rtyv- - V T II E 1) A I L Y N E U KABKAN Property of TUB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln FREDERIC (' McCONNEU,, Editor In Chief. Managing Edltpr Merrill V Hood ABfloclate Bdltor. Kenneth M Snydor Associate Bdltor . Cloyd L Stewnit Literary Bdltor Chandler Trimble . C. C Huclmnan . J L DrlBcolI ..I S Uowen DiiBiness Manager. . . ABBlBtant Manager Circulation Manager SCRIDK8 C. L Yoehum, J I. Cutrlglrt. 11 O. Hewitt, W. F. Goodman, Wlnifrod Seo gar, C. N. llrown, F. N. VV-elln, A. R. O'Hanlon, I,. W. Homo, F. A. Turnuro, J. H. Wood, I K Front, Leon Samuel son, Clarence Spiel Heinle Mason. Ilutli Squires the common IntereHt tlpit binds the ttluinnuH and the undorgrnd, profeSBor and Bluffer, Into that Hlngle Htrange bond of fellowship "Ncbroaka men," and no It Is no more than fitting that at the clone ot a successful year the student body -Senloi to Fresniaii the facult. the alumni, ami the tuam should gather foi one big ' Cornhuskei night' to celebrate the season's lc toilcs And you ma be .sure that in I e lew lug om successes in the past we will not forget to plan and build castles, it not moie substantial build lugs, lor the Inline The hard headed business men will hae theli prac Ileal measuies, the Senloi will have his hail halUug Id. -as on Hie Oieatei No lii.isKa, and it is lo lie hoped that the lieshmen and sophoiinnes listening then mil) learn something ol a I'nl miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 EVERYTHING THE STUDENT NEED IN I DRUGS E Toilet Articles Stationery $1 Safety Razors $1 Fountain Pens Athletic Supporters Rubber Aprons E Shoulder Braces Pennants & Trusses E Huylers, Lowney's, Gunthers Chocolates Christmas Candies Students 3-Course Lunch 25c E Served at all hours. Soda Water and Lunches SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2 PER YEAR -i -i t in the building and learn to Payable In Advance 'take .1 spoke- ol the wheel and lift Single Copies, 5 Cento Each. ( hfi (.1lhinKeI i,,,,,,,,,,., Is ,,. ,. TELEPHONES , l'ni 1 il lunclioii ot tin- seat .11111 Office IM888. Night Phone B-4204 1 ,, .,,,. , t (Mi.iinl to be a (ontiu.i.il le Edltor-1) 1821 Manager 1 j , ,. , , ,., m atltll,,mK Bntored at the postollice at Lincoln, , sU h ( Kiltl(1(iu; w 1,1,-1, Uh m, hi NoliniH ui as Keeonu Class man innun, iswuiiiHiui, em niiuiitiv ,... 'l-ie-s -. and those ol his school aie o under the Act of Congiess of March .5 1879. THURSDAY, DECEMBER .'. IfML' iiilimatih conni'ited The licshricn p. 11 ti ulai 1 aie uige-d to attend leu iheie 1 1 1 meet and bee onie acquaint imI with not onl theli tt-llow c l.iss mate-, and the uppei class men and old 1 heads who aie niieiested 111 the eliool, but the become ac cii.iinted CORNHUSKER CELEBRATION. By C. T. iin.lni' tin. Oi-iiiK mill able le.ldei , ,, , , ,., , ., ,,, . ,,,..,., 1..,. with the .school hc-iselt and leain just .ship of Captain 1-nink the te-ani 11. is 1 .1 (..1 i..ii,.,ii ,,. 1, what Nebraska t.ie-s to stand lor not adde danothei successliil loot hall e.u ... . ,, , ., , ,,.1,, ,,... oiih In athletics, but in the state and to Nebraska s stilng ol utoiie-. uiii r , ,,. , , ,.i...i mi tow. mis the citizens ot the state of a mass of untiiecl .1 u.l i.itnei 1111 promising material. ' lu.nbo' Stein " IooKIhk ovc the old tiles ot the mid "Turp" lime ha.nme.ed a lootl.ali ' ' ''" NVbumkun we no.ic- that m ... I I'.ili'i ihi' ".'i I'sinini l.nws attended the machine that can light wun nai k 101 thp wall for two