The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 10, 1913, Image 4
THE DAILY.NEIJRASKAN I I I i; i REMOVAL QET8 8ETBACK. (Continued from Pago 1 ) on tho bonutlful RroundH of tho state farm? And tho (juoBtlon 1h, nfter we have expended thlH larRO amount of monoy.-wlll wo then have grounds to provide for this institution, not only for tomorrow, but for nil time to come? "If It Is your purpose to allow tho Institution to remain upon tho city campus, certainly some model or gen oral plan should be adopted where thoro would be uniformity In arcl tecturo. "When you come to investigate and analyze, there are not so very many buildings on this city campus but what Bhould be torn down and new ones created In fact there nro only five buildings on tho city campus that can lay claim to any degree of permanency or aro modern and up-to-date in their equipment. "The amount of money necessary to purchaso real estate to annex to tho city campus would practically 3roct as many new buildings out at tho farm aB wo now have of old and worthless ones hero upon the campus, and which must in the very near fu ture be replaced by modern fireproof structures. 'The buying of a few blocks of ground nt enormous expense hero in tho city would at the most be only a temporary expedient and would not solve tho problem for all time to come. "This amount of money expended In new buildings at the farm would make an Institution of greater im portanco and better equipment by many fold than it Ib at the present lime. "Tho replacing of these old bulld- lngB by news ones and the additional amount of real estate bought would mean an outlay of one million dollars, approximately, and that would not even settle the question. "I am unable to understand by what process of reasoning or kind of business principles you sould adopt that you would be Justified in buy ing as much real estate as new build ings would cost, when you have al ready on hand, in the name of the state, better and more desirable ground than any that you could pur chase at the very edge of the city "This provision necessary to build these new buildings could be made In eaBy payments so that there would bo no appreciable advance in the taxes of the stat' " TO INSPECT CEMENT PLANT Barbour and Schramm Will Go to Su perior to Visit Cement Concern Have Made Some Tests. Professor E H Barbour and E F. Schramm have been invited by the directors and stockholders of the Ne braska Portland Cement Co, located at Superior, Neb, to visit their plant and examine their products Prelim inary tests have already been made by Prof. Harbour and Mr. Schramm, so the visit will not be so extensive o.b It would be otherwise. They will be gone until Friday. Tho Superior plant has been In stalled at considerable expense and Ib to have tho largest output of any similar one In tho United States. Lin coln and Omaha business men are backing the plant financially. Blue Serge Suits The Suit that is always right, fit for any occasion and for everybody's wear. OUR ENTIRE LINE OF BLUE SERGE SUITS Full Line of Sizes. Every One Guaranteed 25 Per Cent Off OUR REGULAR LOW PRICE This Means Many Dollars Saved. Do Not Miss It. weareais, 25 per Cent Off on all Suits and O'coats Giving -j; This should interest you as it is a bona fide reduction. Nothing Marked up so as to mark it down Come and see with your own eyes these values SPEIER & SIMON WE SAVE YOU MONEY Corner Tenth and 0 Street Lincoln, Nebraska THE NEW MODEL, NUMBER FIVE L. C. Smith & Bros. TYPEWRITERS Ball Bearing Long Wearing HAVE YOU EXAMINED ONE? More L. C. Smith Typewriters used by the University of Nebraska than all other makes combined. Just the result of a careful and thorough test. Call and see one of the new models. If you do not find time to call, drop a card for the booklet. During the past few months we have secured as part payment on new L. C. Smith typewriters sold, a large number of other makes, many good as new. These will be sold for One-fourth to One-half original cost. Certainly some real bargains. Our stock of rental machines is very complete, any standard make. Nebraska Typewriter Co., Distributors MmmMSs CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Streets P. A. Hall President fc F. H. Johnson Vlce-Pres. - fr W. W. Hackney, Jr. Asst Cash. - Tl " ;- R1NTIH-. ' PRINTIHf. ,v;a7 I pCT-L. TK 7 fZJA KXZ UHfm tl-HFBR 1281N.4ih WE WILL DIE STAMPING FOR YOU GIVE US A CHANCE See our Sample! I "SPA" I I Try the Y. M. C. A. Lunch Room I I Cafeteria Plan ' I I City Y. M. C. A. 13th and P I J I if I