iujant-i- JSTiJjSisi THE DAILY NEBRASKAN OPENINGS IN FOREIGN LANDS Pamphlet Received at Y. M. C. A. Rooms Sets Forth Business Chances Across the Waters. CALL FOR COLLEGE GRADUATES. i Tho number ol openings for college graduates In foreign ltuulH 1h briefly set foith In a pamphlet recently re ceived nt the Y. M C A The pam phlet 1h Issued by the Student Volun teer Movement, calling the attention of college men and women to numer oiih potdtionB now open In the field over which It has charge. TheBo po sitions call for men and women who have had college training or practical experience In the line of work which they expect to follow. The reaaon for thin Ib that persons aro wanted who can go into a community and become leaders In all phases of llfo. According to the last report thero aro about 410 positions open to men and some over 200 for women These include a great diversity ol talent To men the Held is especlallv large, In cluding engineers, teachers, physical directors, architects, huildeis, physl clans, business managers, piactical farmers, dentists, preacheis, etc To women tho field Is more limited, but covers quite a variety of positions as physicians, muses. klndergailneis, teachers, phjslcal directors, eange IlBtB, Btenogiaphers, superintendents, etc. These opportunities aie the ie Biilts of the missionary movement of tho Y. M. C. A and the different churches of thlB country I K. F. FEEL GOOD OVER LIMITED HOPS Committee of Engineering Hop Satis fled With Efforts to Limit Dance to Engineers. With the validated tickets Toi the ICnglnevring Hop, which Is to held to night disposed of, and no more on the market, the committee are congrat plating themselves on the arrange mentB for a limited hop. "as adver tised." Only eighty-seven are to be admitted to tho hall, and strict guaid will be kept upon all the back stalls for "sneakers " Chairman Wirt, ol the committee, doBlres the cooperation of all hold lng tickets in order that the dance may be run exactly on time. ' 10ver. one should be there by 8 30 ready loi the grand inarch, which will start promptly at 8 45. The doois will be closed during the march, and those arriving late will be required to wait outside until Its completion." The programs, bearing the enslg nla of the Engineering Society on a white cover, aro of a rich design. Sain Carrier Is Master of Ceremonies. GOOD SPIRIT RUNS HIGH (Continued from Page 1.) Cheers For Frank 'I he calling on Ernie Frank to re spond to the toaBt, "Revlow of the SeaBon," was a Blgnal for an ovation which was an indication of the es teem In which the student body holds I the Cornhusker's doubty little cap tain. Colonel A I, Hixby, familiarly known as Hix, told several humorouB stories, recounted Home of the trials ol his early days and ended by rend ing a poem written several years ago at the occasion of the annual con test between Nebraska and Minne I sola. 'Football As a Training" was the! Milijec t of a toast responded to by I "lim" Harvey, an ex-varslty captain ' He dwelt upon the value that one. ets trom playing the game, both from, the phsicnl and mental standpoint, i an I recommended it as a good train ing giound for future development l)i F S Cutter, In his remarkh on' the subje t ol "Nebraska Spirit." made an appeal to Nebraska students! to place their alma mater at the top of their affections He pleaded lor the subjugation of class and fraternity inteiests to the interest ot the whole I Universit, and pointed out that the reward in the end would be a more unified and harmonious student body and hence i better and more genuine Nebraska spirit. Tribute to Andrews. Chancellor Avery proved a gracious ictim to the demands of the students i and gave a shot t talk that went home He said that Nebraska enthusiasm was not of the external kind, but more of that type that is lodged within the heaits of the students He payed a fitting tribute to Chancellor Emeri tus Henjaniln E Andrews, by relating an incident that showed the affection which the former chancellor bore tow aid Ncbtaskn students. Later on in the evening, at the suggestion of Er nie Frank, the Chancellor was outhor ized by the assembly to send I)r An drews a telegram expressing the good sentimenti of the Nabraska student body. Hefoie the ciowd adjourned, short talks were given by Captain Elect Puidj and members ol the team, in cluding Harnian, Howard, Allan, Swanson. Towle, Mastin, "Pip" Cook and Owen Fiank McC. W. D. HUNTER PUBLISHE8 WORKS Former Assistant Publishes Work On "Boll Weavll." W D Hunter, 1900, formerly an as sistant in the department of geology, has recently published a bulletin on "The Boll Weavil Problem," and P. J. O'Gara, a former student, has pub lished a paper on "Fungus Diseases of Alfalfa Occurring In Oregon." R. S FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES We Want Tour Coal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1106 O STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 234 FREE! SftMB'ShS&a FREE! GET CASH COUPON High-Grade Natural Tone Talking and Singing Machine FREE ! Call tt ar itort and hear the specially prepared Records. Yon buy oaly the Record THESE RECORDS ARE FAMOUS FOR THEIR TONE AND QUALITY DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENT THE CABINET Made of oavy, solid oak throughout Corner posts an made with fluted mouldings N1CKLED TONE ARM The latest triumph of scientific research, pro ducing tho largest volume and purest tone quality, eliminating the metalic scratch bo common In tho ordinary type of machine. THE MOTOR Of special strength and construction, unusually dut able. TURN TABLE Ten inch diamoter, accommodating any size diit record STANDARD ANALYZING REPRODUCER (Sound Box) Insuring Up most perfect reproduction of any known sound; fitted with auto matic needle clamp, permitting of the Instant releasing or fasten lng of the needles. SPEED REGULATOR Permitting the ready adjustment of the speed to suit the individual fancy or requirements, such as for music or speaking records FLOWER HORN Seventeen inches in length, with a fifteen mch flared bell Finished in a beautiful, deep, rich red enamel, and decorated with gold stripes One Standard Talking Machine with Handsome Flower Horn OA t( FREE to Every Customer whose Cash Purchases amount to P)UUU Good until six Machines aro given away mod place to buy ChrlstmaB QiftB, Fine FrultB and Candieu V i can sell you any good kind of Fountain Pen The University Book Store 340 No. 11th St., Lincoln, Nebr. HE MOMENT YOU PUT ON CLOTHES made to your measure, you see the vast dif ferencebetween merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Be sure to see our line first. 1 I i 4. College Tailors College! View Phone B-O-X-A-48 Home Made Baked Goods Cookies, Pies, Cakes, Holsum Bread, Fancy Pastries fv cafe Open after the Shows with "Good Things to Eat" 1325-31 N STREET STUDY MUSIC in an established school where tho standards of instruction are glveu the same careful thought as in the best departments of the University. The University School of Music offorB splendid instruction in Pipe Organ, Pianoforte, Voice, Violin Clar inet, Flute, Saxaphone, Cornet, all Theoretical branches and Public Music. DEPARTMENT OF DRAMATIC ART Apply for full information at School building 11th and R Streets Opposite tho University