The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 10, 1913, Image 2
THE DAILY NEIIRA8KAN Hatly Nebrafikan Property of THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln FREDERIC C McCONNELU Edltor-ln Chief ManaRltiK F-.lltor Merrill V Reed ABBodfite Editor. Kenneth M Snyder AHHoelnte Editor . Cloyd L. Stewart Literary Editor Chandler Trimble OubIiichh ManaKer ..C C Ruchanan AHslBtant Manager J L Drlscoll Clrculatlcn Manager J S Ho wen SCRIBES C. L. Yochum, J L CntrlKht, II C. Howltt., W. F (Joodinan, Winifred Sec gar. C. N. Brown, F N Wellfl, A. R. O'Hanlon, L. V Home, F. A. Turnuro, J. R. Wood, I K Front, Leon Sanniel Bon, Clarence Spier, Bessie Mason Ruth ScjnlreH SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 6 Cents Each. TELEPHONES Offlco B-1888 NiK'ht IMiono D-4204 Editor HI 821 Manager B 1821 Entered at the postolllce at Lincoln. . NobraBka, nH second cIiihh mall matter, under the Act of ConureHB of March 15. 1879. FRIDAY, JANUARY 1(1. I'M 3 MANHATTAN SHIRT SALE The Discount Sale of the Famous Manhattan Shirts begins this morning. Make your selections early. $1.50 shirts $1.15 $2.50 shirts $1.88 $3.50 shirts $2.65 $2.00 shirts $1.38 $3.00 shirts $1.88 $4.00 shirts $2.65 Many choice high-grade suits and ouercoals still selling at 25 per cent discount. FARQUHAR The Home of Good Clothes 1325 O What greater asset can a college have than its alumni, and what betti r example can a Nebiaska undergradn ate have than the work that our alum ni aie doiiiK i mlit now in the intcn-t of their alma mater They aie comini; to the fiont as neei beloie and 1:1 their sei ice and allegiance to the in Btltution, they aie -a h iai uinuiui; the gratitude of those siill walk in the shadow of college halls Our Alumni. In the publication of the Alumni Bulletin, and the actiH of the Ne braska Alumni association throiii;li its board of directors, definite steps haw been taken toward the establish ment of an endowment that will result Thej hae taken time to do this and hae spent monej Its all been done for Nebiaska and its been ood Her ice at that The Omaha men for the most part are jounn, and the have a (uickene'l sense and a clear remem brance of iinh ei.sit life 'Ihej, too, want to see it passed on Athletics may appear to be the principal reason, and it is a strorm one. jet back of it all, theie is a loe lor the old s hool that wolds cannot describe But the actions of the Omaha alumni and of all the alumni betra their real feel ins and afford all the description that W e ( oulil desire s students we are conscious of the significance of alumni enthusiasm We know that they net their mspira lion from a reflection of their own ol lce (lns What were their pleasures are now ours What the occasionally wish for in the wa. of diver sum we constantly enjoy But in tune we shall join their ranks Then all will be oer College life will be but a pleasant dream a memory of das none by when life was lovely and easy But before we pass on lets make the most of student clays oursehes Let us last. Coinhusker hopes are risinn fast Next fall ou'll have the winning team If you stick to the ship and old Coach Stiebm In lasting nood to the Unlveislt It Is not so much an endowment (,f make them happy and worth w bile for money but more an endow ment of,"1' ill( ( ' remembrance if for hi i m .in hiMiitH The L'ift is leiuesen .noillirif, isi . tatlve of a devotion to the college Ideal, a realization of its benefits and1 Banquet Relic. Us possibilities It represents the The Minnesota hoodoos cannot alwaB sacrifice of bus people, people who In their later life aie not lornettmn college das, people who feel and know that collene h I cotectly ap Iilied is worth soniethmn and who want to see it handed down to those who follow The Nebraska Assoc la tion is protecting the intcic-is of the University in legislative units It i businn itself about the state, stiiuu lining and creatinj; an inteiest in the school It is advertising it and siiik inn its praises s sternal iv all with a put pose and a detei munition that will w in This is tr ue si rv ice The alumni in our leadinn it aie nettinn bus The c ntei t.un oui loot ball team annualiv 'I hev have re cellth elitel tallied the hinh school pliieis hopinn to net them interested University Jeweler and Optician C. A- TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED BB SHOES - $2.50 Tan Button, Gun Button, Lace Boots Sh! 300 Pair of Sample, $5.00 Shoes - $2.95 BUDD 1415 O STREET Mens Shoes Tarn Talking Now. BIG THREE DAYS SHOE SALE Kei Shoe in the House reduced for litis Pig Sale. Spick Span Brand New Shoes, latest models, all leathers and fahrics, shoes for the whole family at generous reduc tions some at half price. You will make a mistake if on do not supph our shoe wants for the year. About .'()() pair Women's Hoots from our regular stock, all this season's goods, made of Velvet, Patent Coll (with kid or doth tops ) ( I mi Metal and Tan Kussia Calf, all sizes and widths in this lot, val ues to $J.0() choice. $2.45 Another I.ig lot of Women's Shoes, all this season's goods, Cun Metals, Pat ents, Tans, etc., sizes are somewhat broken but there is a good range in the ,,(, fnnuer price, :.()) to ,-r,' Iyi"-.- $1.95 Small lot of Women's Shoes from hist season, sizes are - 1-, 'A, 'A 1 1, and I, all good shoes, but style slightly off, choice 1.00 Women's Felt Juliets, Fur or Kibbon trimmed, all (,,,I(,',S P'i' $1.19. 98c and 75c u T HE MOMENT YOU PUT ON CLOTHES made to your measure, you sec the rust dif ference between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Be sure to see our line first. College Tailors College View Phone B-O-X-A-48 Jt. We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD Re-FRESHMENTSinthecity Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Fountain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c eltih ctnllty wc mVtrrrVim-irQti