T III-: I) A 1 1, V N 10 IIRASKA N ! ? .. The Forum The ri'C't'iil vociferous agitation of i lie Rice neap theory Iuih brought Into (he limelight a fart that Iuih. for some time, been realized by the upper class men of the UnlverHlt) The fact Ih i hut pood old Nebraska Hplrlt. handed down from generation to generation, has been laid nwny to rent until Homo noble prince may lift the Heal and res cue tho benuty rrom it h slumber Deplorable an thin may himiiii, 11 Ih true The howling hundredH that but a few yearn ago infested the athletic hold at every game and made the vi cinity hldeoub with tholr barbarous war whoopH, have changed Into a cer tain few who creep into their places and encourage the team by maintain ing a Bilonce that would cuuse a sphinx to blush with Bhame Tho once gloriouB "ahlrt tall parade" Iuih become a joke that Home pernicious villains are suggesting be turned over to tho lair members oT the school. The once riotous Cornhusker banquet Iuih bo come a place for tho loyal fow who, ior some reason, are unable to llnd girls to take to a show. ThoBe aro slightly exaggerated statements, but alau. Doubtluns there are several reasons for tho prt sent state of affairs Tho main one Is, that our University Is a house divided against itself It is composed of many little bodies of men and women who have forgotten that there Is something greater than the dominating of school activities by the select few We are spending our energy for the good of the few instead of the many For this situation no one is to blame, nor is any one body of students to blame It is slmpl tho outcome of existing conditions that hao crept in unseen. It is the result of dividing the student body into cliques, and allowing each one to work for Its own end. The Univer sity of Nobraska has boon subordi nated to the organizations wIjobo very existence depend upon Uh welfare. Hy organizations I do not mean tra ternltlen alone, nor do 1 lay tho pres ent conditions at their door It waB ; but a Tew yearn ago when the "barba" controlled every offlco in the school. Ken now there are "barb" organiza tions whose sell appointed duty it ia to fight every fraternity man who seeks prominence In our helplossnoBB we all stand on common ground and are all equally guilty ( On every side It is, "Pull for our man " It matters not as to whether thai man Is the best fitted for tho place A support b 11 for the athletic board so that (' may have a "pull." C supports D for the publication board so that A may become editor of tho "R.ig " I) supports H ho that X may be defeated for class president be cause X belongs to an organization thai Is opposing D's D might even be Induced to support X If Y can bo chairman of the class "hop " And bo i on University affairs have become i tungled In a maze of rotten politics; I how complicated 1b known only to a1 few The student body has forgotten thi't It should be the University tlrst, , last and always, and oot the club, f ra-, ternlty or clique to which each may belong Of course there are other reasons' i for this lapse of spirit that must not be mentioned here, but it seeniB to me, that the one dwelt upon, with prob abh too great a length 1b the one that liar, caused the most trouble It would be a pleasure to have the above state ments proven unfounded. If they are true, then it Is safu to say that Ne braska spirit will remain In Its pros cut condition till we can take tho "peanuts" out of politics, and each on" can become great enough to sac rillce his own Interests and the Inter ests of his friend for tho student body as a whole If we cannot do this, let some far wiser person come forward wiih a remedy whereby we can strike at the ery heart of the parasite that' hat. grown up In our midBt, Bapped our, strength and shattered the reputation and traditions established and cher-' ishc d b those who have gone before M Kmley Ted Marrlner Cleaner, Hatter and Repairer. Auto B1799. 235 No. 11th. ; tow ' will V' c t lie linol line of Bath Robes and House Coats for CHRISTMAS ever shown in Lincoln. I'lttti'i-ns spcciiilh pleasing to collcc-c fellows $:.!).") lo Sweaters, Ilcid Caps, Col lege Pillows, Pennants, Neckwear, Mufflers, House Slippers. In fact you want a nice practical gift for liini come ' in and see what we have. Mayer Bros. Co. V R V V f BeKinnin8 Monday, Dec. 9th C D T T f rixLLi oft cash cm ipon r IV Ei Ei i High-Grade Natural Tone Talking and Singing Machine FREE ! Cnll at ar iture and hear the specially prepared Records. You buy only the Records TIIESK RECORDS ARE FAMOUS FOR THEIR TONE AND QUALITY One Standard Talking Machine with Handsome Flower Horn OA AA FREE to Every Customer whose Cash Purchases amount to tpWUU (iood tint i 1 six Machines arc given awnj A god place to buy Christmas Gifts, Fine Fruits and Candies We ran Hell you any good kind of Fountain Pen The University Book Store - 340 No. 11th St., Lincoln, Nebr. Christmas Presents ENNANTS PILLOWS POSTERS University Seals Stationery ETC. The Co-Op Book Company 318 North Eleventh r STUDY MUSIC in an established school where the standards of instruction aro given the same careful thought as in the best departments of the University. The University School of Music offers splendid instruction in Pipe Organ, Pianoforte, Voice, Violin, Clar inet, Flute, Saxaphone, Cornet, all Theoretical branches and Public Music. DEPARTMENT OF DRAMATIC ART Apply for full information at School building 11th and H Streets Opposite tho Univeralty THE Most Exacting Purchaser of Christmas Gifts will find in our stock many original pieces of Jewelry and Novelties that. will be sure to please. Sartor Jewelry Co. 137-139 SOUTH 13TH STREET 1 A V 1 iiu. ITT