t ' XT be Dailp IFlebraskan Vol. XII. No. 56 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, DEC. 1L 1912 Price 5 Cents SCHEDULE IS MADE UP UPPER CLASSMEN WILL DECIDE I NEW PUN IN CLINICAL WORK ft NEARING END OF LABORS ) I A f "W, STIEHM RETURNS FROM CONFER ENCE MEETING WITH BASKET BALL GAMES ARRANGED. MANHATTAN JOINS CONFERENCE Annual Track Meet Goes to Washing ton University at St. Louis, As Kansas City Is In eligible. 1 i Ciapp and Coach K' () Stlehm iti.n.ed lust Sunday fioin the Mis sourl Vall' Conference and the meet iiiK i I th ( oaches and managers Vei y hi tic business was transacted other than the usual routine affaits and the arranging "I HOeral schedules At the meeting ol the Conference, Kaunas Agricultural College wrus ad milted to the Missouii Valley Confei encc to become effective Septemhei 1, 191 J, as at ihe piesent time they do not fill the requirements of the ( on JeieiK e ihe tonfeience did not hae much to do with the basketball lAiles, but adopted the recommendations of the board ot managers, which oted for a clean open game ol basketball with all unnecesbary ioughness eliminated Tlie annual conference Hack meet . will he held at Washington University at St Louis ay 31 M There seemed to be some misunderstanding in some of the papeis regarding the taking ofto be a tradition at Nebraska to the the meet to St Louis, Nebraska, Kan sab and Missouri weie instructed to ote for Kansas City, which the did The other schools held out for St. Ixiulb and Des Moines. Des Moines was dropped from the list owing to the lact that the meetB held there have been financial failures nnd Kansas City was elminated because the rules provide that all meets must be held on conference grounds. St. Ixiula was then given the honor and the expenses of all athletic teams in the annual track meet and cross country runs will be pro rated according to mileage. The cross-country run next year will be held in Lincoln. The confer ence adopted a rule that a blue print of the cross country course and a de scription of the roads be bent to each contesting team at least two weeks before the meet. This was brought about after the unexpected poor con . dltlon of the course In the last run. The tennis tournament which has heretofore been held In Kansas City will be held in Lawrence, Kan , the third week In May. The coaches and managers hold a meetings at tho same time as the Missouri Valley conference represen tatives and made up a few tentative schedules of football and basketball. The meeting of the board Is to be made an annual affair and will be a part of the conference In the future. The following basketball schedule Iibb been tentatively arranged. It was (Continued on Page 4.) Question Shall Freshmen Wear Skull Caps Will Be Put Before Men Of Upper Classes. i MASS MEETING HELD THURSDAY The proposition as to whethei oi not the Fieshrnen shall weai green skull aps, is to be definitely decided at a Joint rally ot the Senior, Junloi and Sophomoi e classes at Ihe Tem ple Theatie, Thursdny, De 12, at 11 110 a m The pioposltlon which vviii adaned some weeks ago haB he. n hanging fire on account of the questioned ad inability of the plan StwMiil meinbeis of the (acuity nnd prom.nent students lune opposed the,,,. ,t , senio, jea, icglstiation (ilan as fii st piesented It now leinains to plate the proposi mm mi mum a ugiii uiai meie i an Lie no misundeistanding. Theie has been j no oppo,tunit heretofoie to ie..ll bring up the diffeient phases ol the subject Now seems to be the accept ed time lo. the men of the thiee up- pei classes to get togethei to decide the fate of the caps foieei It is to be expected that mail) ai guinents can be biought toith sup poiting both sides of the viuestion Some seem to doubt whether the in-1. tioduction ol the caps will foster a moie unified Nebiaska splnt Hence it will be the duty of every man in the c lasses mentioned to defend or attack .' tlin nrminulti.in ff lit Innul ul.nll flwitl v... ,..1,1,1,0.1.1,.., . .. .i..ui ...... ...cv he maintains a neutral attitude In re 'knrwrr no such idea being In use in gard to it Whether oi not there lsimj othei medical college effect that the incoming Freshman class is to don the erdant headgear is to be decided now, one and for all1 lime -C N B mrnire rr-r iirill rnitinMrxiT MhUItO llhl NEW hOUlrlTlLNl Anatomy Department Acquires Many Models Since Last Year's Fire. T.y the llnre the Department ot An i atom) lb moved in the new Medical College buildings in Omaha next year, it will undoubtedly be one ot the bebt equipped departments in the United States. Although fire a year ago destroyed man spociments, Dr. C. W. M. Poyn ter, head of the department, has been verv Interested In replacing the loBt models and adding many new oneB. New models are being received week ly from France and Germany. Up to date I wo dozen or more new models am uBed by this year's students. Dr. Poynter has also had a large number of enlargements and charts