT & CO. 134 South 13th Street Jones' Orchestra Lincoln Hotel JUNIOR HOP Grand March 8:45 Limited to 85 Friday, January 10 th WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co. 1 3th and O Stb. HAVE The Evans DO YOUR WASHING 55PI338tS3 tvxttxxxt&aii&slss?. Lmi jmiui up mean rru vnrirr' '