Mt iim ' if HWSjWtsstgacTCTa,-. THE DAILY NJE K R A 8 K A N THEATRES CAMPUS NOTES UNIVERSITY BULLETIN JoneB' Orchestra. Phone 1-8605 William Richie of ChicnRo is visit ing at (he Beta Tluta IM house UiIh week. Call Koy O. Warde, dance orchestra. Auto 718G, L8152. Hagenslck's Orchestra, Auto F-2042 or B-2990. W. F. Patten of South Omaha, Nob , npont the week-end at the Delta Chi house. A little cheaper al Print Shop. Duncan's Kratern- C. H. Frey, University norlet, 1133 O 8t. Onuid Bridge of Dartmouth College is visiting friends at the Phi Gamma Delta house this week. Doris Lindley and Charlotte Bed-j well of Omaha are visiting at the Kap , pa Alpha Theta house. . Papers suitable for oilendars and ! ' other novelties The University Hook Store Mr. Edward R. Harvey, '01, and II. I F. Thomas visited at the Phi Gamma Delta house lurft week. Ask for (ash prize ticket when you buy your Christmas present nl the University Hook Store. D C. Wicks, Heorge Hlackstone, Wu-j hoo; Maine Young, Omaha; H. S Vil-! lars. Tecuinseh, Ira C. Von Foroll. Chester, and Al Hannnll. West Cliff. Colo., have been visiting at the Acucia house during the past week ! Freshmen as well as older students will receive a hearty welcome, courte ous treatment, and the best of Bcrvicei at Green'B Barber Shop and Bathhouse, , 120 N 11th St -Adv. OLIVER THEATRE Tonight NEBRASKA STATE BAND CONCERT. MRS. HELMS.. .. Soloist. WM. QUICK Conductor. Balcony and Gallery 25c Lower Floor, 50c. ! YOU FULK CLOTHING COMPANY 1234 O STREET t I'liero will he a ery important meeting o( the Junior-Senior Prom. Committee today at 11 o'clock, U Hull, 106. It ' essential that every' m 'iilx'r ol both committees be pres ent RALPH C SWEKI-Y, BRttl) R DAWSON Special ineeilng for election of ot J fleers Tuesday night al 7 o'clock sharp I in Palladlan Hall Every member should conn out. Othor ithportant business E H . President Important meeting of junior play committee today at 11 o'clock in U 10'T Kwry member of committee Is expect d lo be there. Christmas stationery, fanc catdw 'and letterH, menus, dance programs George Bros , 1313 N CLASSIFIED COLUMN F0R SALK Regulation olilcer'B sabre, ' w,th H,ing jpJt ,, HaHh Appy at, HnR offlc,. . 12-10-5t - 0HT Kappa Delta Sorority pin. I iriiwlor- ,oll Anl I 70CJ nrwl riwolvn id receiv 12-12-3t 1 X. 1 ! MH.W VKJlt lIIU i V,-V , V 1 reward. THE party who took a Moore's fouu-1 tain pen, Initials E II. on gold band,! fiom book in Library cloak room re- turn to trouble Nebraskan offioe to avoid 3t MODERN, warm, comfortable rooms. for business people 1220 R. 12-17-6t MODERN, warm, comfortable rooms, cheap. 1220 R St. (Wt Hunch of keys: brass I. C. C. ' uu,ck ou rlng ,turn to Rag of. fict, Xt WANTED On southern plantation, I man, man to tutor a 10-year-old boy; ) fifth grade French and German. Call! at Prof A A Reed's office, 203 Ad. I i ,J1(JK - 12-17-3t HAVE The Evans DO YOUR WASHING .- CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK jl'- 12th and O Streets -fc 7 P- A. Hall President , F. H. Johnson Vlce-Pres. k,it W. W. Hackney, Jr. Asst Cash. LINCOLN iPiyL A POI N T or Order"! A1jis " "m order ( 'lirist inns tfifts for men lected nt t liis men 's store se We especially solicit the put nuiiitfe of the Indies, con fident that our court eons, ef ficient service and our splen did holiday assortments of seasonable wearables Avill make buying here ;i pleasure. Kver man will be inter ested in our clothing depart ment right now. Two big shipments of suits and overcoats just received (Kensingtons and Kenmors which were delayed in mak ing.) The.N are eipial in eer way to the finest of our regu larg fall .stock in fact su perior to them in lateness of style But because of the dela we've bought them close and are pricing them the same way Realh great values that you won't pass by when you learn about them $14.50, $17 $20, $25 MAGEE & DEEMER Lincoln, Aurora, Omaha (let a phonogiaph fiee See our ad in this papei The l'ni crslty Hook Store THE MOST ACCURATE Ol CALIBER Repeating Rifle in the WORLD. Made in two modcta: ono for .22 Short It. V. car tridges tiio other for .22 Long Rifle II. F. STEVENS ''VISIBLE LOADING" RIFLE NO. 70. Handles 16 .22 LIST PRICE $8.00 Short and 19 .22 lonir rifle cartridges. Send for handsomely illustrated Rifle Cata log and "How to Shoot Well". Order Stevens Rifles Pistols and Shotguas from your Dealer. . STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY, P. O. Box 8004, C-ICOPEE FALLS, MASS. ENGRAVING-DESIGNING OFFICE SHOP 125 North mRntto 247 N- 12lhStrct .boyo -ioiuvpwc 1 Uh Phono Tl J P Phone V y mm Z7lW&. wiv U'Jf r ij OLIVER THEATRE Tonight at 8:15 NEBRASKA STATE BAND Wednesday, Dec. 18 ROBINSON vs. KEEQAN Frl Sat. &. 8at Mat., Dec 20-21 EROADWAY JONES Night, $1.50 to $50c Mat. to 50c ORPHEUM ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE WILLIAM H. THOMPSON OFEDO'S MANON OPERA CO SILVER8 MARY ELIZABETH FRED & ADELE ASTAIRE AITKEN-WHITMAN TRIO TWO ALFREDS Bar. Mats at 2:15 Prices 15c, 25c. Night, 8:15 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. LYRIC Mon., Tuc3., Wednesday BALLERINI'8 DOGS WRIGHT & CLAYTON Photo Plays THE GOD OF GOLD " "MY HERO" "A FOREST FIRE" THE AWAKENING OF BIANCA 3 SHOWS DAILY 2. 7 9 P M. ALL SEATS 10c Visit the most enjoy able and up to date Moving Picture. Programmes given at 1329 0 Sir., South Side. Telephone Yule Hros at onca. ArVM--yM lftC9 LET THE DAILY NEBRASKAN T SHOP KUHL PRINTING CO. 212-215 South 12th St., Auto B 2082, DO YOUR PROGRAM AND SOCIETY PRINTING WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co. 13th and O Sts. V ml 'W ir JrtSr Jlr' Khe5tr3I Ofi f Tj i M ' iilJ.n. .i, a fc . ". "&,