Ibe IDails IFlebraskan Vol. XII. No. 53 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, DEC. 5, 1912 Price 5 Cents wf 'j B.j.'f gffgg uam' l,ih!j TO UNITE CLASS PROMS NEBRASKA STOCK PLACES WELL INITIATE NEW MEMBERS'PURDY WILL HEAD TEAM DANCE CHAIRMEN PROPOSE TO CONSOLIDATE JUNIOR AND SENIOR FORMAL8. HOD DANCE AT AUDITORIUM Junior Class Meets This Morning ts Take Stand On the New Plan Class Chairmen Quoted A6 Fa voring the Innovation. A consolidation of the Junloi and Senior promenades into one big all university dance to be held at the Auditorium sometime during the jond seinestet is an innovation that hat) been suggested by a few members ol the two upper classes. Chairman Ralph Sweeley of the Senior commit tee and Reed Dawson of the Junior committee have had the mattei un dei advisement for some time and Lave been sounding different members , ., . . ,,,, i.. ,1,,' cf their respective classes on the proposition A special meeting of the Junior class has been called for this .morning at 11:30 in the Temple, at ; which time It is expected the class a 111 go on record as favoring the idea i Jf the Junloi s report favorably, it Is presumed that little opposition will be raised o n the part of the Seniors The Idea ol a consolidated dance has been inspired by the Inability of.m' "arrowH under twelve months the dance chairman to make satisfac tory arrangements with the manage ment of the Uncoln hotel about hold through The Chancellor and Miss ( ing the big formals at that place. It Ensign have already given their con is declared by the dance chairman ' Bent. It is up to the Junior Class to , that the hotel people are charging thejp"t the nal O K. on the big prom students oxhorbitant prices for the use It 1 surely coming. Get behind and of the building besides denying them boost" the privilege ol having refreshments J J Driscoll, who Is master ol cere- furnished by outside caterers, and that) monies of the Junior Prom, is also an they are not disposed to see the stu- advocate of the measuie. "I believe dents become victims of what they , the idea to be a good one," he says i I i . i "it u.111 ninUr. i iwHnii, t irivi. i lo-ii onsider an unjust monopoly u wl" ninKe it poBaiote to give a ieai , formal party. In the past the proms endorsees Dy onairman. The propsed plan has the unqualified endorsement ol two dance chairmen . and of their two masters of cere mony. "The ideo ot having the Junior and Senior Proms uited," declares Chairman Sweeley of the Seniors, "is one which should receive the most faerious consideration of the members of the student body. At first thought it has many disadvantages, but on second consideration, its merits far outnumber and outweigh these draw backs. I believe that the combina tion of classes and the concentration of funds into one formal affair would not only decrease student expendi tures, buot would also place Nebraska on a social parity with the other great Universities." According to Reed Dawson, who is chairman of the Junior Prom commit tee, the uniting of the two class proms is the only thing. "It means one less dance, but also one real dance bet ter muBlc, better decorations, bettor programs, and a better time. Limits will be raised, a real college dance made possible. There Is no reason why this idea cannot be carried 8TOC KJUDGING TEAM, RETURN-I ING FROM CHICAGO, SAY THE EXHIBITION WA8 BE8T EVER. LAST YE AR'S WINNER AGAIN PLACE The Nebiaska Stock Judging Team has returned from the International Stock Show. They saw it was the best exhibition ol fat stock, Including cattle, horses and swine, ever seen In Chicago. The Nebiaska stock placed well con sideling the K)or conditions under which it was taised Cornhusker, an Angus (trade, winner of fit st last year, were first In a class of senior j ear lings White Hope and Angus Grade were second in a claws of Junior year i lings. The Hereford two-year-old was fourth in his class of Junior two-year olds. A Galloway yearling was chain pion Galloway of the show A (Julio way calf was first in his class, and an J . Angus was fifth In his class The swine did exceptionally well, v "'b "e w.u,.. ...i.i ..-, 11 . .1 1 ,1 .. I .1 MW 1. ,. ,.. . rt nn lltlll..!. l.,.lf were tnougnt to nave wnen tney wete sent to the show. They took beeond and third as individuals in the Dutoc class for barrows over six. and under twelve months. They took first and second in pens of three each for Du- J. R. W. i have been the best that could be given for the money, but at that they were little more than hops, with a change ;.' iiMMK-liiir iinnni.,1 II. r ....lll.wr II...' Wl IT-tlltUf, (lJIUICI LJ Hulling Llli: dances the committee will have more money to work with and will therefore give a better dance." Sain Carrier. M. C. of the Senior formal, is also behind the project. I When Interviewed by a Nebraska re l porter last night he said: 'I believe that a consolidation of the Junior and Senior Proms will enable Nebraska to