t- THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ft n m fl ? U Saily Nrbrufikau Property of THK UNIVKRSITY OK NIOHRASKA, Lincoln KRKDKKIC (' McCONNKDD, Kditoi In Chief Managing Kdltor ABBOOlate Kditoi Amho late Kditoi literary Kdltor .Merrill V Rood Kenneth M Snyder Cloyd 1.. Stewart Chandlei Trimble (' C. Uuchanan . J I, DrlBColl J S liowou Business ManaKei AsaiBtant Manager Circulation Manager SCRIBES C. I- Yochum, J. L Cutrlght, H O. Hewitt, W. F Ooodman, Winifred Soo gar. C N Urown, F. N. WoIIb, A. R. O'Hnnlon. I.. W. Horno, F. A. Turnuro, J. R. Wood, I K FroHt. Leon Samuel son, Clarenre Spier, lleHsie Maon, Ruth SquIu'h SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copios, 5 Cents Each. TKI,KP1K)NKS Office R-1888 Night Phono B-4204 Editor B-1821 Manager -R-1821 Entered aT the poHtofllce at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879 SATURDAY, DKCKMnKR 7, l!12 B Vex" Arrow' Kotch COLLARS THE BELMONT STYLG IN OXM HPTOilTi OLASOOW 2 H In. BCLMONT 2 In. MEDORA ZVs In. CJICSTrR 2 In. 2for?3cU. C UETT, PEAQCiny ACQ., H "' Uahrcnity Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHE AN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED THE WEEK'S REVIEW. The Basket-Bail Roughs Are Training for the Coming Season OUR THOUSAND DI8TRACTION8. Can the average Wlflconaln student keep Mr mind rn hts HtridleB We hate to Hay "No", but "No" muflt bo the aiiHwei Should we Hay "Ych" th JournnllHt would never forgive uh, lor lie well knows that he 1h haunted night and day for fear "the Htory" will escape In his quiet room or In the classroom, he feels a burden hang lng over him; and bo he ever ho reso lute to pay strict attention to hlH Ice tuier, his mind tricks him, and off it goes and wanders in search of ma terlal foi his daily columns The ac tor knows that he must have his "lines" by night, and, try as he may, the same monotonous nimbllng of questions and replies buzzes In his head, and IiIh class work for the day necHBarll suffers. The athlete nurses a lame foot oi shoulder, the pending game Is ever on his mind; he must get those signals down "pat", and while the piofessor is attempting to drive home a point, John is hitting the line for a ten yard gain Mabel, too, has her troubles She has two bids for the Friday nlgbt dance, and to play lair she has "mado Being a Brief Resume of the Events a m,,ss o ,,.. consequently the last of the Past Week. lecture was "awfully dry" Then Students H'tuin lioni Thanksgiving J tKi e's the business manager, it's 11 uiatiou lelieshed and invigorated o'clock anl no "ads." No one can de Leonard l'uidj is elected captain ol scribe his agonies during the next the 1313 football team houi .Moie numeious is the distin- Nebiaska nveives iaorable re og i guished oniniilteeman who must pol nitlon lioni the alley dopesters, si'-nHy call n meeting today. If you ciring three and tour men on the All j M.,. nin lushing through the corridors, Missouri Yallev team I think not that he is storming lor his Herbert Johnson, a toi inei student . next ie Ration No, he must find oi the Universit, speaks at onvoca , ' I ti 1 1 " Chances aie lie doesn't unci j lion on the subject ol lailooning Mr , him, and on might as well offer him' Johnou is now associated with the art Mothei YIiib1ows as try to soothe him siafl ol the Satuida Kvening Post with philosophy Theie'sa meeting at I Nebraska's stock judging team wins o'clock, anotbei at f, and three more tltili place at the Chicago stuck judg-, m the evening, besides a special at 11 ing show You pick up a book with a sign ol re - ;i Kiel M Fling goes 'east toi a he!, and the telephone rings You ' lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHlllllllllllll mouth w hei e tie win (oiiuuci a hei ics listen loi a nan Hour to wnat was ac oi leituie.s at Yah- t'niverslt . complished ' in session numbei two Nebiaska's moss country team wins discovering piobably that our whole IliM place ,it a meet held at Onriha scheme lelL through oi that vou lost undei t Ik- auspices ot the local Y M the election The- mental strain is . S C A too much, but you keep right on plot- Pioteshor Kughcig ol t he c ommillee ting another scheme or hatching out i on delinquent students reports lewer another idea There's no use trying i E delinquencies than at this time last to get the French verbs tonight; and I S veai the day has ended lor you and for S Ace ending to a lepoit Hied by Sec- everyone else IE retarv J S Dales of the University, Neither letrospection nor introsuec it costs over $l,0io,(i()o per annum to tlon can analyze our active student , These snappy mornings WARN YOU--That your wardrobe should be in training for 20 below weatherLet us supply you with seasonable furnishings french flan nel shirts interwoven hose superior union suits. Armstrong Clothing Co. coon clothes merchants I EVERYTHING THE STUDENT NEED IN I DRUGS run the institution lite differentl There are elections ; The Junioi and senior Pionis are toi and .., W I ,, I l,w,,. f,-.. l.Vn(,,,l.r 111 llltl HUUO 11W111 OCl'VVlllUUl HJ m o I , i be united into one big All University June. For what? Into what? Each erve tUI nQUrS dance if plauB of the two class commit ' student must answer such questions j tee? materialize. himself. Unless he is getting some- The Kosmet Klub holds an initia thing out of his work beside mere lion banquet and takes in seven new emnt "honors," the quicker he dropB Foilet Articles Stationery - E $1 Safety Razors $1 Fountain Pens Athletic Supporters Rubber Aprons Shoulder Braces Pennants & Trusses Huylers, Lowney's, Gunthers Chocolates E Christmas Candies Students 3-Course Lunch 25c E Soda Water and Lunches E Gejhit members. that" work the better it will be. Over A Kiosk machine is to be elected on! activity in "student affairs" is fer tile campus through the generosity ofitainly a bane upon our college life. the government. Varsity basketball season begins un der favorable conditions. Over thirty men including freshmen turn out at the first practice. Wisconsin Daily News. Christmas stationery, fancy cards and letters, menus, dance programs. Georgo Rros , 1313 N. aJrT$iy V Qllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll HAVE The Evans DO YOUR WASHING 44 CDAM Try the Y. M. C. A. Lunch Room Cafeteria Plan City Y. M. C A. 13tb and P I I 'iStxt&soKta.v