made by Miss Myra Warner, an artist of un-f usual ability. The latest addition to the depart ment is a very extraordinary embryo logical specimen presented by Dr. W. G. Rlckort, of this city. It has at tracted considerable attention among students and members of the profes sion. D M. Dean Wolcott Will Install Entirely New System of Senior Medical Practice. EXCLUSIVE AT NEBRASKAJ At ihe l. eeting of tin Unieisit Medical College Facult in Omaha hiHl Thuisda a new plan uis adopted wneieli -iiiois will be given an iiu leaded amount ot clinical work in addition lo the regulai hospital ser lie and Fildii) and Satin day atnplthe atM clinics In an niteiie with Dean Wolcott ol the Medical College, he said, "The )liu contemplates that each student I elect eiglit set i cs or one month ea h, each ser ic e to be under the iniiie uiii'uiun ui a uiueieni "uullltrai Debating League, has been hashed meiiibe i , who will be the ntudents1 an(, rl,iaH,u,(, 'an(1 m, Hlone haH bcon hiel ol sei Ice loi the month as pfl lIltunu.d to ,,,, Htatements and signed 'Ihe student will be lequlred )I()0f Tlu ssork liaH 0(HM, CUrried on to spend two bonis four mornings a UIUj,., (i,0 dliection or I'rofeHBor Fogg, week as Ins chief dliects, eithei at un, wth h,H (ll.bnllllB yHtem, and It ho-pilals, m tho office oi attending ,H tXIM,c.t(.(j tnal Nebraska will put up the c hiel In his prlwite practice In innenetiable front '"'' ' i'l be an appientice to the M1(l (,r tn( worlt miH )(.t11 (.uned '"' ' () b "the debater h themselves In spe- Since the heads of tin woik are ciul leseaich work lequlilng much ill lo be piacticing physicians and time and piepaiatlons The assistance surgeons, the student will hne an un of certain membeiB of the faculty and usual oppoi tunlty to get a woiklng outsiders secured for the purpose haB knowledge of olllce loutine and i egu also been of the gieatest value in the lai practice n.i i i I 1 i- , ,. pian 1S original, so nu as is t VNm )0 uml out on ti, piesent senioi class, beginning the second hcmeH(e, Illinois Has Much at Stake. T,u 1(Ua ImianiollIlt wlth lhe Unl Illinois is the team which Nebraska , wiwltj Medical College is to giaduate students will be given the opportunity si untinc ally tunned and prepared men' of ''faring in conflict with the home in, lho im"li(,;U IfeBBion, and it is "'"' Two years ago the two teams thought lhat the new plan will be vei ,met- a,ul b a 2 to 1 decision Nebraska 'insliumental m accomplishing ti,i8 ' brouBht home the honors Consequent- end H M LB. ACCIDENT NOT SERIOUS Chemistry Student Slightly Burned by Explosion, But Not Seriously Injured. t accident occurred in the Chemis try laboiatorv Saturda morning which wap at first thought to be serious, but is now known to bo of minor conse quence. J. C Thompson was tho vic tim, and the accident occurred when he mixed too great quantities of sul phuric acid and potassium chlorate. Tho proportion that ho used slightly strnined the laws of nature, and as 'a result there was an explosion, and bits of glass were strewn through the atmosphere, mixed with the contents of the test-tube. At first it was thought that Thomp son's eyeB had been injured by the acid, but a later investigation revealed the assuring fact that no harm had been done. Thompson is a freshman in the six-year medical course, coming to tho University from Sutton, Neb. LAST WEEK OF WORK NOW ON, WITH DEBATE FRIDAY. ILLUQIS HERE FOR REVENGE Defeated by Nebraska Two YearB Ago Team Has Been Spending Weeks of Thorough Grinding on Fed eral Charter Question. The night ol December III will see the culmination of the last nine weeks of indefatigable toil on the part of the meinbeis of the members of the debat- lnm m. fcdcrI c,mr. teis for corporations, which is being debated in all tho schools of the Cen- way of preparation for this debate At meetings held at frequent intervals those" men addressed the seminar on different phaseB of the qnestion, sup- P'yii'K answers and suggestions to mny pei plexlng questions ly the IlllnolB debaters have the past honoifl of old Illlnl at stake as well as their present fortunes The team that defeated them at that time was com- i posed of C L Rein, Anan Raymond, and George W Foster TIiIb year'B team consists of Guy C Kiddoo, Dyrne C MarcelluB, S A. Sorenson, and Les lie A. Welch (alternate). Dance After Debate. After the debate, which will be held in Memorial Hall, a dunce will be given under the management of Je rome Forbes, admission to which will be by ticket to the debate. The dance will begin about 9; 30 in the music hall, Temple, and Jones' orchestra will furnish the music. In this way stu dents can combine the pleasure of listening to a polished debate with the lighter terpBichorean art. Tickets for tho debate-dance are go ing fast and can be obtained at the University Book Store, Porter's Book Store, the Temple, or from J. Forbes, C. L. Radcliffe, and C. L. Rein. I. K. F. V ik B - f t I ' -v f t&ZmSSm mSSSSm