Ube H)ailp IFlebraskan Vol. XII. No. 57 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 11, 1912 Price 5 Cents CONANT GOES TO MANILA ' exciting battle is assured CAPS UP TO THE FRESHMEN REMOVAL LEFT TO STATE in APPOINTED BY GOVERNMENT TO UNIVERSITY OF PHILIPPINES. TO BUILD UP ANGLO-SAXON LAW Leaves Nebraska in April for Univer sity Started In 1911 and With An Enrollment of 1,400 Loss for University Faculty. Piolessoi F I! Conant ol the Col lege ol Law, by action of (Ik Hoard ol Regents, jcsterday wiu granted leave o! absence fiom t lie laal ol April lot tin hiilnnc e ol the venr Professoi Conant lias been appointed b the gov eminent to a piotessorship in the Col lege of l-aw in the Univeislty ol the Philippine s ui Manila, and he and Mis. Conant sill sail tioin San Fian lino about the ath of May The Univeislty ol llie Philippines, which haw been established since 1111, hah an enrollment ol 1 , t0 students, several large and well appointed build nigs, and a lac nil composed of soim ol the most capable piof"ssional men on the islands Chailes S lyoujngei, tormeily of the I acuity ol Nebraska, is a member of the taculty, which is headed b Piesideiit Muny Duller, foimerly ol Cornell. Professoi Co nam says the Univeislty yeai al Ma nila begins the last ol June and ends t the last of Maich, the hot weather of, April and May coming in what is There t the bummer vacation '1 he College ol Law was opened in Jul, 1911, with 151 students in at, tendance, in spite of the two yeais ol pre-legal enhance iequiiement . The course in the College ol Law covers foui jears All institution Is I given in the English language and substantially the same case books and text beeks are used as aie used by the law schools ol the Law School Afcsociation of the United States Conant the Logical Man. In a letter to the war department asking for the appolntmentof an ex perienced professor of law horn the United States, rresident Duller ex pressed his desire that a man be ap pointed who was thoroughly acquaint ed with Anglo-Saxon law and the sys tem of legal procedure in the United States. The aim of the University of the Philippines is, as ho expressed it, "to establish in the place of the till now existing Spanish law, the Anglo Saxon system of Justice and judicial procedure." Those who have had in struction under Professor Conant In Nebraska know that his caieful and scholarly study of the Anglo-Saxon common law mark him as the logical man for professorship In a University with such a mission a proposition proven perhaps y the fact that he is the first professor from the United States to receive such an appointment since the .'oinding of the University . . Active In University Interests. Professor Conant Is a graduate of Harvard Law School and has been a Negative Team Leaves Today For Wis consin Primed for Hard Match Illinois Comes For Revenge. DEBATE TO BE WELL ADVERTISED At I .'!' o' loi k this evening the neg ative debating team, accompanied bj Pinfc.ssoi Fogg, leaves ovei the Dili llngton loi the camp ol the enemy Wisconsin has the better ol the Ne biaska team in the mattei ol numbei ol vu tones, but this yeai it Is hoped til.- tide will tuin. l'i ol Fogg's ai gunientation (lass met in li lot; vcsteidav at 15 0i and lis tt ned to the speechis ol the negative team which leaves lodaj I'rol Caldwell spoke biiellv at the (lose He stated that he could suggest on!v a little improvement in delivery and piedicted vutory lor Nebiaska The debate at Lincoln pi onuses to be one ol the most iitlng in tho anual-, ol the University's oiganied s -item In the last two debates Ne bi.iska's men have tiiumphed ovei this nval Consequently, in older to wipe out the del eats of former yeais, Illi nois will come primed to (he muzzle in the expectation of humbling Ne biaska's forensic champions The latter part of the week, in order to piopeiij advertise this contest, sev eial debateis will speak at the neigh boring schools C Iv. Rein, for two years an intercollegiate debater, will tell the Lincoln High students of the educational benefits derived fiom at tending, while Clarence Clark goes to the StateFaim and llai vej Hess to Wesleyan University. it is hoped that a large numbei of students will be oul to support this loi in ol Univeislty activity, and also loi the lnfoimal dance which Man agei.s Foi bes and Hess have ai ranged to be held following tho debate The fa t that the music will be furnished bv Jones' Oichestra assuies a first ( lass hop. member of ti Nebraska since IdOT Dining this time he has not onlv made many frien Is among the students in the classiooi i, but lias identified him self with stulcni activities and mlei esls He h.i& been the moving bpiiit behind the grea? l.iw Darbecue for a number of d.u- and within our mem ory, at least, its success has been due entirely to ills energetic efforts. A member of Phi Delta Phi and one of the most popular men in the facultj, the Law College will lose in Professor Conant. anotheret its active men, but his many friends here do not begrudge him the oppo-tmilty lor such interest ing work in tne field George V. White, of the class of 11)10 and a member of the debating team that spoke against Illinois in PJ(9, is