The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 17, 1912, Image 1

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TLhc Hath flebraehan
Vol. XII. No. 61
Price 5 Certl
WRITES THE PRIZE PLAY ! condra considered authority palladians recall old times BACKING ALMA MATER
FRED EALLARD, MEMBER CLAS8'8 to Edit ,mPortant Industrial Series
Will Be Up-to-Date Refer
ence Works.
Dr (i E Condra, head ol tin depan-
iiu'iit ol" geography and consei atlon
recently filtered Into contract with
one ot the largest publishing houses
whereby he in to edit several volumes
in a series of industrial leaders The
books, five or six of which will bo
put out next year, will take up in a
systematic j the leading resources
ol the United States, and their Indus
trial development. Each volume will
be written b a competent nulhorlty
on that hUoject The authors are ue
lected from the universities and col
leges l'rol. Hengsion will write one
of the books
For several yeais Pi of. Condra has
' boi n urged to take over this work
on ni-oupt of his close relation to the
national conservation work. More
over, he is considered one of the best
Play Favrably Commented on by Bos
ton Papers Had to Compete With
Many Strong Productions.
John Fiedenck Ballard, a former
Nebraska man, lias been awarded the! n Craig pri.e for the best pla
wiit ten by Harvard and Kadcllffe stu
(Uii n acorling to a letter recently re
reived by Aliss Alice Howell of the De
partment ol Elocution Irom Professor
Daniel Ford, tormerly of this Unlver
sit., but now located in Miuneapolis.
Eiflhty, s and Alumni Gather WTH pUFLCAT0N 0F NEW BUL.
Around Coard For 41st An-
Alumni Association Will Issue Journal
Devoted to News and Boosting for
the University's Ex
pansion. Making Hs initial bow to the nlumni
called with pleasure (hose -good old I r ,lu' l "iv,'rHl, tmM ,lu" try.
(x s I the hist issue of the new Alumni Hul-
..t . i i H cj.. i..ii ., nr
i.xt active members and " ,,:1 l,m" "" ,,,u "" "" oulu'""' "'
nual Banquet.
Saturday ev 'iilng at the Llndell Ho
tel the Palladiens held their Torty-flrst
.1 it . . na I h.ui ,ik t. one which eclipsed all
lormei spiends and for which tlu'
inauageis. i lei man Wlebe and lgerna
Montgoinei onie in tor a large
amount ol tied!1 From ti 'M) till the
tune Ciev sat down to the bai.tiet la
ble tin parlois ere lllled with laugh-1
ter and nu rriiueut. the newer Tnem-1
her1- getting bettci acquainted, the I
others reassuring themselves that they I
were acquainted, while tin alumni re-
Al 7 30
twnty alumni gathered in the ban
quel hall. Chancellor Avery, toast
.nastei, bet ore introducing the speak
ers, proposed a toast to the health of
last week. It closely resembles the
t'niversity Jo'irunl, the mission of It lh partly fulfilling. In both
si.t . quality of paper, and arrange-
In addition to the cash prize of $500. , loaIed mou ou economic conditions In
l'rol. Caldwell, the guest of honor. Im'nl of 'u'rl"1-
Mr ihillaid receives weekly royalties
the I nileu States, and is able to
-. ... i.:.. .i i.:..l. ...ill ..r... 1...
I rum mih imi. v mi .. .., aai-i ..- .. aulhorltul lv,.ly un ,.a(., HllojPCt
.season is oei, net him a nice little treated
loituiK In his letter to Mr. Ford, the Tu. bo'oks wU, bu blinUui U) (hoBe
playriKht also slates that the pla out j,, Turr Qf ConH.n nnd
...1.I..1. -.! . ..,.,t..,l .!.,,.. ....... ,..w. u-i'lr '
Yvuii.ii u.v ,-tum. !.... .. w, " wlll b1 brought down to date Hesides
who, on account of illness, could not
Ik present
I'lu alit:unl speakers, Mrs F V
Stall, Prof Chase, and F. T A Wil
l's appearance, according to the Ini
tial editorial, is due to a demand ou
the pint of the alumni, to whom it now
belong1- It Is dedicated to the up-
ten by a Kentucky man and himself!
Hams revi-ed the incidents of tin, ,,,lll"11" (" ""' I'nlvtTHlly in all Its
early days of the uiiierslt The ac
tle members ollering toasts weie
being books that will appeal to the Manel Daniel)-. Elsie Ebiimi. I
(( e and M V Arnoh1
punllc they may be used for refer
ences and as text books in the schools
and ( olleges.
in rollaboialion
Mr. HalUiu! was a member of tho
class of ILH'5 and two years later took
his musters degiee. While in his
.Senior oar ho displayed an interest
in theatrical anairs, and aftPT enter- EXHIBIT NOW IN FULL SWING
ing Harvard became a prominent mem-
ber of Professor Maker's class in plny-
writlng In the interim between his Quality and Selection of Pictures Sur-
colleg courses he spent In Colorado passes Previous Exhibits "The
and Chicago. While in the latter place Tw0 Fishermen" Aattractlve.
