The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 10, 1913, Image 5
? THE DAILY NEI1RASKAN U'l I- k SENIORS CLASS PINS 1913 ARE NOW HERE Why use that old Fountain Pen Get a Good one. Calendars are now in Season. The University 340 North llth Street Only Two Days More of the Semi-Annual CLEARING FRIDAY & SATURDAY Miller & Home Made Baked Goods Cookies, Pies, Cakes, Holsum Bread, Fancy Pastries ZuEh $r Open after the "Good Things to Eat" 1325-31 N STREET CLASS PINS -BUY TODAY Book Store Lincoln i Paine & CAFE Shows with UNIVERSITY BULLETIN MIhh Ruth Hydor will prenldo at tho 'CoIIpro GlrlH mooting In tho Y. W. ('. I A. rooms Friday from 12 to 12.15. I . Tho Palladlan Literary Bocioty moot ing boginn promptly at 8 1 5 Friday evening. All I'alladiaiiH pleawe govern thomnolvoH acordingly. "Culture Through Faith," will be the Bubject of tho addroHB at VoHperH, Sunday at f o'clock at tho FlrBt Ton grogational church Kov. L. It. How ard, tho Unlvornlty pantor for tho Congregational churchoH, will bo tho speaker. The finance committee of the Y. M. ('. A. would greatly appreciate It If those students whose subscriptions come due on or before January 1, could cooperate with the committee by dropping In at the secretary's office at their earliest convenience. Tho Scandinavian club moots next Monday, January 13, at 8 p. m. at tho homo of Prof. J. II. Frandson, 1401 North Thirty-third Btrect. Prof. FrandBon will give an addroHB on an Interesting phase of Danlah lire. All Scandinavian atudontB and fa iculty members and others Interested I nrn Itmirt llv inulltul ll , in IW IHJ H.V-W. Tho Achoth sorority gave a dinner party Wednesday evening In honor of Miss Vera Stahl of Chicago. JonoB' Orchestra. Thono L-8G05. A little bettor. Duncan's Fraternal Print Shop. Adv C. II. Frey, University florlBt, 1133 0 Bt. Telephone Yule Broa at onco. Call Roy O. Warde, danco orchestra, Auto 718G, L-8152. Ted Marrlner Cleaner, Hatter and Repairer. Auto B1799. 235 No. 11th. Only a few U. of N. calendarB left at the Uni. Hook Store. Adv. Hagonslek's Orchestra, Auto F-2042 or Ii-2990. Freshmen as well ub older BtudentB will receive a hearty welcome, courte ous treatment, and the best of service at Green's Harbor Shop and HathhouBo, 120 N. llth St. Adv. All Juniors and Seniors who want their pictures In the 1913 Cornhuck-i er will have the same taken at Town-1 send's before February 1st. Three dollars covers the price of the photos and the cut. ' mm I TRY OUR LUNCHEONETTES They are always the best We serve hot and cold drinks all winter lontf. Lincoln Candy Kitchen South West Corner 14 and O Street THEATRES OLIVER THEATRE TUESDAY NIGHT, JAN. 14. FRITZI SCHEFF In tho Comic Opera THE LOVE WAGER FRL, SAT. &. SAT. MAT. Jan. 17-18 "GYPSY LOVE" COMING CALVE. ORPHEUM ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Huntings 4 Mae Melville &. Hlgglns Robt. Dolores Vallecita Charles Olcott Adel Ferguson and Edna Northlano 8tella Maye & Addis Margie The Three Bremens Bar. Mats at 2:15 Prices 15c, 25c. Night, 8:15 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. LYRIC! THURS., FRI.. SAT. Adams, Hartlelgh &. Remy Hendy and Dunwold Photo-Plays Romeo and Juliet Pathe's Weekly "Mr. Bolter's Niece" 3 SHOWS DAILY 2, 7 & 9 P. M. ALL SEATS 10c, LET THE DAILY NEBRASKAN SHOP KUHL PRINTING CO. 212-215 South 12th St., Auto B-2082, DO YOUR PROGRAM AND SOCIETY PRINTING l3WlrWlr- & NON- BALKABLE- SELF-POINTING A Ilammerlcfls Gun with Solid Frame. Easiest operating and smooth est action. THE STEVENS Repeating Shotgun USTINO AT $25.00, is indorsed by Shoot ers everywhere as "Superb for Trap er Field." Made in fivo styles and illustrated and described in Stevens Shotgun Catalog. Have your Dealer show you a Stevens Repeater. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY, P.O. Box 5004. CHICOPEE FALLS. MASS. NO. 520 I fJ3 'TJf (fl I rM A Jk