hours It neeessaiv in order to lead the leveiend "Cioat" of our old friend the .layhawker off the Held In the last si minutes ol play They did It and Nebraska is "strong tor 'em." But football means something 11101 1 to the University than the meie win ning of games there must be some thing deeper than the mere pleasure of watching a keenly fought Held that brings the old Alumni back In l 01 nhiiskei banciuet In a bod . and again, "The Bnglnecis man heel into 1 lie hall in a hod " Theie is a cor am line spiiit in that which a man .hing clone will not toiget until long 1IU1 he has passed thiough the cam 111s g.it s lor the last time -with his iiploma and it sec-ins to us that It night to be ieled Chaii man Frank -t.iid totl,t that it would be a line I lung it some ol the organizations would 1 ome In a body and help out on the hundreds to attend the big games ; ' "'i.s 111 the singing He said that Novembe. Whateve. that intangible " '"' '' o' '" K'iltl ' s"' h"11"' lrtue mav be that In lugs : i0-i .01 ' llu" ,Hlt ,,ml sonu' mul I''"'" tiai' lege nien--ali.mni and ...iderg.a,! alike "'K " 'e a little out of bareheaded ami (deathless to t'.elt ' I" " '' " 1,t' thought that the had leet whe-n the ball goes elown the- Hold 1"'lu'1 1( ' ,,H' ,,'t" l hll ,lu " ltcaI to. u touchdown whatever th.it spn.t Tl,(' .'"' we have attended in is-"Nob.aska spirit." It mm. w.ll the past hine lwnH Heemed to huo it is that spin, which, in the Ii.mm ol ,ll( l""i ''l!l"11 nd f.eedon. ot a a Nebraska man, whethe. he- stands , , ''" '"""'V 'Pinion whe.e the old lei the blea.hors. or behind a piolesso, s lWh tillk ovt'r "11 t,m a,ul ti,ULh to desk, or on the floor ol .he House o. t'0,,u whlK' tlu' "'Kor men insist on the SenatPV-makes h.m le.-l that goo.l, u'llin lXi' how U a11 Il'ed wholeso.no. whole smiled desire lor his a'"1 XNe "l)e thllt this OIU wil1 '' like "Old School" to he "on top"-the tln-lhv "-'-o" better nttended-and est In the vullev The oioverb savs " lHw x,ax' m only loll a joke we that "Cluu it y begins at home"--well. Nebraska t-plrlt begins on the loot ball Held. Our football victories are the chief excuses a man has lor his affection toward his Alma Mater. They are leel that this year's celebration will be one et the greatest successes on record. C. H. Frey, University floriBt, 1133 0 8t I HE MOMENT YOU PUT ON CLOTHES made to your measure, you see the vast dif ference between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Be sure to see our line first. College Tailors College View Phone B-O-X-A-48 eJhtih ccJHjU mJ "mMm - J ImmM 9 to at af w rm K f ltB Lgl minimi! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif I ' ' I I V V X Student, Prof and Grid-Iron Hero Will Feed and Frolic at the Corn husker Festivity When the Festive Xmaa spirit impels you to purchase presents, investigate our Mark-Cross Christmas Goods The tastiest and most pract ical presents at popular prices. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS STUDY MUSIC In an established school where the standards of instruction are given the sumo careful thought as In the best departments of the University. The University School of Music offers splendid instruction in 'Pipe Organ, Pianoforte, Voice, Violin, Clar inet, Flute, Saxaphone, Cornet, all Theoretical branches and Public Music. DEPARTMENT OF DRAMATIC ART Apply for full information at School building 11th and R Streets Opposite tho University iYiTrftimiimttttliVtm-mimxacmtmm tes-.' r.t nam