give a dance which will placo it on a piano with tho other big universities with respect to social activities. When one considers tho matter of price, which has been suggested aa five dol lars, It is well to remember that this will be the one big danco of the year, and the extra preBtlge to be gained from a party such as we will be able to give will fullyy repay the extra ex pense. McC. Junior Play Notice. Important meeting of Junior play committee today at 11 o'clock in U 106. All members are asked to be present. KOSMET KLUB HOLD8 BANQUET AND MAKES PLAN8 FOR THE SPRING PLAY TRYOUTS IN JANUARY. SEVEN MEN RECEIVE PINS The first move toward the mukiug ot preparations for the annual Kosmet Klub play, which will be held April 25, was taken Tuesday night, when mem bers of this unique 6tganizatlon gath ered around the banquet board at the Lincoln fot a little love feast. The dinnei was preceded by an Inl liatlon ceremony, at which time the lollowlng men wete taken into mem bership: II. P Miller, Merle Howard, Blaine Ballalt, Guy E Reed, R. II. Kelner, Ned Alison and R. F Allen, These men wet e elec ted ate last Bprlng and have held a nominal meinbeiship in the organization during the fall At the banquet proper, J. K. Mead acted as toastmaster and called upon ' the following men for toasts. Pro logue," Richard T. Guthrie; Dialogue," Morton Steinhart Randall Epilogue," W. I. Announcement wus made that the,of nlH fundamental training while on tiyouts tor the Kosmet Klub play'tnilt tea would be held on the fifteenth of Janu ary, and that alter that date serious work would commence on the club's -.annual production. Several members j of the student body have been working on both tlte score and the mnnuscrlpt, and it is expected that within the next that of past years. Captain Carrier, few weeks definite announcement will wltn Beverai other letter men, havo he made as to whose work has secured turned out and with the fine material the approval of ofllclal mentors of thefrorn hlHt year'B freshman team a great club -McC 'team will bo turned out. ' each Stlehm haa been working on nCDATC CDinAV M?r 10 I a baBketbttU schedule, but has nothing ILLlNUlo UhBAlfc, fRIDAY, Utt. 1 J definite lined up aB yet. It is expected ' that within a couple of weeks tho nnal 8(.nodule will be made and an- Home Team Will Support Affirmative, , rr nounced. X. While Negative Team Meets Wisconsin. The annual forensic contest between Nebraska and Illinois will be held In Memorial Hall, Dec. l.'t, at 8 o'cock The Regimental Band will furnish the music in the Intermissions and an In teresting evening Is assured. This is the only debate ghen on the home territory this year and the warm sup pott of the entire student body should make it a success. The affirmative side of the question Federal Regula tion of Corporations will be support ed by the Cornhusker team at home, while the negutive will bo fought out with iWsconsin at Madison the same evening. In connection with the debate a dance will bo given in Music Hall of me l empie. Jones' Orchestra will fur nish the music, which will commence at 9:30 sharp, and give plenty of time for an enjoyable darfce after the de- bate. ueserveu seat" tickets to the debate will admit to the dance as well the whole admission coming at fifty cents. Tickets can bo secured from C. L. Rein, C. S. Radeliffe and Jerome Forbes. S. N. ALL-MI880URI VALLEY HALFBACK CHOSEN AS CAPTAIN. IHASABIUT TO LEAD TO VICTORY Is a Many Year Old Veteran Playing 8tar Football For Old Beatrice While In High School. Leonard Purdy, Nebraska's plung ing halfback for two seasons past, was elected captain of next year's team Wednesday afternoon at a meeting of the varsity football men. Hy placing Purdy at the helm for next enr, his team mates have se lected a man well qualified to assume the honor and responsibility of the football captaincy. He has long played a stellar game of football for the past two years and gained a placo i .. ... ... . ,r .. , .... .on the All-Missouri Valley team tbla season by the common consent of the dopestet s. Purdy was a star player on the Beat rice High School eleven, and got much m During the last two years on the high cchool team he acted as captain. Basketball has at last started in ,.arnest and from the present Indira- tlonH the (,uintet which will tepreBent Nebraska this year will be faster than MRS. HOWARD SPEAKS TO QIRL8. "Conumers' League" is Subject of In teresting Talk. An intereBtink talk was given Tues day evening "by MrB. I. R. Howard to the Y. W. C. A. girls. Her subject was the "Consumers' League." She told of the origin and of tho purposo of the league, and of Its effect upon improving sweatshop conditions. Tho leagues exists in twenty-two states and In three foreign countries. There Is no association of tho kind in Lincoln, although plans are being made for Its establishment hore W. S. CONVOCATION Memqrial Hall, 11 A. M. DR. B. R. BAUMQARDT Illustrated Lecture. M V- &f.