The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 07, 1912, Image 1

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    tc mm 1 ri m JM rwigTf iTTitH f J" iiff JW 'iff ii' m lii'vyii"" -m f rw, Wiifc,. .
XL be Dailp ftebraskan
Vol. XII. No. 55
Price 5 Cents
, :
After Novelty Wears Off Interest Dies
Down Others Active In Boosting
University Spirit In Homt
Director of School of Fine Arts Lec
tures Before Large Audiences
In Metropolis.
A number of clubH aie in existence
in tbo University which arc but slight
ly connected with University life and
yet of sufficient importance to war
i ant their being better known to the
student body. These clubs, (ailed
county or locality clubs, arc made
up of groups of students irom the
same town or county. Thev meet at
irregular inteivalH and so quietly that
their meeting is often unnoticed Yet
they are accomplishing a purpose in
arousing a University spirit among
theli membeiH, sonic of whom might'
not be reached in anothei way
Theii main puipose in existing Is to
perpetuate the friendships begun In
high school days, and foi this reason
their meetings are of a social nature
Their membership vaiies from ten to
forty members.
One ol the best known ol these and
perhaps the strongest In Univeislty af
fairs, is the Omaha club It has been
In existence about two years and at
present is guided by the skilled hand
of Stuait Gould. The main purpose
ot the organization is to boost the
University in the eyes ol Omaha peo
ple, the high school student especially.
The Nuckolls County club Includes
students from Superior, Nelson, Hardy
and other towns In that county It
was organized fle or six years ago,
and has held, on an average, three
meetings a yeai There arc about
thhty members, mostly students It
is purely social in nature The Keai
ney and Pern clubs aie organizations
of a similar nature, meeting once or
twice a yeai to renew old acquaint
ances. The Hawkeye and Illinois
clubs were started several years ago
by ambitious, alumni, but have gradu
ally disappeared and no attempt has
been made to revive them A group of
Wyoming students organized last year,
held two or three meetings, elected of
ficers, und this year no meeting has
been held.
There are otheis which are so mod
est in their pretentions that nothing
definite can be learned of them. They
have moments of activity, and then
disappear for u time, to spring up
after a lapse of months. Usually they
are called by a former resident of a
town who now lives in Lincoln, and
for several meetings they serve their
purpose, when the novelty wears off
they lie down until a later date.
These clubs have it In their power
to become influential advertisers of
tho University throughout the state,
and the oftlciuls of the University are
According to icpoits gatheied from
Omaha papeis, Porf I. H Grummann
diiector of the School of Fine Arts, is
making a very favorable Impression on
Omaha audiences by his scholarly pie
sentation of subjects relating to lit
eiary and educational matters Prof
Giumman Is giving his lectures at the
new high school auditorium at Omaha
on Monday ol each week. The at
tendance has grown to such an extent
that there are more applications for
admittance than can be accommodated.
Teachers of Education In Middle West
Will Observe Methods of Instruc
tion In Teachers' College.
'1 he college teac hers ol education
ot the Middle West will hold their an
mini conference In Lincoln, Doc li), 20
and 21 The theme of the conference
is "Practice Teaching in Connection
with the Training of Teachers in the
University " The conference will
pend one half day in the study ot the
methods in ogue In the training
school In connection with the Teach
ers' College of the University of Ne
braska. The plans pursued here ern
biace sonic features believed to be ol
greit worth that aie found in no other
i'lie course consists of six lectures i (mining school foi teachers on the
loui ot which hue already been given
The subjects ol these aie "August
Stthnbeig," "Ait Appreciation," "The
Novel With a Puipose," in connection
Over Two Hundred Students Partici
pate In One of the Best Ban
quets Given In
Abounding in enthustnMn of the
nioht pronounced kind that ban been
seen at Nebraska lor many earn, 1!8
men and two ladles passed an even
ing togcthei at the Lincoln Hotel last
evening In testimonial to Captain Er
nest Frank and the members of Ne
brackas football team The occasion'
The college teachers ol education In !- ,h' nl ('""iln.sker banquet
the Dakotas. Wyoming. Colorado.!'"''' l " " '' "U.cess beyond
Kansas, Missouri and Iowa will be i "' "st M.nguine hopes of the man-
with which he discussed Herthn Von pu-tent The number that have al I,K('' H N'hraska pil " 'he key-
Suttner's " Urn," and "Pi imltlve I ,0;.y signified their Intention to be'"0, "' lh'" ,'''llK. '"' existence of
Christianity in .Modem Lite" in con-1 at 'his conference reaches ab-.tit fifty which attested not so much by
net Hon with which he discussed' The lollowing men appear on the ln, verbal declarations of the speak
Ilauptnianns "Iiiinianuel Quint" 'program I)r .lessup, the Univeislty ' H- hut moM' " ,lu' hearty and spon-
The subjects of the remaining lee I 0f Iowa, Dr Jones, the University l I ,a,,,,C),,s l'iiioiistiutlons of the awsem
tures of the course are "Economic! South Dakota Dean Thompson, Col "led '"'''"t" 'N piogram, ave the
Novel,' in connection with which will j ege of Education University ol 'Colo liM "' lo's. ',h provided to add
be discussed Frenssen's "Juin Uhl." rado, Dean Mc Proud, Teachers' Col formality to ihe occasion Instead
and 'Our Educational Problems.' , lege ol the Wesleyan, Dean Charters. I tn' hanqueteis were ghen tree hand -
Prot Grummann has been giving ! Teat bets' Colllege of Missouri, Dr ,() "oik 0111 their own sitlv atlon and
thtse lectures in Omaha lor the last Foster, the Department ol Education th i (li(1 " wl"' " ngennce that was
twe years, giving fit teen two hour lee Ottawa University, Dean Fordyce, Iiik
tuies each year At first admission Toe hers' College, University ol Ne Plenty of Song,
was t barged to defiay the expense ol .braska, and Dean Johnson, Teucheis'i s students, liv experience, have
holding the lectures, and the attend Co'toge, Univeislty of KansiiB bee onie ac c uBtomecl to, the st ice at
ancei reached its highest point' at - the Lincoln was punctually slow Yet
forty loiter this grew to about 300 AIirrn nricx rninin rn nr nnr K.ive them the opportunity de-
Last year C N. Dltz, a c itizen ot Oma QUEER BEAST FOUND TO BE DOG ' sir eel There were roui tables, e-
ha Interested in civic measures, tame 'tending the full length of the room,
toiward and paid lor the expense of students Investigate Nationality of an(' 'he diners vied with each other
holding the Jectuies, making them ,.,,.., , . , in c u-atlng demonstrations, and adtl-
Wierld Looking Animal and Dis
free to the public. I. K F. i ing t o tl.e riot in general Table
i No I seemed to lead in the march,
ehtciday alter noon a pec ullarly , I ts" Hyde conducting the disturb
elongated animal was noticed roving mice Animated groups in different
about the campus, seeking what be1 portions ol the loom, however, were
Has Secured Services of Morris Blish ' Inlf,llt (it.sol, h,. appeared quite till-'not without ingenuity and all together
As Director. lerent from most animate The nose succ ceded in keening things pretty
! 'Ihe Mandolin Club has obtained the' "u monster resembled that ot a llv.-ly. University songs were given
services of .Morris Hllsh as diiector i rodent as it ended not abruptly bulla hearing, and inteispersed between
and Instructor, and rapid progress has gradually, leaving the face as If loath, 'htm, the famous "Beta Quartet,"
bet n made at the weekly practices of i lo loht. k The limbs it possessed '"Powl ""oh" Thompson,
tin club. The club is in good flnan-j ,,,,.,, , , ,, ,. I "Scrubby" Hansen, "Eldle" Gal-
enabled it to be a quadruped if it so', , . ... ,. ,-, . ,
clal condition now and will be given lagher and Walter Kloppe rendered
further aid it necessary by the Unl (,l-lr(1' but u (llu" ot take advantage 80mt. mil ieIUtloiis of the real thing.
versity. 'hte, preferring to be up in the air
The instructor asks that persons de-' most of the time. In its eyes was a
siring to try out for the club attend ' wlerel. hunurv look, und there was i
, , w r -- --
the rrext practice. A lew more man
dolins and a banjo will help the club
greatly. Sp.
heartily in lav or of their organization
At present the main obstacle they
have to meet is the difficulty of find
ing evenings on which to hold their
meetings when there is not some other
Important (to some, at least) meeting
scheduled, but this same obstacle ap
plies to all other organizations, and
ought not to hinder movements which
are for the general good of the student
body. F. N. W.
lanknesB about the body which seemed
J Deair Ringer, a former varsity
"N" man, acted as toastmaster of tho
ext client symposium which followed
the banquet proper He first Intro
duced Dr. George E Condra. who re-
to indicate that the animal had for H)OIH,P(1 to the t0iiati "Publicity of Our
some time been without subsistence Football." With a manner charac
ter sympathy. . teiistlc of the dean of Nebraska spirit,
Sovomi Mtri..ntu nf n.h.rni i,i., Dr. Condra held his audience with a
.-. .. u vv .u 'w. tiaUl IIIOIUI;
on tho library steps noticed the I
strange apparition, and one even had'
glowing account of the prowess and
fame of former University athletes,
and, at the mention of such men as
the audacity to gently stroke the tip John Westover, "Tate" Maters. Wel
of its nose. At length someone mude ,er- t,ie Benedicts and the Maaons,
the startling discovery that the brute "Johnny" ,iender- "piP" Cook "To"
, . I4 , . i Cotton, "Jim" Harvey, Shonka, and
was a dog, and it was found upon r g d I ' . . .... . . . .
1 b , Owen Frank, brought the students to
examination that the creature was ' thelr feet nmld cheer8
Indeed a canine. "Buster." (Continued on Pace A.)