1 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN hr I Kl i I MUCH PREPARATION BEING MADE CLASSIFIED COLUMN FOU SALE Regulation omcor'B sabre, with sling, l)clt niul sash. Apply at Hat? office. 12-10-Gt Debate Tomorrow Night Will Repre sent Seven Months' Inces sant Labor. ILLINOIS ARRIVE TOMORROW, IjvbI veai the total score of the sea son In debate wan, Nebraska 2, Op ponents I Ah regards decisions tho venr wiih on the whole not a huccchb- ful one, but it provided a Rood basis, THE party who took a Mooro's foun LOST Alpha Omecron IM pin on cam puH Monday, finder please call Al pha O house. 12 10-3t LOST Davis CalucuhiH In Physics lecture room Thursday Reward for return to NebraHkan office. 12-10-3t on which to continue the work thlB year. An early start wiih made laBt spring by selecting the first hIx mem bora of the debate Hominary, the re maining members being selected in the fall After a month's work in throshlng nut and hashing up the question an other content waB hold November 9, nt which six team momberB wore chosen. Another month of continual grind followed, during wlilcti commit- solution too roportw wero haHhed and rohaHhed until a fund of Bolld factH wore cstab 1 lulled Not What sized tain pen, inltialH K. Ii. on gold band, from book in Library cloak room re turn to NebmBkan office to avoid trouble. 3t eBBary to leavo thnt movement to some future and probably leBH efficient clans'' PLAN IS UNDEMOCRATIC. (Continued from Page O call on the freshmen to acquleHce. You can't force a man to wear a green cap. Constituted author ity at this University has long since I set itself Holldlv iilmiIiih! tho iiho nf a stone was loft unturned. HUCii force Those people who advo woultl be considered a good- ( cute the freshman cap will, I dare say, library was worked over and , hjlVP t" Jb of putting them on Then . Ihnv will lHupnrftr Hint r lt nnnKln tr arrangement of i . , ,....,. reuueeu io ..on.. .w.w.b.w... "', knock a freshman down and put a cap , strong arguments In connection with a,on jiH 1(U(j 1h not m0rely an a priori strong breastwork oT authorities. ( objection, but a very serious Imperii-i Illinois' team who oppose Nebraska nient to the progress of miliatnt Ne- . I braskanlsin ' he.o Friday night will arrive tomor- W Not Create Spirit. iovt forenoon, accompanied by Prof. TH. (.,i,m f freshman humiliation! V A Ketchani. The members of II- and the absurdity enforced submission i linoiH' team In the order In which thoy would. I conceive, be excusable if the, 1 . will I.' ll.ltlmi 1 U;. I W(ftrinK f ,,U C,in l)' tlH IUW man xmi! speak are Will K lt.itlon. 1 Ha ' W()l)1(, ln(.reaR) H.ir (1(votlon to ,' faiter, and Lyman M. Fort. The or- nul Hpirt of our school Four years i ler of rebuttal Is Carter, Hritton and in this University have deepened and refined the appreciation which fresh Fort Nebraska s team which debates Wis i onsln arrived theie early this loie noon Theie they will speak in op position to Samuel S. Barber, Mdmiiiiil Jt. Shea and Howard M. Jones. Prof H. V. Caldwell and Plot. 10. 11. men-cap advocates and myself feel for the sentiments engeneied by real Ne braska spirit Still, the work of the University has kept me so busy that I hae had no time to define its spirit And 1 might as well add that the same cause has given me but little USE for a definition of University spirit Now, Conaiit have accepted an invitation to however, that some advocates of more act as judges at the Iowa Wisconsin HI)iri llIlV( undertaken to degrade the debate. They will leave tomorrow freshmen in its name, I need a deflni tion. And from the lins of a supporter forenoon for Iowa City, at which place 0f freshmen caps I copy a meaning of the debate is to be held - I K. F FORMER STUDENTS MARRIED. Lawrence-Graves Wedding Held Yes terday Evening. Whterday evening ot curred the wed ding of Mr .1. K Lawrence to spirit substantially as follows Ne braska spirit is the willingness of the individual student to sacrifice his in terest, Joy, and satisfaction for the interest, Joy, and satisfaction of the w hole University From this ague definition of spirit one thing at least Is clear, the posses sion of Nebraska spirit Is a matter Miss f degree And I submit that the aer iirn tV.mlitti ii ii ..ill li.ii.i lniu I'.... I unli'll Helen Craves at the Mrst Presbyterian,.,. h( Js ,,,,,,,, ,)y u Kr(1. (.ap ,., ,f . Iiurcti Hutu tirlile and groom vereiu js treated as a diligent and valuable Mr Lawrence fellow student Hy his very newness the freshman is already sufficiently isolated To cultivate the real Nebras ka spirit in the freshman we need not segregate him by a green cap We need only to make him feel that he is heartily welcome and that he is at once incorporated This much, then, is incontestably plain- to humiliate the freshman is to give "him what he doesn't, deserve To humiliate the freshman is to deny him the advantages of democratic spirit and a genuine coinmunitv interest To a united class spirit. President War- humiliate the freshman is to indulge a nor says, "I will do all that lies In my fruitless attempt at violating tho Unl power to convince tho freshmen that ' verslty rule against force Finally, to . ,, . , , , humiliate the freshman is to weaken skull caps are an honor and in no rut,u.r t,m1 stn.nKHIl ,hl. ,. tthlHl senso a measure of discipline" The in,,, him to the spirit of the institu Olympic committee and the athletic tion Since the green cap can never in crease the freshman's devotion to the Nebraska students i graduating with the class ol 11)10, and Miss Graves being a member of the lass of 1911 Carl Lord attended the uple as groomsman and Lucille Keeder was bridesmaid FROSH SHOULD FAVOR PLAN. (Continued lrom Page 1.) mg green caps as a method of securing bourd of tho class also approve of the plan and will cooperate with the In nocents in establishing the custom. In short, the best class sentiment heartily endorses the proposed plan and looks on It with particular favor school, I submit that the cap in itself is but a badge of undeserved dishonor and degradation Thinking stuih nts timorous of their position do well to absent themselves from this m.iss meeting lest in the glow ot the mo as an Invaluable factor in promoting nient they be influenced bv well me. in class spirit. Will '10 enroll itself In ing but ambitious students w ho gloi it v Nebraska history with tho inaugura- themselves in establishing a college tradition at the sacrifice oi student tion of a new custom or wll It be noc - rjirhtH E D 17 17 f Beginning Monday, Dec. 9th C D 17 F r l L L I OFT CASH COUPON IV ji E. . High-Grade Natural Tone Talking and Singing Machine FREE ! Call at nr itore and har the pccially prepared Record. Yoo buy only the Records THESE RECORDS ARE FAMOUS FOR THEIR TONE AND QUALITY One Standard Talking Machine with Handsome Flower Horn Jo A A FREE to Every Customer whose Cash Purchases amount to PJv.UU Good until six Machines are given awa A god place to buy Christmas Gifts, Fine Fruits and Candies We can sell you any good kind of Fountain Pen The University Book Store 340 No. 11th St., Lincoln, Nebr. T HE MOMENT YOU PUT ON CLOTHES made to your measure, you see the vast dif ference between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Be sure to see our line first. College Tailors College View Phone B-O-X-A-48 i mi iitiii a mmmmmmimmmmmmimmmmMammuiiuiiii iJ I scene from A F00L THERE mS" At Oliver Tonight, Fri., Sat., & Sat. Mat. "1 I w gpga