T II 1 I) A ILV N K H K A S K A N THREE MEN PASS RHODES EXAM. Two Mon From State Eligible for Ap pointment Harvard Man Also Makes Application. APPOINTMENT MADE THIS MONTH UNIVERSITY BULLETIN V K CiosrilaiKl ol Wane, Paul K. C.ood o( Lincoln, unci Ross h New kirk of Nxeter. arc the three mon who will represent tin state of Ne braska In th contest for election to a Rhodes scholai ship Thin announce ment was made by tin Chancellor yesterday, In having received the re port from the examining board at Oxford Croasland In a senior at Wesleyan University and Ih the only one that succeeded In passing the examlna tlonH given sceral weeks ago Oood took his examination at Harvard, but The Junior Hop Committee will meet' Mondiu at Z noon in U 102 The I thkets. which are limited to 85, will be placed on snle CompB will alHO bt limited to such members of the com mittee art show activity at thiB time. VM KIRK FOWLER, Jr. Chairman C D 17 IT f Beginning Monday, Dec. 9th C D C U f r I H Li i GET CASH COUPON f IV La La 1 High-Grade Natural Tone Talking and Singing Machine FREE ! Cull at aur iljre and hear the specially prepared Record. You buy only the Record T1IESK RECORDS ARE FAMOUS FOR THEIR TONE AND QUALITY MUSEUM ACQUIRES BIG MOLARS ' Two Large Teeth of Prehistoric Ele phant Added to Collection Some j Specimens May Be Returned. . The UnlverHlty Museum yesterday I KM-ehed two molar teeth of a gigantic, piehistoih elephant, scientifically known as Klephas Columbl. These were collected a number of years ago liv l)rs Frederick J. and Franklin i Scliaufclberirer of Hastlntrs. Neb., and .. . T 1 . ...1. Il. 1 - I. , - -- --- , - -, , reg.siereu irom m-massa. w.ucu , llre ,OUIled by thcM1I lo the MuBeum. j his home Newklrk passed the ex-, miinnrv ui,' nmlnatlon two years ago from Wes- lfl R ,h doill)Uul ,f thore ,8 a ,arger leyan, but Milieu to rocoivo me ap One Standard Talking Machine with Handsome Flower Horn t0 A ff FREE to Every Customer whose Cash Purchases amount to P)UUU (Iood until six Machines are given away A god place to buy Christmas (lifts, Fine Fruits and Candies We can sell you any good kind of Fountain Pen The University Book Store 340 No. 11th St., Lincoln, Nebr. polntment at the hands of the com mittee at that time, Horace English being his successful competitor Ho is, however, eligible this year and will be the University of Nebraska candidate before the judging commit tee, having transferred his allegiance from the Methodist school to the Unl- ersity tills year ci.... ii ...,..:... ,,,.,..11.1 .,., iliri uir irnjiri ur uumiiiiurn rann , i . . . their examinations I hey have to sub mit their names to a committee, which oi better one In any western museum. The size of this one tooth is as fol lows: Greatest length, 1G inches; depth, 12 inches, and breadth F Inches The gi hiding surface of this tooth Is f by S iik lies The weight of the tooth when taken Iro inthe ground was 'I'l pounds I A mate to this great upper molar I sn . tound at the same time, but it seem ed at the lime and is now in a i emote pai t of the state. It possible, it will be added to the .ommlttee determines upon the physl-; -MlH,.lim a, a aUI. (lalL, cal and moral iuall(lcatlons of the , , , . , i canuiciai placed I he new specimens will b es i nis decision is inane up- ,,,, ,,i,,, ,, ,,, ,,., .,,..,. on the merits of the case as presented .,,,,.,, aM. a miml)(M. , ,lne wv b the e.dence placed before ""' , M1I.I1S tt,( ,, bhoill(1 ,K. ln thl. MuHl.umi commiltee This boa.d is composed ,, whl(.h ,m, now , t,u, OSHI.KS,OI1 of toll following Nebraska educators: ()f ,u (I (;t.()1()gIt.al survey, that' Chancellor Avery, chairman; Chancel- IMuy ,K, IvtlirIle(1 to Nebraska soon,! lor Fullmer of Wesleyan, Chancellor ( a(...nllI1K l() i1(,fe.ssor Harbour. It' Oeschger of Cotner. Chancellor Schelly ,,, ,, o) tlu. government ol!I-l of York College, and Runt. K U daft , U1,H ial a art . k,ast f ,lu HI)?cl. of the Omaha public schools ns ,,., fom Uu diffelvnt statoH ' Th.-se gentlemen will meet some- h)Ut, 1U. aK(J shou,(l b( rc.tlll-I10ll to H-ne during the latter part of this , ,,., lhis BC)0H lllt() vn. No ' mouth and they have sent out the re-jhl.aHka w , ,., elve a mim,HM. of spw... ' quest that friends of the various can- lll(l1H wlli,.h ul luuke a vahiabU, ,ul. i dldates refrain fro mpresslng their ( 1Ul)I1 i() ,,, MllKeum collection -Sp. I claims outside of the way provided by . the Oxford regulations. Home Made Baked Goods Cookies, Pies, Cakes, Holsum Bread, Fancy Pastries (ffSiy& IV' " WMXSZW c r lP p Cafe Open after the Shows with i "Good Things to Eat" 1325-31 N STREET Mc. DEAN T-ORDYCE LECTURES. Ask for ash prize ticket when you buy your Christmas present at the University Hook Store. ifinsl)mau Iftfp Lincoln Hotel Jones Orchestra Saturday Dec. 14th Talks Before Teachers of Tecumseh and Johnson Counties. Dean Fordyce of the Teachers' Col lego delivered a lecture hiBt night bo for the teachers of Tecumsoh county and today he delivers addresses in both the forenoon and afternoon sob aiors, speaking before the Johnson I'ountv Teachers' ssociatlon. Get u phonograph free. See our ad In this paper The University Book Store. OLIVER THEATRE . Tuesday Eve., Dec. 17th, ..- NEBRA8KA STATE BAND if CONCERT. if if MRS. HELMS Soloist. . if WM. QUICK Conductor.. if Balcony and Gallery 25c - if Lower Floor, 50c. if I HE MOMENT YOU PUT ON CLOTHES made to your measure, you see the vast dif ference between pierchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Be sure to see our line first. College Tailors STUDY MUSIC in an established school where the standards of instruction are given the Bame careful thought aB in the beBt departments of the University. The University School of Music offers splendid Instruction in Pipe Organ, Pianoforte, Voice, Violin, Clar inet, Flute, Saxaphone, Cornet, all Theoretical branches and Public Music. DEPARTMENT OF DRAMATIC ART Apply for full Information at School building 11th and R Streets Opposite the University hr jjjjfcrriianifl ffiamtftri lUmtlu lihr tjnur IDiirlt. 'TRY THEM" 240 &u. lltl? 0t. Vtnruln. Nru. WE WILL DIE STAMPING FOR YOU GIVE US A CHANCE hV fMHTWOj r i r v m . ! College View Phone B-O-X-A-48 itJSI tJU .icoin-tni. ' 128 N. 14lh See our Samples Vrtt&pw m J