T II 10 DAILY N E BRASKAN r Ki 5 ite iatl NtfbrajBkan Proporty of THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln FREDERIC (' McCONNELL, Edltorln-Chlef. Managing Editor Morrill V. Rood Aueoclate Editor. .Kenneth M Snyder ABBOclfttc Editor .('loyd V. Stewart Literary Editor. Chandler Trimble BuBlneBR Managor . .(' C Buchanan ABBlHtnnt Manager J. L. Drlacoll Circulation Manager J. S. Bowen GOES EAST FOR A MONTH DR. FLING WILL CONDUCT YALE HISTORY SEMINAR. MEMBER OF HISTORICAL COUNCIL After Meeting of Council of American Historical Association Lectures at Yale on the French Revolution. University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 11230 St. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED GWKWo2?nT MnOfvHw AlRJDW COLLARS 15c each, 3 for 35c Cluctt; Pcabody & Company, Makers I)r F M Fling loft Lincoln last Wednesday with the vacation-seeking SCRIBES C. L. Yochum, J I. Cutright, H. Q. Hewitt, W. F. Qoodman, Wlnlfrod 8eo- n,- C M llrmun W N WnllR. A. R. O'Hanion .' I,. W. Horno, F. A. Turnuro. ,liro"K nf Ktudents. going oaBt to a J. R. Wood, I K FroBt, Leon Samuel- mooting of the council of the American Bon. I Historical Association In Now York 8 U B8C R I PTMO NR 1 C E $2 PE R YEAR I "p wl" ,)' ono for h1x w,'okR- n,toml Payable in Advance ling the mooting of the council, lectur- Slngle Copies, 5 Cents Each. ing at Yale, attending a meeting of the TELEPHONES association, and returning to the Uni Oflico B-1888. Night Phono I3-4ZU4 vorsu alter mo nnstmas noiiuays Roosevelt Presides. Fling is one of the six men Editor B-1821 Manager -B-1821 Entered at the postofTlco at Lincoln, n, NebraBka, as second-class mall matter, 1)i(t(i(, () ,h(l POUncI1 froII1 tho r0,1Illry unacr me aci oi . onKrH in mniuii o, 1R7 I at laige. and tins is his Kecond years -- service The council is the executive TUESDAY, DECEMBER It, liUl! board of (he association, composed of the president, vice-president, ex presi k the meetings of the association and k the council this year i it'kif-k-k-k-kiKjr'kic'k'k'k'k , dents, and the six elected members if k , Ex-President Roosevelt presides over -fr CONVOCATION. ' Memorial Hall 11 A M if if The council convened in New York Herbert Johnson, Cartoonist, if Friday of last week, and Friday even if -Ar ing was tendered a banquet at tho i ' Metropolitan Club by Mr Roosevelt, as president of the council On Saturday 'the council went into an all day busi tAlKA DRILL rUK lftLlNlillM; " """"ion. mapping out lines of of fort for the association meeting later , Lectures at Yale. Sunday Dr. Fling wont on to New Haven, where he will spend three weeks as a lecturer in the department i of history of Yale. He will conduct the graduate seminar on the French Revolution, putting into practice the i principles of hia system of instruction He alBo gives lectures on the French i Revolution, speaking before the Grad- uato Club and illustrating the methods . of historical research ami Bource work which he uses at this school and by which he has built up the department I at Nebraska ' The tiip is made possible by the1 Dodge foundation, a sum of money left by Dodge to provide lectures for Yale Association Meeting Later. After Christmas the second meeting of the council of the American Hlstori cal Association is held In Boston, to Friday Night Appointed for "Cuts" to Make Up for Absence Disobedi ence Also Provided For. Absolute discipline is to bo the rule in the military department hereafter, according to the new order which the commandant announced in a lecture last night at the drill hour Absences which are not caused by sickness or are granted by the deans will call for tho regular five demerits, but will also mean that the cadet shoulders his gun for two extra hours to make up the loss of time If excused for any other than the above mentioned reasons no demerits will be given, but the extra drill will not be dispensed with One hour will be considered sufficient to make up the delinquency I Disobedience to officers, commis sioned and non-commissioned, mil call ,.,,,,. uUh ,,, r,.Klar IIU.PtlnR Gf the for more severe punishments than for- HJ,hoHaon Hy thlH (lmo Dr FlinK merly Spoiling equipment and not wl ,mv (llliahe(, ,,, work . YaU. appearing in a uniform in good shape . f ilt,m,inir ,h mw.tinir of tin. i association he will make a short visit -! i' Back at the Old Grind With Renewed Strength and Interest We have the strength necessary to hold your interest because we can supply you with the best clothes money can buy, in a prompt, business-like and courteous manner. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS one-half to two extra hours The additional drill will be given on Friday nights at 5 o'clock, but if some can not drill at this hour another will be scheduled - Sn Telephone Yule Bros at once. to his old home in Portland, Me. In the meantime work goes on in the history department, Dr. Fling's class dispensing with his lectures and putting in the time in source study. The customary work will be resumed after the holidays M. V. We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD RE FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Fountain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c Gejhtih aTT$ix Brown Suede $2.95 Upstairs BUDD 1413 O STREET STUDY MUSIC In an established school where the standards of instruction are given the same careful thought as In the best departments of the UnlverBlt. The University School of Music offers splendid instruction in Pipe Organ, Pianoforte, Voice, Violin, Clar inet, Flute, Saxaphone, Cornet, all Theoretical branches and Public Music. DEPARTMENT OF DRAMATIC ART Apply for full Information at School building 11th and R Streets Opposite tho University tSU'.: