The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 19, 1912, Image 4
T II K DAILY N 10 II K ASKA N AN EXHIBIT WORTH SEEING CAMPUS CAMPAIGN IS COMING Y M. C. A. Meetings After Vacation Will Bring Elg Men to Nebraska Similar to Other Universities Pictures and Art Work Shown In Li brary Gajlory Prove Attractive Only Two Days Left Students The art .Ml.ii which 111 conlinu. I mim.,.v .,),.., t. iiolidins a timil .fauna. I is hnvii.K onh a (nil ' ,.,.,,. f)f m,M.tillKH llllH ,.,. HIIHI1K,M ""' "' vHII.,.-, Hut ..II who lo ,.,. 1)V ,ll(. Y M (. A wll,,.h will lnK viM" "" """ l'""'"'-" 'li.. ..x ,() N,.,irilHKjl Hnm,. ,' ,,. ,llKK,.s, ,,. I. II. I II il I MM I....... ""'" "' " """ "' " . , ,.,,1,...,,. ..,., , A,.,, .il,:. Tli.. in-.' all .i' 1 1 ,k 1 1 i- ami ei well ar i ; 1 1 1 k ' I Two ol Ih. laijNM pictures which have i.'v l.'il flinch la orahle coin nient :i i c ' llelow I li- Island." Ii Mil Wind V Itedlield ol Cenlic Ml IiIkc, I'a. and "Where Mrook and Kiwi Meet," l (Janlnei Xvnionds of New York llotll a c scenes I e)l esent illR ii wlnfii landscape The . oIoriiiK. ' iiii-ct Iiikm will he held 1'ioiu Jan 11 to lit, and Ihe siakei.i will unhide such iinen as llendeison of MrooUlvu. who l uas ins! linisheil si nitnilar (.inipainn il Si;icue l'ni ( i sit , Dad Klliolt, the Intel iiiii ioiial Student Se(ietai. I leinuian, llic St.'ite Secr.-laiv ol Kan sil' , Nipps, the Inleistiile Student Se(eisu- iiiid ,i number of other out ol ihe idlnui Ol (he smsilllei pl lines. The Pinnacle ' is piobablv t lie mosl ilt I I iicl I e The University Book Store 340 No. 11th St., Lincoln, Nebr. imallv piomineut men l,",-,,lh "' ""' "'" '- ",iK ,.,,.,, p.epsn.uions have I lllilde toi tllese meet lilies, and .'I colli III it I cc ol lill hiis been oiKiillled ,uid workniK on Ihe matter all fall This l-.-.lillK Ihilleell ol the pic ,......, j ,,,., . ,,.,. , lhvi.l...l inl,, .ill, U'"'S m" '1" "',1"' '-"'KlliK Ml IMl.e ,., ,.,.s , ,;,,.,. (SII v,.v ,,,. ,,,mi !"" '" ''' ol the wolk Ih. listed pihe ini Hie complete , ., , gaOBgEggKSaSgSg3E ninii.H mi in' s in i hi 'i lilies nil-! r li ll.ii i . , ,, . . ".n nun ' PI C n F C f Beginning Monday, Dec. 9th C D T C f r IV Li C i OFT CASH COUPON f IV Ei Ei J High-Grade Natural Tone Talking and Singing Machine FREE ! Cnll at our iture and hear the upecinlly prepared Records. You buy only the Records IIIKSI-" RI-LORDS ARK FAMOUS FOR Til KIR MONK NP (QUALITY One Standard Talking Machine with Handsome Flower Horn OA (( FREE to Every Customer whose Cash Purchases amount to pJ"vv (!ood until six Machiii" s ,ue nwn awa A nod plac to buv ( (Mils, I'm Hints and amlies We iin sell ou ;in r.ood Kind f l'' Ten otlas and IMidav aie ihe I.. si las just been finished jit Wisconsin I'ni fi "isil, and in'iuh sill Ihe lawr itni 1,1,11 Ml" ih '" u111 hi"" '" i.-Mlil.-f. ol Ihe middle west a,c plan ctunll to .-.. i i he exhihii li w il hi i 'ui i 0.0 w mI,', alii'i I his. A. Inl' 'I e i In opi n illK J ! MM. .. ii in inn i iii't,i 1 1 le.s Ol I lie miilille vesl iiic plan Q on ;i mow mi nl sin Ii as tin one t ninn i 'i t b ' 1T1T ii t .I.inusii :irfr CLASSIFIED WLUMN k. i ..'."H is hoped jl Ol III' II'. s will K r ! 1 1 1 o In 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I'lll,' . . . . i , ..I... i l .. i . ...'K. ,.'. I'.,.,., ri, ,, ... , .. i iii e.iii mi i'iui ii iiiiuev1 iiiiiii I. ''on i Me I i w III In well C I .. . .. I l. 1 I I sl 1. . ...I r. r hull m ii, miilille . i uii m in i i.i mi llOlll book III I 1 III ,1 I ( lOOIll Tl' Itiilt 1. X... .11!.... I.. ....v.l IS ENGLAND'S CRITICISM. ..m..,. ...m .!.. tiouble lit Aiticlc Written by Political Economist. K )l H'.KN, w.nin, coinloi l.-ible looms loui-lul . i if ii i m ol I'lol Iimiik ''" bnsini s- people IL'0 R lie l S '1 heo I ol i l I r-i a inl iim'ed I L 1 i dl Is no ted book III. I'm. hii.sinu i.,, sT Ihin.hol les; I (' C LOl Molie. appeals iin the cm he. k on iiiii; Itetu... lo If.iir ol tin i ol lie (.j.i.ii lei l louriiiil ' u, , i, I'M! s tioin the pen of Mrs GIFT SUGG! 7F: OH ) USEFUL FOR CHRISTIES PRESENTS v' 1 1, 1 1 I Minks V l lll'ulie T llf-'l Mid ol the I'olllK ill m nl Mis KiiKliiml 1 a' i ai s to a seal i h O'Se ,i I ioi.k ;i distill b ... ..... ... .... Ml.lK L . ,111111 II. I 1 llllll' HI lf ;liout t In i dm ii 1 1 as ' 1M WW'TKH On soulhein plantsit ion. man, man lo tutor a 1(1 ejir old bo , Inih urade I'M. mil and (Jerinan (Mill it IMof A Reed's on ice. lio:, Ad 12 17 lit fit s '". ) wall, i duillii; lloll t .1 n , ppl ilt 1 1 10 () 1J lS.'.t 6 This Coupon IT THE VALUE OF "RAG" AD VER BIS REASON WE MAKE LOWING OFFER i i a . i in" i .i'r- Suit ( ,lses. rimks l''llei ' 'i'oll. I ( ,lse. I llflMe.f iVi'i,-1' ' 'Mis'. Tl .1 el .Sii." s III ( ','isrs, .M lllt.ll' I '.I lisll Sels, '. w St le ( oil, -ir ISatf.s, I ,,l IT S I 'iflet' '.'ISi'S, SI , it loll.'! Tori lollns ( i r : 1 1 ;i in I ( Mirnrel I e ( 'ns.'s, lcl 1 1 1 1 U I IllllfelltlS. .M ( (llcllir t '.-is.'s-. I Nickel 1 looks a iii I ( Mini ( M; . s. ( i.lliie .11.1 . I -, ' Mill. II S S 1 1 I l I i i I I I e I ' . I e s S. IIIT Sl'l s Scissor Si i . I '.I'll ill. , III t . 1 1 '. ilsll ,l',l I ( 'l I'M I I S. I s I I. Ill ike: clilel ( a -. ( i l) . ,1 III I I 1. ( .1 ,i s I I i 1 Slick I'lll 'mi - I '.a k. I M .miciirc Sets. Alllsle r.,';- , Hid If ol I S. I Mi iik in;: ( tips iii ( Miscs '.I I 111. .it I lilIliriTs 111 ( Mlsi s .M ii i oi s iii ( Mist s i rililmiie 1'xi.inls 1 'I. in;: M-ii'.ls in ( Mises, Toil, t Killed l'.iij's The Travelers' Outfitter W & K b-f TRUNK AND RAG STORE 1028 0 Street fSmmmmmS2BXlES13SSmS3DEBmSSnSSZ Ini toi i a on ;mi ; m.ik. in p. 'iin. nits l'( base ainoiints to q" Blh .() and so on fJ AND BRING IT It will not be LUY XMAS lVE. THE Most Exacting Purchaser of Ch ristmas Gifts will find in our stock many original pieces of Jewelry and Novelties that will be sure to please. Sartor Jewelry Co. 137-139 SOUTH 13TH STREET CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK jc 12th and O Streets HA VE ?- The Evans DO YOUR WASHING PA. Hall President - fc F. H. Johnson Vice-Pres. -fa fc W. W. Hackney, Jr. Asst Cash. -