T II K DAILY NEHRABKAN .v- ! Property of THE UNIVKHSITY OK NEBRASKA, Lincoln FHKDKItU: C McCONNKLI,, Kditor In Chief. Managing Kditor Merrill V Reed Associate Kditor. .Kenneth M Snyder AHHoclnte Kditor Cloyd L. Stewart Literary Kditor Chandler Trimble HuulncBH Manager. . .(' C Huchanan AHHlHtant Manager I L. Driscoll Circulation Manager I 9 llowcn HCHIMK9 C. L. Yochum, J. L. Cutrlght, H. 0. Howltt, V. F. Goodman, Winifred Soo- gar. C. N. Drown, F. N. WoIIb, A. II. O'Hanlon. L. W. Homo, F. A. Turnuro, J. R. Wood, I. K. Front, Leon Hamuel Hon, Clarence Hplcr, llensle Mason. Ruth Squires. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. TKLKI'HONKS Ofllco- H-1888. Night Phono B-4204 Editor--IM821 Manager- H-1821 MEDICS WILL HOLD RENDEZVOUS 8tudents and Faculty In College of. Physicians and Surgeons Here and at Omaha to Banquet Friday Eve. DR. BAKER TO BE TOASTMASTER Fridav evening of thin week the Medics will hold their first big affair of the M'lii', a banquet at the Lincoln Hotel Ml medical studentH and mem I hern of the facuty, both here and in, Omaha, aie invited to be present The, affair h.-ih been advertised on the Oma i lia campus and a nuiiiber ol the ad v.inceil students and nieinheiH of the faull .lie expected to lend Iheii aid to the leMivltle.s of the evenlllK , The ohiecl of tills bancpict is mucli Hi" same as that of other student af laiis nl mnillai natuie To tear them m-Ivc. ,iwa fiom their ocbuous luhora loiles Iciiget tlicir text books and "Knuircl at the postolhce at Lincoln , li7.- lor an hour or so, ami get to Nebraska, as second class mail matter, 1 g( i hei lor a iende.oti oot student-s under th Act of Congress of March 3, 1 illt(., ,.,,,, (i JM ,.,,. s!imi. W(),- js the 1870. Hcck: " '..ccccccccccccccccH The popular " Belmont " notch Collar mn etc in cl( striped Madmi, 1 for 25c AHR.OW COLLARS Cluctt, Pcubody & Co., Maker University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE S0L1CITE0 FRIDAY. DF.CK.MliKR W, 1 '. 1 li 'idea a'hance.l by those interested ill w oi lung up thc linncpiet . - -- - -w i The buupiet is In the hands ol the According to a mandate of the stu 'l incoln division of llje college, and dents of thc University the Ireshmen ' as- m siik es have been wned to the wear L-reen sUul c aps Tliere is . Uiuaiia ciowci inai uieie win ne a L) m 1)1 ! i'J Make Your Christmas Selections NOW! are to nothing now to do save to get the thing started, and to this extent, ev eryone should cooperate As an nouneed in esterda's paper, although the editor Is personally opposed te the measuie, the N'etuaskan will here after be enlisted in the can e ami w trust that when once stinted, 'he rus toni will meet with continued uicie-s NEBRASKA DEBATES. NebiiiHka meets Illinois this evening in Memorial Hall, advocating the af llrmative of the proposition of federal charters lor interstate corporations At the same time, Nebraska's nega tive team Joins issue with Wisconsin at Madison. These two debates represent the consumation of lour months of pa tient Industry and toll on the part ol i the members ot the University debat lug squhd Their work has been thor ough. no shied of evidence bavin- been ovei looked that would acid I I lie substantiation ot either ot the two cases Further, their work iep u-sents untold sacrifices College work and social pleasures hive been laid aside lor the sake of the work at hand As a result Ncbiaska's speakers are well prepaied tor the eontlict for which the have been wait ing and working lor the past four months For every minute that each speaker speaks this evening, there has been expended by him over thrreo and one-half days of study and attention to the debate. Are University stud onts going to show their appreciation nn it siilllclenc v ol excellent food and toasts Toasts are to lie given by a member of each class in the six ve.irs of the medical course, and Dr Harkei wil1 have chaige of this pait of the e mug's pi ogram 'uclwi-- lor the lj.tii(ii( i must lie si lined li noon Fiidav, and all medics are heiebv notified that alt.-i that I i"u I i i H Ket.s w nl go off salt It M CALENDAR. Friday. Dec. 13. Illinois-Nebraska Debate. Memo rial Hall. Saturday, Dec. V ('iris' Club Christinas Party, after noon. Agricultural Club Meeting Alpha I'hl House Party Freshman Hop. Palladian Annual Banquet Kappa Kappa Gamma, Music Hall Sgnm Nn Paity, Hrownell Hall Kappa Alhpa Tlieta, House Partv Nu Sigma Phi, Party Sigma Tan Walsh Hall English Club, home of Piof Muck UriliLT in the list voil llMVe ol' those to he I'eiiieliiherctl .Hid s..ie tune )y laiieiiiir over these splendid Christmas stocks -il .ilniost '!( ;i in that fcineiiilifaiiees will pop into view. Isn't tli.it tlie "lasiest w a v ' more sat isl'jictorv lc ui and th- re- elp'ellt . loci ' Kit her. .Mother. Sister. Uicithc-r lor her and lor him--lor Ihi- old folks - Tor ev erylmdy there's sctmethine that will appeal in no uncertain wav Come if uiil for the pleasure V'l'i II l'i'I Innii In.ikini; around nr ( 'lirist mas stock's are nuin Mv i in v anet v than ever hcl'nrr and ahont leant ilnl ancl more xji-n A visit hut h s;i ni'j to this ol' time -t on of the a "in I moiiev " ' ( "hrist mas Spirit " w i' SkdlJimwL&; S.T CI.M'S MKAIHI AKTKKS i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mil milium iimmiiiimiiiiniiiim EVERYTHING THE STUDENT NEED IN I DRUGS ol this great expenditure of time and j E energy on the part of the members j E of the team? To what extent will they E lend their support and encourage-' E ment to their chosen representatives E on the platform? There Bhould be E a full house this evening and anything less than this will bo a reproach on tne intelligence and loyalty of this college community. Toilet Articles $1 Safety Razors Athletic Supporters v Shoulder Braces Stationery $1 Fountain Pens Rubber Aprons Pennants & Trusses Huylers, Lowney's, Gunthers Chocolates Christmas Candies Students 3-Course Lunch 25c Served at all hours. Soda Water and Lunches $2.00 SWEATERS $1.50 Flannel Shirts, Military $1.00 Union Suits $1.00 Closed Crotch BUDD 1415 O STREET Gehtih ctT7$lar qiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mm , HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dinner 11:30 to 1:30 Supper 5:30 to 7:30 25 Cents Also Cafeterian Style I "SPA" I Try th Y. M. C. A. Lunct Room I I Cafeteria Plan I I City Y. M. C A." v:. mfc p I 1 1 mnnmnmininra ,'55W1".11 ' , f was, w rji"j"a"H?- WlPglfinyBjByjgtfcB Tpiy w.ftJ-?i.M r -TI S.5 ,. -ti . i ill