visiting friends on tho cam pus Mr White is now living in South Dakota, and will represent his constit uents in the South Dakota legislature this winter First Year Men Meet Tomorrow To Decide Their Own Fate. ! LADIES SUPPORT THE MEASURE The unic'-t pievalenl in the f i esh man Ha.s.s lot the last seveial weeks concerning class caps came to a head las night when a gioup of freshmen leaiieis met and pledged themselves to a definite stand on the question There weie those who 'came to scoff and le- malnecl to piav " Kvery man, before I he leltrthe meeting had pledged him '.se'f to do his individual best to see that the custom ol wearing a distinct ive (lass ( ap was started at this Uni v ei sit) It seems thai theie has existed a geiieial inisundei standing within the i auks ol the lieshmen to the eflect that thev weie to be compelled to weai the caps in lecognition ol then defeat at the hands of the sopho niiiies This was the oiiginal stand taken bv the Innocents when the plan was first announced before the Olym pies, but sun e that time the piogiam has been c onsidei ably altered, due to the influence ot niembeis of the lac I ult and piominent students around ( ollege. l'oi that leason it is expected that , nt the lieshmen class meeting, which will be held tomoiiow in conjunction with similar meetings ol the othei classes, a considerable p.ut ol the lancoi will be taken out of the (lis i c iission '1 he proposal now is that the lieshmen shall be asked to weai the little gieen caps, not as a mat lei ol punishment oi ridicule, but more is a means of identification loi the pin pose ol helping to biing the mem In i s ol the class togethei. t this meeting the fieshmen will be .iddiessed b l)i Ueorge IS Condia Owen Ft auk, Leonard Purely and a numbei ol otheis interested in the cause The matter will then be thrown open loi genet al discussion, and the niembeis oi the class left to fight out their own salvation '1 he Senior Society ot Innocents has piomised il the fieshmen approve the cap Idea, to use their influence in es tabllshlng the custom at Nebraska, with the view of imposing the obliga tion on succeeding entering classes The plan is said to have the endorse ment of Chancellor Avery and mem bers of the faculty. There is some dllferonce of opinion within the ranks of tho upper classmen, however, and it is expected, therefore, that their meet ing will abound in no little discussion. They have been called together for the purpose of sanctioning the contem plated action of the freshmen. If th older men should fall to approve of the measure and the freshmen go on rec ord in favor ot it, it is doubtful what the outcome will be. Fiesliina n basketball practice at F. tonight !: O. Stiehm. QUESTION OF CAMPUS REMOVAL LEFT TO LEGISLATURE. ADDITION MADE TO LOAN FUND Board Acts On Many Routine Matters In Yesterday's Meeting 8llo to Be Erected at Farm Appoint ments Made. At the meeting ol the Hoard ol Re gents which convened yesterday at 11 oi lock, the Chancellor was authorized to Htate that the regents intend to leive the question of the removal of i he University campus for the luglBla tuie to decide The meaning of such intention is that the legislature will be asked to determine In the coming se-sion between three measuies, whcthei the Unheisltj shall bo do v eloped at (he present city plant, or paitially lemoved, leaving only cer tain pints down town, or wholly re moved to the taim campus The details ot the Hoard's forthcom ing lepoit to the legislature were not made public Hence the requests for the Univeislty appropriations will not be published until the icport is for mall presented. Some ol the details of this tepoit lenialn jet to be ar ranged. Addition to Loan Fund. An offer was received and accepted b the Dome! creating an important ad dition to the student loan fund. Tho offer was made by Mis. Ida C. Carter of New Yoik City and It adds a con tnbution ot $100 per year, amounting in all to $500, to tho hind as estab lished last yeai loi the use of the students ol the Unlveisltj Prefer ence in h.-i conti ibutlon Is given to engineering studeiitw, next to male sh'deuts, and finally to any students Fordyce Granted Leave ofAbsence. Other matters of loutlne nuhiro wore the subject of the "legents' work dur ing the meetin. Dean Fordyce of the Teaclieis' College was granted leave of absence for a pait of next seraes te to permit his attendance at the Columbia University Teachers' Col lege Permission was given to tho Concrete Silo Company to erect a silo free of cost at the farm. A new di ploma was Issued to Dr. Francos E. J'ownBend to replace the loBt original. The following resignation woe ac cepted: G. W. Shumate, herdsman at the University farm, effective Decem ber 31; V. V. Westgute, assistant pro fesBor ol horticulture, effective Feb ruary 1, 1918. Ad Interim Appointments Made. The following ad Interim Appoint ments were confirmed: David E. Svvarr, assistant in English la tho Sciiool of Agriculture; R. A. Mosor, as sistant in bacteriology; E. H. Bwing, assistant in horticulture; Roy Mar shall, assistant In horticulture; A. H. Decklioff and J. D. Kuska, assistants in instructional agronomy; W. J. Ru (Contlnued on Page 4 ) iw rim ..--,