he eerved two seasons as u stage hand
, .... . ., i i .i , 'I tie annual art exhibit comnt'iiced
at the Illinois and Carrick theatres,
where he got a considerable amount of Saturday evening with a reception for
hlb training in the technique of the the stockholders ot the Nebraska Art
stuge Association in the gallery. Library
been in charge ot the hanging of the
pictures, says that it is the beat ex-
The title of the prize play is, "He-
lieve Me, .Xantlppe." and is an eftec
tle and original play of American life
and manners. Copies of the HoBton
Transcript and the lloston Post have 'nihil that has been held for ten years
devoted considerable space to an an-' Though there are not quite as many
alysls of the play and to a sketch of ' .... oc,r,i for the .
hlbit last year the quality and selec
tion surpasses any seen In the gallery
the author. All ot these accoutn make
prominent mention of the fact thai
Ballard was n student at the Univer
sity ot Nebraska before entering liar j for several years.
Hall Proiessor Crunimann. who has ,OI. Heveral days the heavy cannonad
ing kept our windows trembling The
nierlcan marines have been guarding
the college foi several weeks, and are
keeping us in a good frame of mind."
I'rofessoi Sciplo was formerly an
instructor in the College of Engineer-
departments (ieorge W Cllno, the
secretary of the Alumni Association,
is the editor of the publication, the
campus news of which will be under
the charge of l'rol' A A. Heed
The address made by N Z Snell,
SCIPIO SAFE IN THE BALKANS ireiiBiinT ' ihe association, setting
foith the policy of the organized
forces of the alumni, Is the leading ar
ticle H the Hulletln. In effect the ar
ticle also sets forth the purpose of tho
paper, which is the offclal organ of
the Nebraska graduates and ox-students
It pleads, first, for harmonious
uctlon between the University authorl
ties and the alumni association, sec
ond, lor the Chancellor and the re
gents to map out a definite plun of
action; thlid, that the alumni of the
state get back of the proposition and
Former Nebraskan Professor Writes
That Americans Are Not Affected
by Turkish War.
'1 he llalkan war is not causing I'rofessoi-
and Mrs L A Sciplo much
worry . according to a letter Just re
ceived by friends in Lincoln. Mrs.
Sclpio in the course of a letter to
Mrs A J Morley of this city sayB:
'No harm has as yet come to ub, but
gle it cordial and hearty support;
i and fourth, that the legislature and
I the people be "rented with tho utmoBt
fait uess Publicity is to be the slogan
I ol the ahsoclatlon, so that the people
of the state may know the actual
needs of thi University and the legls-
Mr. Hallaid is now residing in Cam
bridge, and is writing plays aa a busi
ness, having dropped out of college
temporarily at least. He is secretary
of the MacDowoll Memorial Colony,
and is prominent In literary circles
in Boston.
Will Attend Conference of Y. M. C. A.
Secretaries with J. W. Nipps.
Secretary it. J. Keltzel of the V. M.
C. A., and Mr. J. W. Nlpps went to Chi
cago Sunday evening to attend a con
ference of student secretaries of the
middle west. There they will diBcuss
Borne of the important problems that
have come up at tho present time.
They will return Tuesday
The picture thai Is attracting most
attention and Is really the niaster
pioco of the exhibit is "The Two Fish
ermen," painted by C. W. Hawthorne
of New York. The picture is about
five feet by seven. It is hung at the
center of the north wall nnd being ao
large attracts the V&rst attention of
the lsltorb upon entering tho room.
Luring the exhibit, which continues
until January 4, there, will bo several
talks made by persons Interested In
painting and the fine arts. The first
of these will be this evening by W. M.
11. French, director of the Chicago In
stitute of Fine Arts, and brother of
Chester M. French, tho sculptor of the
Lincoln monument. W. N.
t 11 f illlfl I'lUt Vi(ll- I'.lkjl CTl jwl
F' J -"-" ""'Matin' may realize the need of suffl-
a position in a college In Constant!- ( (.,(nt ni,proprlullouH.
nople founded and operated by local - Th(J ,. ,8 tQ be tho moanB Qf
Americans , . ., , ... , ... .,
keeping the alumni in touch with the
conditions on the campus and among
the "old guard." Articles setting forth
the needs or gains on the campus,
alumni notes, and current campus
notes make up the contents of tho
paper. It is to be lBBued semi-monthly.
M. .
I Founder of Chicago School of Art Lec
tures at Convocation.
Mr. W. M H. French, tho founder ot
, tho present School of Fine Arts in
i Chicago, a school with a worldwide
I fame, will deliver a lecture at convo-
cation this morning. The lecture will G,rls to Gather This Afternoon For
'bo one of unusual interest to those' Special Meeting,
whom art In its many forms is a de- . . The Tuesday afternoon meeting
light, for it will emphasize the strik
ing, interesting side of art. Mt. form of a Christmas progrum, In which
, French will Illustrate Ills lecturo with
sketches as he talks, showing the
i transformation that can bo produced
m a picture by a few simple lines,
I added or erased.
of the V. W. C A. girls will take the
all pie co-eds are Invited to take part.
Miss Claire McPheo will toll a Christ
mas tulo and there will he a special
musicul program, a string trio and a
solo by Miss Longman.
i ! i ni n i mil ,i
. n. T- - -,., -.-, .... ... . ,.r i. . r-7 0