,-,;-,r.ty .. fpXzZtr . v THE DAILY NEHRASKAN I REGENT ADDRESSES CONVOCATION Gives Vivid Description of Spain, Her Trouble With Bird Pests And the Solution of the Problem HiKMil Frank I. Mailer spoke at ( (invocations ,csteiday moinliiK '-Ion- .1 goodly numbei of students, on tin Hubjeil, "Sonic phases of European I,lfo" Hi- lias but recently returned Ironi a prolonged IhII on the conti nent, and presented some of hln ex periences In a very humorous manner In ordei to limit the Hiibjcr t matter of his addiess to (onfoini to the small time allowed ((invocation speakers, he spoke principally on Spain, leaving Hurope aftei a lew mimics wpent in describing some of the numerous (Ub comforts ol traveling in that country "Spain." he said, ' is an Interesting land In spile of the fact that its scen ery i loselyieseiubles that of our Had Uinds It is a cry barren, desolate looking ( ountry in some parts, and thereby lianas a tale In the early I linos the people weie caused much annoyance and even severe loss by birds, which nettled in swarms over their crops and destroyed their liar vests As a remedy, they conceived the idea ol cutliiiK down all the trees. This was done with the result that mlay there aie few birds to be found in Spain, and the rountiy presents a bat i en appeaiance " Haicelona, the pimcipal city and the ('lib ago ol Spain, is Interesting on ac count ol its cathedials Madrid has tin lines! ait gallery In the world, its collections consisting of paintings of the old masters The modern Spanish artists, howevei, with their new con ceptlons of art, are furnishing sub JisMs which lack the rareness of th old musters. Regent Mailer was in the city yes terduy attending the meeting of the regents. He is the only Omaha member of the Hoard, and is a prominent business mini in Hid metropolis He has taken a great deal ot interest in the prob leins that confront the University and btudent life, and favors its enlaige inent along all lines. REMOVAL LEFT TO STATE (Continued from I'age 1 ) AG. CLUB WILL MEET SATURDAY A. E. Anderrfon Will Address the Club Followed by Awarding of "N"s. At a meeting of the Ag Club to bo, held Saturday, Dec. 11, at 7.30 p in , I in the Cicography lecture loom, a big program will be arrled through Mr A Iv Anderson, U of N . '12, who later speii t fourmonthsstudylng Kuropean agricultural methods, will tJilk on "Farming in Europe " Following this will be a talk on the International Sio( k Show, given by members of the stock judging team lastly, the "N"h will be awaided to those men wliO made the stork Judging team. St One ol the Intel est nig things at Uni versity Farm is the "inoul farmyard" which the Engineering Department is planning A model house, barn, sheds' and numerous other inlniaturo build ings aie arranged to conform with that departments notion of an ideal yard.. This 'farm" is located just north of! the Judging pavilion and all visitors' should include it in their sightseeng tt Ips around the Campus ' fc SIMMONS THE PRINTER -fa Dance Programs -fc if Banquet Menus fc if Calling Cards if if Book Publications - if 317 S. 12th St. Wr"rVlr LET THE DAILY NEBRASKAN I SHOP KUHL PRINTING CO. 212-215 South 12th St., Auto B-2082, DO YOUR PROGRAM AND SOCIETY PRINTING VbWt'VWw'lA''& pen, assistant in animal husbandry, C O. Host, assistant in agricultural sistunt in entomology, E. H. Mayes, assistant in hog cholera serum plant, chemistry. Noel Rhodes, erdsman in animal husbandry, It. V. Dawson, as O F. Johnson, assistant in military department; 10. H. Ionginan, scholar in philosophy; C. L. Hoin, assistant in debating, Teachers' Collogo High School; Annie A. Ryan, assistant in geometry, Teachers' College High School; Hertha H Aiken, assistant in English, Teachers' Collogo High School. J. L. C. TRY OUR LUNCHEONETTES They aie always the best We seive hot and cold drinks all winter long Lincoln Candy Kitchen South West Corner 14 and O Street if HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dinner 11:30 to 1:30 -fc if Supper 5:30 to 7:30 if if 25 Cents if if Also Cafeterlan Style if I 4 HE MOMENT YOU PUT ON CLOTHES made to your measure, you see the vast dif ference between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Be sure to see our line first. College Tailors rnrri Beginning Monday, Dec. 9th C D C f f rlxLLl GET CASH COUPON T IV Ei Ei : High-Grade Natural Tone Talking and Singing Machine FREE ! Cull at ur itore and hear the apecially prepared Records. You bny only the Records THESE RECORDS ARE FAMOUS FOR THEIR TONE AND QUALITY L- One Standard Talking Machine with Handsome Flower Horn djon A FREE to Every Customer whose Cash Purchases amount to PU.UU dood until six Machines are ghen away. A god place to buy Christmas dirts. Fine Fruits and Candies We can sell you any good kind or Fountain Pen The University Book Store 340 No. 11th St., Lincoln, Nebr. Mr. Louis Mann Who will be seen in his greatest success of his career ELEVATING A HUSBAND at the Oliver Tonight QJIjr IvPKIMTIIiG' ! ,- CS :- 1 A - : WE WILL DIE STAMPING FOR YOU GIVE US A CHANCE 128 N. 14th See our Sample HUutlb Uhr ijiuir HUirlt. 'TRY fHEM" 2411 &u. lltlj &t. Chimin. Nrb. College View Phone B-O-X-A-48 i.hcuLn-hiui; ,-fc. i -' t-